A Fortuitous Night


The titles kinda shit, I couldn't think of anything better tbh :/

Frank's fingers danced across the strings of his guitar, weaving a tapestry of melodic notes that filled the air of their cozy living room. The soft glow of fairy lights adorned the walls, casting a warm and inviting ambiance. Gerard sat cross-legged on the floor, his sketchbook resting on his lap as he focused intently on capturing the essence of the moment.As Frank strummed, his eyes occasionally met Gerard's, a silent exchange of smiles that spoke volumes of the unspoken bond between them. Their connection transcended words, a language known only to their hearts."Hey," Frank's voice broke through the serene atmosphere, "do you mind if I try something new?"Gerard looked up, his eyes brightening with curiosity. "Of course not. Go for it."Frank adjusted the tuning of his guitar, his fingers forming a chord progression that was unfamiliar to Gerard's ears. Slowly, a gentle melody took shape, one that seemed to reflect the tender emotions that existed between them.As the music flowed, Gerard's pencil moved across the paper, capturing Frank's focused expression, the curve of his lips as he played, and the way his eyes sparkled with each chord change. It was a moment that Gerard wanted to freeze in time, a memory he could carry with him always.As Frank's fingers danced along the strings, he couldn't help but notice the way Gerard's gaze was fixed on him. It was a look that held a mixture of admiration, affection, and something deeper that words could never fully capture. The realization filled Frank's heart with warmth.The melody reached its conclusion, fading into the room's quiet ambiance. Frank set his guitar down gently, his eyes never leaving Gerard's. "What are you drawing?"Gerard grinned, tilting the sketchbook to reveal his artistic rendition of Frank lost in his music. "You."Frank's cheeks flushed, a mixture of surprise and delight flooding his expression. "Wow, you're quick."Gerard shrugged playfully. "Gotta capture the essence before it disappears."Frank scooted over to Gerard, settling down beside him on the floor. He leaned in, resting his head on Gerard's shoulder to get a better view of the sketch. "You make me look better than I actually am."Gerard chuckled, his free hand finding Frank's and giving it a squeeze. "Nah, I just draw what I see."The air between them grew warm with a sense of comfort that only came from years of shared experiences and an unbreakable bond. They sat in silence for a while, the only sound being the soft rustling of paper as Gerard continued to sketch."You know," Gerard broke the silence, "sometimes I wonder how we got so lucky."Frank looked down at Gerard, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "Lucky? In what way?"Gerard motioned to the room around them, the cozy space they called home. "Lucky to have this, to have each other. It's like the stars aligned just right."Frank's heart swelled with affection as he set Gerard's sketchbook aside, turning to fully face him. "Maybe it's not luck, Gerard. Maybe it's something more. Something... meant to be."Gerard's gaze locked with Frank's, and in that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. Their connection was a tapestry of shared dreams, whispered confessions, and a love that transcended any definition.Leaning in, their lips met in a tender kiss, sealing their unspoken promises. As they pulled away, Gerard rested his forehead against Frank's, their breaths mingling. "You always know just what to say."Frank's lips curved into a playful grin. "Well, I've had a lot of practice."Gerard chuckled, his hand reaching up to cup Frank's cheek. "I love you, you know that?""I love you too, Gerard," Frank whispered, his heart brimming with a warmth that only Gerard could evoke.In the stillness of their shared moment, they found solace in the knowledge that their love was a melody that would continue to play, harmonizing with the rhythm of their lives, forever intertwined.


How was that? All the ones so far have been pretty similar to each other, I think, so I might try them meeting, let me know what you think :P
