Part 7

Friday walked up to the limo satisfied of another job well done. As she grew close closer to the car, she noticed that all the limo's proportions were wrong.

"This isn't our car" she whispered to Ian.

"Are you sure?" he whispered back.

"Yes, but I have a feeling that we shouldn't tell the chief" She answered.

"Why do you think she is involved in all of this" Ian asked now glancing over to see what she was doing as if he expected her to attack them at any given moment.

"No, not particularly" Friday said. Ian was utterly confused.

"Wait I'm lost, were not going to tell Chief Crouwler an important piece of information that might I add could change this whole entire investigation because you have a feeling that we shouldn't" he said thinking Friday had gone insane.

"You're not lost in fact your bang on that's exactly what going to do" Friday answered back continuing to walk up to the limo.

"Ok genius how are we going to solve this case without telling the chief" Ian uttered under his breath.

"By finding the limo," said Friday.

"And how are we going to do that," said Ian.

"By going to the gas station" Friday answered "but first we need to go an search the limo as not draw suspicion ... where's Bella" Friday looked around her.

"I thought you had her" Ian panicked looking round to. Friday ran over to the tent at full speed, she was getting better at running as she moved faster and felt less pain.

"Nigel..." she wheezed trying to contain all the oxygen she digested in the last 15 seconds "have you ... seen... Bella".

"who" Nigel asked not looking up from some random doodles he was doing on a piece of paper.

"Bella, you know they baby who was here with us when we arrived and has now dispersed" Friday said almost choking on her breath.

"Oh, she's over with chief" he said while moving onto level 346. Friday turned to wear chief Crouwler was, to her utmost relief she say siting on a chair with a note pad coping the chief's every move.

"Oh, good your" back said the chief picking up Bella and handing her to Ian "find anything". Ian Friday both shook their heads.

"Ha, ha I new you wouldn't" she said with a smug grin on her face.

"Are you sure that's something to be happy about?" Friday asked. The chief glared.

"I think it's time you three get home, the little ones tired" the chief said.

"Will do" said Ian "thank you for your time" he said and turned towards the car.

They arrived at the hotel at six thirty. As they walked up to their room, they found a woman running out from the room next to them.

"ghost" she screamed smacking into Friday pushing them both down onto the floor.

"Are you OK" Ian asked helping Friday up.

"I think the more important question is she okay" Friday addressed the women getting off the floor.

"Ghost" the lady said again.

"where" Ian said looking around the hall, the lady pointed to her room.

"Air-air vent" she said shaking her body more than a blender. Friday entered the room and spotted the air vent, walking closer she heard a noise and then flutter. She grabbed a tool and climb up onto it. She opened the flaps over the vent and continued to look through them. She could see much, so she turned to Ian.

"Can have your phone for a second" she asked, he hoaxed the phone of Bella and passed it to her. Friday went to settings and turned-on flash light and shined it through the gaps of the air vent.

"You know, you should get your own phone it would be way easier to track you if you ever get kidnapped ... again" Ian said crossing his arms.

"Why would I need that you'd just follow me on a jet ski" Friday said hoping of the stool with a piece of paper in hand and opening it.

"I'm happy to inform that the noise was not made by a ghost but a bird" Friday said reading the note "there is a nest in the top left corner of the vent and feather's stuck to the wall along with the claw mark's implying that it's a pigeon. Used to carry notes to people in the hotel, I suggest you inquire your janitor to look for 15 cm, ten-pound pigeon carrying notes through the vents" Friday finished, handing the phone back to Bella.

"Oh, thank you. I've been so worried the past two days; I would hear it during the middle of the night today was the last straw because it sound so horrific" the lady said.

"It was my pleasure" Friday said smiling at the lady she reminded her of Melanie with her curly hair and smile.

"Don't mind me asking what your name is" said the lady looking Friday up and down.

"Friday, Friday Barnes" Friday answered, the women's jaw dropped anymore, and Friday thought her jaw would dislocate.

"I knew I had seen you before my Melanie's best friend. Oh, how silly of me to forget" the lady said reaching out her hand "I'm Alice Pelly Melanie's mum". Friday shook her hand but was instantly pulled into a hug, typical Pelly she thought. Alice turned to Ian.

"And you must be Ivan" she said giving him a hug. Friday giggled, normally people stuffed up her name not his.

"Ian" Ian corrected her.

"Sorry, I have a terrible habit of getting thing's mixed up" she said shaking her.

"Don't worry were used to it" he said flashing her his best smile.

"Well, we better get going if we want get home before Bernie and Helena" Friday said, "but I would love it if we could meet up tomorrow".

"Yes" Alice said, "what about 3:00 tomorrow in the lobby, I would really appreciate if we could the police have given barley any info about Binky or Melanie". They walked over to the door.

"Ok well we'll see you tomorrow," said Friday. Turing out the door they saw Grail walking into the elevator.

"What he's doing here" Friday asked.

"Probably coming home from the investigation to do more work" said Ian rolling his eyes.

When the got to their room they put Bella to sleep and waited for Bernie and Helena to arrive back from the police station.

"Hey what did the note say" Ian asked.

"The note?" Friday asked.

"Yeah, the one the pigeon was carrying" he said.

"Not much made sense" she said pulling out the note "3 mirror, m turn 90 degrees anti clock, O stretched ^ and N.A.M.R.E.G".

"Well, that makes sense" Ian said sarcastically. The door swung open, and Bernie walked in clearly in a bad mood, followed bey Helena who didn't look much better.

"Police love to make thing's hard for us don't they" said Bernie falling onto the couch.

"Ten hours is an unnecessary amount of time to question us" Helena said dropping down into her chair. Friday new that she might as well go to bed because it would be useless to talk either Bernie or Helena because they were already mentally drained.

"I'm going to sleep I'll see you tomorrow" Friday said getting of her chair and going to the door.

"I second that" Ian said getting up they both turned round the corner and went into their rooms.   
