Chapter 5

Samyra's POV:

It's Monday morning and I am woken up a very sweaty Arjun, who is still in his gym clothes.

"Hey, wake up. You need to get ready or else we might be late. Your alarm has been blaring for past fifteen minutes." I sit on the bed and rub my eyes with the back of my hand, let out a yawn, before lying back again.

"Five more minutes please." Soon I feel the duvet snatched from over me and my hands being pulled with such a force that I again get in a sitting position. I lazily opened my eyes.

"Arjun, five more minutes pleaseeee?" I try to give him my innocent puppy dog eyes but due to heavy sleep, my eyelids find it difficult to open, let alone giving him looks to melt his heart. I try lying down again, only for him to pull me and not leaving my hand in order to keep me sitting.

Well, he doesn't know me, it's my sleep in question and I can sleep even sitting if it's morning. I try to get few more minutes of sleep when I am jerked out of it by my jerk of a husband.

"No, no more five minutes. Get your ass moving now." I pout to melt his heart, but the stern looks on his face is enough for me to scramble from the bed and make my way towards the washroom. I take a look at my phone only to come out of the washroom a minute later, and stand in front of Arjun.


"You woke me up ten minutes before my designated waking time." I complain.

"But you alarm was blaring for past fifteen minutes. I thought you were getting late."

"Ughhhh... I could have had ten more minutes of peaceful sleep." I stamp my feet before entering the washroom again and carrying out with my morning tasks.

I change into a pair of blue faded jeans with black t-shirt. I hide my nuptial chain inside the t-shirt, while the vermilion is hidden by side parting the hair. I have transferred the ring to my right hand's middle finger. I don't want anyone to know I am married, not until I am a graduate. If people get to know I am married at such a young age, it's like inviting a lot of judgement towards myself which I don't want. Also, if they get to know it's the Arjun Kapoor who I am married to, it's gonna be much worse.

I make my way downstairs and soon, Arjun and dad join me on the table where I was setting the table for breakfast. It has become a habit that dad would sit at the head of the table while Arjun and I would sit on his either side.

"So, Arjun are you going to college today?"

"I think so dad. I mean there's no such work at office, so yeah... What about you? What are your plans for today?"

"Well, I might go to office today and Samyra, are you all ready for college then?"

"Yes, dad." We make small conversations, and I am glad he didn't notice my ring finger empty and even if he did he doesn't mention anything about it. I make my way towards the porch area and am about to turn to ask about my ride to the college, when I see Arjun making his way towards me, in black jeans and black t-shirt paired with white converse, his hair falling freely over his forehead, his flexed arms visible due to half sleeve t-shirt. This is one of those times when I have actually looked at Arjun properly, taking in all his attributes and I must say he is good looking and there's no denying that.

"Come, let's go."

"But Arjun how can I-"

"Don't worry Samyra, I will get down before college gate. Its useless taking two cars when we are going to the same place."

"Okay but you don't have to get down before I will get down."

"We'll argue over this in the car, let's go now or else we'll be late." Saying this we both make our way towards the car. We occupy the back seat of the car, and I am looking out of the window when I hear Arjun clear his throat.

"So, by what time will you be done with your classes?"

"Umm...I should be done by 4. What about you?"

"Well, I might be done by 2 only. I will wait till you're done so we can come together." He says.

"No, no. It's okay, you can come back, I will come on my own."

"I know you don't like me, but that doesn't mean you would want your husband's death on third day of our marriage." I give him a stink eye.

"Dad won't leave me alive if he gets to know I left his precious daughter all by herself." I laugh at this because it's true.

"Aww... Is someone jealous they are no longer dad's favorite?" He gives me a cute pout in response, and I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks.

"Don't do that. I am not a kid."

"You surely act like one." I feel a slamming nudge on my shoulder.


"This is for calling me a kid." Soon there's a game of nudging and before we realise we are already on campus. I hurry outside the car hoping no one would see me coming here with Arjun. Arjun also gets out. It's still pretty early so not many are there in parking lot, much to my relief and those who are present haven't noticed the prince's existence yet. I am about to go when I turn around to Arjun and whisper.

