Well that escalated quickly.

Yeah ok, here's another chapter. Prepare for cringiness and suckyness. I don't own anything Aphmau related. Sorry if anyone's OOC in this chapter and the shortness. And please pardon my atrocious writing.


Kacey was standing at the foot of Kai's porch, a confident expression plastered onto his face.

Okay Kacey, you can do this! You're the man! You're going to march up to that door, study with Kai, and raise your grade in algebra! Nothing could possibly go wrong!

The blue haired boy strolled up to the door with confidence. He reached his hand out towards the door, ready to knock, but before his knuckles touched the door, he stopped. He quickly retracted his hand and brought both of his hands to his face as he began to flare up with red.

I can't do this! I can't be alone with Kai! I'll just embarrass myself! I'll trip and break a vase-

"Ah, Kacey. You're here."

And everything will catch on fire and his precious family heirloom will be destroyed-


-and then Kai will never want to see me again and reality will collapse on itself and all order in the universe will be lo-


Said boy snapped out of his daze and gazed up at the taller senior. Another blush enveloped his features.

"O-Oh! Kai! H-Hey..." Kacey let out an awkward chuckle.

"You alright, Kacey?" Kai said in a concerned tone. "You seem to have dozed off."

Kacey nodded his head vigorously. "Y-Yup! I'm fine!" Kai blinked, then smirked.

"If you say so... Why don't you come in? We can get started on your algebra." Kai motioned for Kacey to come in with a smile. His ears twitching all the while.

---MLGPro Kacey's POV---

I followed Kai into his medium-sized house. The entryway was littered with shoes of all kinds and large coats hung from the hanger-things on the wall.

"W-Wait, Kai." He turned to me. "M-My dad said since you're taking time out of your day to help me... that it would be polite to bring you a g-gift..." I finished with an embarrassed expression.

Kai grinned. "A gift for me? You didn't have to do that." His eyes glimmered expectantly as I reached into my back pocket. I pulled out a little styrofoam cup with plastic wrap on the top. I handed him the cup and he looked inside.


The silence was horrible. Kai glanced up at me with an icy glare. I Panicked! At the Disco.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! I just thought... since you were a cat- no Meif'wa! Ah! I-"

Kacey's frantic words were interrupted by shrill laughter.


The freshman's face burned once again. "K-Kai?" Still howling with laughter, the senior tried to calm himself.

"Ahaha... Kacey, you're adorable!" He said while ruffling my hair. He placed the cup down on a nearby table. "Thanks for the laugh, kiddo. Alright, my room's upstairs. C'mon."

We climbed the stairs at the back of the room to enter another long hallway. At the end of the hallway was a lone door with a sign hanging on the door that read 'Kai' written in sloppy orange paint.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Kai announced, opening the door. I gaped at the room. It was much bigger than mine! At one corner of the room, there were three beanbags huddled together all in orange, with a T.V. at the side and a gaming console sitting at it's bottom. In the front of the room lay Kai's bed. It had thick silky blankets in need of smoothing, and several pillows that could hold three heads at least. His wardrobe was large and fancy, with distinct patterns built into the wood to give an enchanted forest vibe. Everywhere else in the room had piles of books, movies, and other cool knick-knacks.

"Sorry about the mess. I didn't get a chance to clean up." Kai said apologetically.

"It's fine." I replied. "You're room's really cool, Kai!" The meif'wa's face slightly grew pink.

"Th-Thanks. But enough about my room. Let's get started. Did you bring homework?"

I smiled and reached into my bag (yes, I brought one). I pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper riddled with little equations and numbers.


"Ah, I see your problem." The orange-ette said knowingly. "You're dividing the two when you should be multiplying it. Here, now carry the three..."

Kacey obediently scribbled down what Kai was saying. The two boys were sitting down on the floor, working on a low table Kai brought out of his closet. This "study date" was actually going pretty well! Kacey had learned quite a bit, he was comfortable talking to Kai now, and their hands brushed together a few times! The boy internally squealed at those moments. He was content.

Kacey glanced at the clock on Kai's bedside table and his eyes widened.

It's already been two hours!?

"U-Uh... Kai?" Kacey squeaked out.

Said boy looked up. "Hm?"

"I-It's almost 7:00. I-I think I should head home..." Kai turned his head over to his clock. "Yeah, you're right. C'mon, I'll walk you home."

What happened next is what the author hoped would redeem this sh!t show of a fanfic.

The two boys stood up a bit too quickly. Kacey accidentally slipped on the rug beneath his feet and slammed into Kai's front. Letting out a yelp, Kai lost his balance and toppled to the ground, Kacey catching himself with his hands.

After a second, the bluenette hesitantly opened his eyes, which immediately snapped wide open. Both of his hands were on the sides of Kai's shoulders, pinning him to the floor. Blood rushed to both their cheeks.

"K-Kai! I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" Kacey tried to pull back, but a hand gripped his sleeve, stopping him.

Kai peered up at Kacey with his mouth curled a sly grin. He opened his mouth to speak. "What's the rush?" He pulled the other boy closer, earning a loud squeak from the freshman.

"I kinda like a cutie like you on top of me." He purred seductively. "Maybe I should thank you for the Friskies~." Kacey shuddered as he felt Kai's hands on his hips, slowly going down onto his thighs. His right hand left his thigh to stroke Kacey's cheek, brushing the hair out of his tomato-red face.

"K-Kai..." Kacey felt a surge of courage deep inside himself, and slammed his lips down onto the other's. Kai was surprised by the bluenette's actions, but he soon melted into the kiss. Kai guided Kacey's soft, inexperienced lips with his own, letting the younger boy enjoy the taste of him. The meif'wa lightly nibbled along the freshman's lower lip, earning a gasp from him. Their lips collided again, this time with more passion and daring. They rolled over, now Kai was on top of Kacey, dominating his mouth. His tongue poked at the freshman's lips. Kacey bashfully opened his mouth to allow him entrance. The warm muscle invaded Kacey's warm wet cavern. It dragged up along the sides of his mouth and teasingly poked at the other boy's tongue. With a final small peck, the two hesitantly separated.



Kai got off the other. "I'm sorry, Kacey... I shouldn't of taken advantage of you like that..."

Kacey quickly rose to his side. "N-No! I-I'm sorry, Kai... I don't know what came over me... I shouldn't of kissed you out of the blue like that..."

Kai grinned teasingly. "But you liked it, right?" The younger boy tensed up and hid his face, but muttered a little, "Yes..." Kacey took a moment to catch his breath. "Kai... I've only known you for about a month, but... I... I think I l-l-like you..." His hands were still covering his face, fearing rejection. When none came, the freshman lowered his hands, still keeping his head low.

"I... I've kinda liked you too... for a while... You're just so cute... I didn't exactly invite you over because I like helping people with their homework, y'know."

---Blue Haired Twink's POV---

I heard a loud beep from outside.

"KACEY GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!" It was Katelyn and Dad.

Way to ruin the moment, sis...

"W-Well... see ya, Kai!" Without another word, I let myself out of the house, and climbed into the backseat of Dad's car.




"Did ya get some?"



Good Lord that escalated quickly. Despite that, I hope you enjoyed. I think I'll continue this later. Thanks for reading! <3

kAi YoU hOrNy BaStArD dOnT tAkE mAh BoIs PuRiTy
