Chapter 39

Samyra's POV:

I've confessed my love to Arjun. I thought about doing it at home post our exams but I knew that I needed to plan something especial for him since he has made me feel so special every moment that I am with him. So, what better way than to confess on our trip. It was an impromptu plan since we had a long vacation and we didn't go on our honeymoon per se post marriage. It took me a lot of planning and plotting to execute it without letting Arjun getting to know about it at all. That night was so amazing, the dinner, the food, the confession and the aftermath. I was glad to have decided to confess there.

We are now back and back at College where Arjun is completing his final semester whereas I still have a year and half to go. Arjun comes to College only two days a week but those two days I sit with him and his gang. The other days I sit with Anmol and if he's not there, my devars (any one, few or all) are there to accompany me and act like my bodyguards which is also fun sometimes, especially when you see the girls giving you a stink eye.

Things have been going really great, especially since I confessed to Arjun on our trip. He has been more open and expressive about his feelings, now that he knows that I love him and won't feel pressurised or overwhelmed by his words.

Today is just another day when I have come to college and am in cafeteria. Arjun has not come to college today since he did not have any classes, lucky him!

I get up to go to the library to issue a book for one of my upcoming assignments. I am almost inside the library when my phone rings, making me stop and look at it.

Sameer calling

Sameer is one of Arjun's teammate and since now I am in their WhatsApp group as the only bhabhi, I have their numbers saved. Although I find it very weird that he is calling me today.

"Hello?" I question.

"Hi Bhabhi!"

"Sameer." I say sternly. I call him Sameer since we are almost the same age.

"Accha okay, Samyra. Uh, listen I actually need your help."

"Sure, tell me."

"Actually, is it possible for you to meet me?" I don't know what to say. Sameer has always been nice to me and I don't get any weird vibes from him, so I guess there's no harm.

"Sure, tell me where do you wanna meet me."

"Um, I know you came to College today, so can you meet me in the football field only?"

"Cool, are you there right now?"

"Yup, I am waiting on the bleachers."

"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes." I quickly issue the books I need and make my way to the field and see few people practicing. I look around the bleachers and call Sameer.

"Samyra, look to your left." I see him waving at me and make my way towards him. I sit opposite him, with my back towards the field, and look at him enquisitively.

"Actually, Bhabhi..." He trails off.

"What is it Sameer?"

"You know that Arjun told you he is not going to come today, so I thought I will talk to you today only."

"Okay?" I am so confused.

"The thing is, you know I have a girlfriend and I love her very much, right?"

"Yes, and I have met her also, so?"

"And nothing, so she really likes you and told me to ask you, if you wanted to hang out with her."

"Did you really call me here for this?" I ask him raising my brow.

"No, no." He says hurriedly.


"Where the hell are these people?!" He grumbles under his breath.

"Where is who?" I question him. He looks up at me amazed that I heard him.

"How did you hear what I was saying? I was so slow."

"Well, I live with a vampire so obviously I had to improve my listening skills. Now tell me." He doesn't comment but looks in the field and I can see relief washing through him. Before I can ask him anything or look around, he turns towards me with a smile.

"Well Bhabs, sorry for annoying you but I did my part, now you have to decide."

"Decide what?" I ask him confused. He points towards the field and I turn to see a lot of known faces in the ground. A huge gasp leaves my lips, looking at scene in front of me.

Each one of the guys have a letter for the words "Marry me, Again?" Arjun is standing in front of this and gesturing for me to come there. I leave my bag and rush towards the ground. A quick glance makes me aware of the people around us. I reach him and take him extended hand.

"What is all this?" I question him.

"Well, we had a court marriage but now that the circumstances have changed, I wanna marry you again and give you the dream wedding." He says.

"But, I don't mind the things as they are." I tell him.

"Well, I know you want a big fat Indian wedding and I'll give it to you. So now, Mrs Samyra Arjun Kapoor, these past few months with you have been amazing for me, so much so that I am ready to marry you again. I have never been happier in my life. You have made my incomplete life, complete with your laughter, love, care and affection. It's difficult for me to imagine my life without you. I know I am a difficult person to be with-" I laugh at this through my tears while he is on his knees.

"But I also know that it is only because I know you don't mind it. You've accepted me as I am and do not expect me to change. I couldn't have asked anything more in my life partner. So will you please marry me, again? This time a big fat wedding, with all our loved ones as witnesses to our sacred bond."

"Yes." I nod my head and I see Arjun giving me a wedding band and sliding the plain platinum band in my ring finger complimenting my engagement ring. He gets up and pulls me into a tight hug. Everyone around us hoots and shouts in joy, making us laugh. It's like we are having our Never Been Kissed moment here in the middle of the field with a lot of spectators.

"I love you, so so much!" He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too. Thank you so much for this." I whisper back.

"Come on love birds, you can move away from each other now." I hear Yash Bhai teasing us and feel heat creeping up my cheeks. I move back and look at him. He comes forward and takes me in a bear hug.

"Congratulations, Bhabhi!"

"Bhaiiiiiii!" I whine.

"Okay, I won't tease you but promise me that if this idiot troubles you, you will tell me."

"Of course Bhai, if not you and dad, then who will I go to!" I say and turn around to look at Arjun who has a pouted face. The rest of the group also congratulates us and I see Sameer at last, making his way towards us.

"Congratulations, Bhabs! How was my acting?" He asks.

"I am glad you did not take up acting as a career choice." I say, making others laugh.

"Samyra!" He chides.

