
Hoi~. I've had the idea of Kai and Kacey in my crazy mind for some reason for a while now, so I thought I'd write about it. It'll probably be cringy, but that's what makes it fun. I DON'T OWN THE COVER ART OR ANYTHING APHMAU RELATED   (sorry if I get anything wrong, I'm still catching up)


   "Ugh... Why does algebra have to be so hard?" Kacey groaned to himself as he dragged himself through the twisting hallways of Phoenix Drop High. Kacey has had a D in the class for a while now, and if he didn't raise his grade to a B by the end of the month, his Dad will kill him. 

   I didn't think Dad would be so serious about this... When he initially told his father about his grade in Algebra, he had expected him to be laid back about it. BUT NO. OH IRENE NO. Kacey had never seen his father so upset about anything else in his life! HE'S AN EX-WRESTLER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

   The bluenette continued to groan to himself. He sat down at the first bench he found and looked at his grade sheet. 

   73%... That still isn't good enough... He ran a hand through his silky hair. "How on earth am I going to raise this on time!?"

--K@¢€¥'$ POV--

   "Something wrong there, Kacey?" I dashed my head around in surprise. Sitting right next to me was an orange haired Meif'wa boy. His blazing eyes sparkling like jewels, and his soft lips curled into a concerned frown. I had sat right next to him and I didn't even notice...

  I had known Kai for while now. Aphmau decided to introduce me to him a month ago, and he seemed really cool. Not to mention handsome.

   "Oh... No, K-Kai. Nothing's wrong..." I lied, blushing.

  He didn't seem to buy it. "You sure? Looks like something's really bothering you." I sighed. I was never good at lying.

"Well... yeah." I began. "I-I'm having a lot of trouble in algebra. If I can't raise my grade to a B by the end of the month, my Dad'll ground me." Kai looked at me warmly. His ears twitched and his tail waved around.  The Meif'wa smiled and replied, "Algebra? I'm acing that class." He paused for a moment. "I could help you study, if you want."

   I perked up. "R-Really!?" I asked in excitement. This had to be my lucky break, maybe Irene doesn't hate me after all.

   Kai chuckled. "Of course! I'm happy to help. Any friend of Aphmau's is a friend of mine." I was bouncing in my seat. I would finally be able to pass algebra, so I ignored the thick cloud of awkwardness floating above my shoulders. His seductive smile, that gorgeous face, those adorable cat ears... This is all a bit too much.

   "S-So, when s-should we m-meet up for the study d-date?" I let out a squeak (a manly squeak, mind you). OH SWEET MOTHER IRENE ON THE HOOD OF A MERCEDES BENZ I JUST CALLED IT A DATE!!!! PGLAGGLBLABBLE

  Kai did a sexy kitten smirk and chuckled seductively. "You can come over to my place. My folks will be gone for the week, so I have the house to myself. We can have our... study date there." He gave me a wink. My face flamed with red. "But before all that," Kai continued. "I'm gonna need your number, so I can text you my address."

   My mouth curved into a small smile as I hesitantly reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. We exchanged numbers. "Alright, Kacey. Come over tomorrow around 5:00 so we can get started on your... weak spots."

   omyirenethewayhesaidthatohmygosh. My mind went a million miles a minute.    D-Did he have to say it like t-that... "Y-Yeah. Thank you so much, K-Kai! I won't be late!" He gave me another smile and an adorable ear twitch. "No problemo, Kacey. I'll see you then." Kai walked away from me. His butt- I MEAN HIS TAIL- moved side to side with each step. (But it was a nice butt...) Mentally slapping myself free of the  fire on my face, I rushed towards my next class.



   The (what the heck is Katelyn's last name) family was sitting together at the dinner table picking away at their food. Kacey had a big smile on his face with a tinge of pink on his cheeks. Katelyn immediately took notice. 

   "What's up, squeakers? You seem awfully giddy." Kacey jerked his head toward his and his face flushed. "W-What d'you mean?" Katelyn chuckled in reply. "That bright smile, your cute blushing face: I'd say you have a new girlfriend!"

  Kacey didn't know whether to feel relieved or even more embarrassed. Maybe both.

   "N-No! I-It's not like that!" Before the blue haired twink could explain more, his Dad joined the excitement. "Awww! That's my boy!" Kacey flushed a million shades of red. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT I'M JUST MEETING UP WITH KAI SO HE CAN HELP ME WITH MY HOMEWORK OKAY?!?!" That came off louder than he wanted.

   "Kai?" Katelyn interjected. "Aphmau's Meif'wa friend?" Their dad, Eric, seemed to simmer down. "Well, this'll be a great oppurtunity to make a new friend. Y'know, since he's doing so much for you, how about gettin' the nice boy a gift? That always breaks the ice." 

   That sounded like a great idea, but Kacey had no idea what to give such a cool, amazing, hot- *Ahem* Kai. He scanned the dining room for any sort of gift. His eyes finally landed on a bag of cat food.





"Be sure to to bring protection."



So yeah, that was the first chapter. I know, it was short and really fast paced, but ai tried, okay? Ugh, I wrote Kacey like an anime school girl. I hope to continue this story later, so if you enjoyed, be sure to leave a comment! Things may get... heated. Buh-BYE!!!
