Chapter 1: Dream

Elsa's Pov

I was awoken when I heard laughter .
I kept hearing weird sounds/voices.

I can't stop thinking about the boy in my dream .

----Elsa's Dream----

My kingdom was having a great celebration about something that I don't know .

I was just walking in the halls until I reached the gates .

I walkes to the village only to be greeted politely .

I just smiled.

I went to the most peaceful part of the village . It's like the forest .

I watched the birds fly .

I sighed . What a peaceful place this iis

I saw a brown haired boy who seemed to be at my age .
" Excuse me . your Highness but what are you doing here alone?" he said.

" Nothing it's nothing ."and before I left I glanced at him.

" What-" I was about to ask his name but everything went black .

----end of dream----

He was nice . But I don't know his name. I haven't even seen him before.

This is just weird.

Someone knocked on the door .
"Elsa? It's me Anna."

I walked towards the door and opened it revealing Anna.

" Sorry for interrupting your.....sleep but I can't sleep." she said then she yawned.

" I can't sleep because I'm having a weird feeling that I'm being watched." she said that made my eyes widened.

" do you hear any weird noises....something like that." I said then she blinked and shook her head.

" Wanna sleep with me?" I said then she smiled and nodded then she went to my bed.

Finally I can sleep.

I closed my eyes and let sleepiness take over me.