"What! You couldn't engage me in a simple conversation for few minutes."

"Well, it's not my fault that these guys were not ready when they said they would be. My job was to get you here to the field. I was told on spot to keep you occupied and not have you look in the field."

"Again, thank God you did not take up acting." Before I can hear his reply, I am pulled back into a strong hold by my husband.

"Guys, we will see you later. We need to be somewhere right now." I turn a little to look at him confused. He pecks my forehead before pulling me with him.

"Bye Bhabhi!" I hear a roar due to everyone shouting it together. I am pretty sure everyone knows who I am even if they didn't before. Arjun moves towards the bleachers and picks up my long forgotten tote bag on his shoulder and drags me with another hand.

"Where are we going?' I ask him.


"Geez, thanks." I say sarcastically, making him turn towards me with a huge grin.

Knowing he isn't going to disclose, I lean my head against the window and enjoy the silence surrounding us with slow music playing in the background. I look down on my hand to see the ring complimenting my earlier ring that Arjun gave me. I close my eyes for sometime just thinking of how our lives have come to this point.

I open my eyes when I feel the car stop and Arjun running his hand through my hair. I turn to look at him and get lost in his eyes that are gazing at me tenderly. He leans and pecks me quickly before moving out and opening my side of the door. I take his hand and move out.

"Why are we here at a resort?" I question him.

"We are here to enjoy our day today. You are going to go and have a spa day, get your nails and hair done and then we'll have a romantic dinner tonight."

"But what will you do while I get ready?" I question him.

"You don't need to worry your small brain about it. I'll manage just fine."

"Hey! My brain is not small. You are small, your brain is small, your everything is small." I say, poking my tongue at him, and move ahead only to be pulled back by him. I keep my hands on his chest to steady myself and look up at him to see him giving me amusing looks in contrast to my glaring eyes.

"You know that is not true. You have experienced it now." It takes me a few seconds to realise the meaning of his words. I move back and hit his arm.

"Shut up. Sick, dude!" I say cringing my nose at his words.

"Say this tonight when we-" I put my hand over his mouth knowing they are going to spew some crude remark about tonight.

"I am going, please spare me your preverted comments." I say before removing my hand from his mouth.

"I was gonna say, when we dine."

"Sure!" I scoff.

"What did you think I was gonna say?" He smirks.

"Nothing." I say moving towards the entrance.

"No, no, no. You are not leaving like that. Tell me what did you think I was gonna say." I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"I said nothing."

"You called me sick and you have a double track mind. Tch, tch, tch, wifey. You are afterall not so innocent." He teases me.

"Shut up!"

"Yeah, yeah now that you are caught, you want me to shut up. Of course."

Thankfully we reach the spa and I am spared from any more teases. Arjun pecks my forehead quickly before leaving me to get pampered.

Once I get a good hair spa, and full body massage and pampering, I receive a message from Arjun to go to a room and get dressed.

I am kind of excited for our dinner today. I reflect on how things have been going for us and I cannot but just pray for them to be like this.

I enter the suite and it's beautifully decorated with rose path and candles. I follow the path to the bed and see a beautiful black gown laid out with a note next to it.

Wear it and meet me downstairs.

I look at the gown in awe and start getting dressed. It has a fitted bodice and a flowy bottom. The thin shoulder straps and the things slot, giving it a chic look. I am impressed when I see my makeup box and matching black heels and diamond jewellery placed. It's a simple necklace with studs for earrings. I quickly get dressed and go downstairs. I am eagre to see Arjun now. He has put in a lot of effort in this and he needs to be appreciated for it, especially since we have a beautiful suite in our name for the night.

I step towards the reception area to see Arjun waiting for me, looking dashing in blacks suit with white shirt underneath.

"You look gorgeous!" He says once I reach him.

"I wish I could've said the same for you!" I tease him.

"Liar! Admit it, I look hot. I can see it in your eyes." He says pulling me to himself.

"Right!" I say sarcastically.

"Deny how much you want to. We'll see what you think of me and this body tonight!" He smirks.

"Oh God! Can we please not do your innuendos anymore?" I ask him, feeling my cheeks get redder with every passing second.

"Believe me you wouldn't want that. If I switch to actual words instead of innuendos..."

"Ughhh... Where are we going?" I decide it's better to change the subject than to try him into talking without his sexual comments and filthy mouth, which are not appreciated right now.

"Well, I thought we deserve to celebrate our engagement and so, we are going to eat amazing food, dance and have fun..." He trails off, holding my hand and taking me somewhere.

"Okay?" I ask him, quizzically. We are making it way to the resort's garden from the looks of it. Once we reach closer I see it friends and family waiting for us.

"With all of our loved ones." He says, making me look at him.

"Have I told you I love you?" I say.

"Now might me a good time to remind me, Mrs. Kapoor."

"Well, Mr. Vampire, I love you. Thank you for giving me this huge family. Thank you for coming into my life and making my life so messy, chaotic and adding meaning to it." I say and can see his expressions change by listening to my words before he playfully glares at me.

"I love you too. Thank you for loving me."

We move towards the people who are patiently waiting for us and indulge in a night full of laughter, food, fun, and a few hours worth thousands of memories with the people who made us who we are and who have been with us for better or for worse.


Hey Guys!
This is the last chapter for the story. I might upload the epilogue but it'll take sometime and will probably be few years gap in their lives.

Let me know if you would want bonus chapters of their big fat Indian wedding and I'll see what I can do.

Hope you all enjoy the update. Thank you so much for giving this book a chance.

Love you all:)