"Hey, vampire!" He looks up from his phone.

"What?" He whispers back. We are not even looking at each other but here and there while whispering.

"You are still wearing your engagement ring."


"If you don't want others to know about our marriage, you need to remove it. Idiot!"

"Hey! I am not an idiot." He says but nonetheless like me puts the ring on another finger. Bidding our farewell, we went our separate ways. After my classes end, I text Arjun and together we make our way back home.

We are on our way home when I see that we actually have taken a wrong turn.

"Are we not going home?"

"We are, why?"

"Then why did we take that last turn?"

"Because that's the way home."

"No, it isn't."

"It is, you'll see."

"No, it's not I am sure about it. This way is my-" I shut up realising where we are going.

"Darling, no matter how much I appreciate you calling our house your home, your parents house is also our home, and I don't back from my promises. I promised to try and bring you here every day and I intend to fulfill it." I look at the warmth in his eyes and swoon a bit.

"Come on now, don't cry. I thought you'll be happy coming here."

"Thank you so much, Arjun. Just know, I really appreciate it." I say before I turn my head around smiling and wipe a few stray tears that have escaped.

We stay for some time at my parent's house before making our way back home. We enter the house and greet dad before freshening up and coming down for dinner.

After dinner we go back to our room and I decide to complete the assignment that is due next week. There's enough time but I would rather be done with it beforehand only.

As if you'll be able to complete it today. You will be done with the assignment on the day of the deadline only, so why even bother.

Well, my inner voice is right. Even if I somehow start the assignment today, I will complete it only when the deadline is hanging over my head.

Arjun comes inside the room and I look at him before again turning my attention to the assignment which is going over my head as of now. I think I'll ask Anmol about it tomorrow before starting. I should sleep now and wake up tomorrow on time for classes. Yes, yes that's what I'll do. I get up from the chair, change into my night clothes before settling on the bed.

Honestly, I am so lazy that I don't have a night time routine. I don't apple makeup and so, for me washing my face suffices any requirements for good skin care and I am glad for that.

"Hey! Till what time do you have your classes tomorrow?" Arjun asks me looking up from his phone.

"It's till 3. Why?"

"I don't think I'll be going to college tomorrow. You will have to go alone tomorrow."

"Ehhh... It's fine, I don't mind."


"Also, Samyra, at what time do you really wanna get up?" I feel bad that he had to bear the pain of listening to my blaring alarms just at the difference of every five minutes.

"Arjun, I am sorry. I will cancel all my alarms. Actually, at home I usually had alarms like this only so that I am not late." I tell him scrunching my nose.

"Samyra, I am asking so that I can wake you up. I don't mind your alarms. I just feel bad waking you up before time that's it. If I know the time I can wake you up then. That way I wouldn't feel bad about disturbing your sleep. Your alarms didn't disturb me since I was already up so you don't have to be worried about that." He says cutely scratching his head.

This guy feels bad for waking me up ten minutes before my actual waking time and is not mad that my alarms were blaring for fifteen goddamn minutes. Damn!

Even my parents gets mad when they hear my alarms go off incase I had to sleep with them on occassions. I cannot help but put so many alarm due to the fear of waking up late and being late to college. I would rather be early to college than be late even by a few minutes. I have always been before time kind of person so even when I reach just on time, I will be freaking out thinking I am late when it's just later than my usual time and not really late.

"Still, I am sorry for making you go through it. I usually wake up at 6:30 so that I can be out by 7:30 and reach college atleast ten minutes before my classes start."

"Cool! Will remember it." He says before making his way to that bed and slipping under the covers.

"Good night, Samyra!" He says turning on the night light before turning over to his side to sleep.

"Good night, Arjun!" I reply back before closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to engulf me.


Hey guys!

Here's another update. Don't forget to vote and comment what you about the chapter.

Love you all;)
