Part 13

"What you mean you haven't found the ship" Friday cried. They were siting in a board room working on the case.

"We've contacted every dock able to contain a ship of that size and there was no sign of Mrs. Benatti or her children" Bernie said going through the case file.

"How can a ship that big just disappear?" Ian asked.

"Magic" Melanie said with a sincere face.

"What, no" Ian said.

"It could have sunk" Friday suggested, Ian kicked her in the shin.

"WHAT!" Melanie cried.

"No, no it didn't sink Friday was just joking" Bernie said.

"No I... oww!... Ian, can you stop kicking me in the shins"

"I'm sorry but we don't want Mel thinking that her brother's dead" Ian shouted.

"Which one is dead" Melanie asked looking terrified.

"No, one" Ian said.

"Binky" Friday said at the same time.

"Oww...Ian" Friday moaned "stop kicking me in the shins".

"Stop telling Melanie, Binky's dead" Ian said looking over at Mel who had fallen asleep.

"How, dose she do that" Ian said.

"I think it might be the SCN sends messages to the pineal gland that triggers the release of high amount of melatonin." Friday said shaking her head in disbelief.

The door slammed open making them all jump.

"Nigel" Friday stuttered putting her hat back on head because it had fallen of in all the commotion.

"Oh, hi" he said, Friday noticed how nerves and stressed he looked. "Bernie, Mrs. Benatti has just sent a note to us, something about a trade offer" he said handing him a plastic bag with a scrap of white paper inside. Bernie read it his face slowly dropping into a frown.

"What does it say" Ian said leaning over his shoulder. The letters were cut out of magazines each in a slightly different font.

"Fantastic" Friday said pushing the note in Ian hands and crashing into a chair. "Now they're giving out death threats like snacks on an airplane".

"Why don't they just type out letter on the computer and print it out" Ian said looking at the letter "way less inconvenient".

"Look you kids should have your lunch break now while I do talk to Interpol about what we'll do next" Bernie said packing up the case files.

"Lunch" Melanie said from the corner, that woke her up "I could go for a good toastie right now"

"What's a toastie" Friday asked. Ian and Melanie's jaws dropped.

"You, you don't know what a toastie is" Ian stuttered, he looked horrified "Melanie she doesn't know what a toastie is".

"Friday... a toastie is a cheese sandwich that's cooked in sandwich press" Melanie said slowly like she was talking to a child.

Ian cut in "And they are the most delicious thing ever".

"Well, I'm sorry I was raised on 2 min noodles and pizza" Friday said.

"So, your responsible for this" Ian said turning Uncle Bernie.

"Trust me I'm as upset about this as you are" he said.

"Well, that settles it were having toasties for lunch" Melanie said grabbing her bag and heading to the door.

"Oh can I come to" Nigel said "I love a good gegrillter Käse".

"sure" Ian said. 

A/N:  there will be more soon. Please vote.

Soon the four of them were sitting around a table in a small German café hacking in to cheese toasties.

"I my goodness" Friday mumbled taking a bite of the "Goat of sandwiches" as Ian described it.

"This is ... amazing". Melanie and Ian smiled.

"Mmmm..." Friday groaned taking another bite. Once they had finished there food, they could get back to work.

"So, we have to find a way to keep the paintings and the princess safe". Friday said taking out a note book.

"And my brother" Melanie added.

Suddenly Friday's face dropped. She looked at Nigel who still hadn't finished his toastie and was trying to get it down as fast as possible.

"Earth to Friday" Melanie said clicking her fingers at her.

"I need to go see Bernie" she said getting up laying some money on the table "You guys stay here".

A/N: turns out I uploaded the draft of the last piece of text i wrote instead of the finished product, so here it is.

Ian followed after her "Hey, wait up" grabbing her arm "what is it".

"Nigel" she said turning to look back at the scrawny teenager who was making a tower out of sugar packets while listening to Mel talk about all the adventures they'd been on.

"You don't think ... surely not" Ian said watching him carefully balance a sugar packet on the very top of the tower only for it to knock the whole structure down. "Why he's like a jelly fish no bone's, no brains".

"The Australian box jellyfish is considered the most venomous marine animal. They contain venom in their tentacles that can sting and kill a person in under five minutes. Children are also at greater risk because of their smaller body mass".

"So we should report him to Bernie" Ian asked.

"NO! what gave you that idea" Friday said in shook, "where simply going to keep him as a suspect, just don't give away to much".

Ian rolled his eyes "Yes mam".

"Don't call me that" Friday said.

"Ok" he kissed her on the cheek making her go bright red.  
