Final Message(For now)

Today is the Garp-sama takes me to Foosha village to see his grandkids and train with him and over the last year of training with my dad, I've learned a few things.

1: Dad is called an Admiral for a reason... "let's leave it at that"

2: Garp-sama and my dad have a father-son relationship

3: Garp-sama is called a hero for a reason, my time sparring  with him I've learned not to underestimate him because of his old appearance

I can't even begin to explain how much debate skill Garp-sama has, I mean he somehow convinced my dad to take me to foosha village and train me until I'm 12. "Aoine" My dad's voice is deep and a little sad. "Be careful, be safe..." He continues, "please don't die." His voice breaks, "your all I have."

"Dear Diary," this is it, no more updates about my training status or my life, this is it maybe ill talk to you diary once I start my journey, meet Luffy, or become pirate king, perhaps even once I end my training temporarily. 

"Peace Out, Diary."


"Guess who's back diary?

In my 16 'delightful' years of living, I've accomplished... a lot. I've learned haki, acquired 3 devil fruits, and eaten 3 of those 'wonderful' fruits, those fruits being; of course element fruit, then we have the requested random fruit which happened to be the command- command fruit, ha haha haha yes, I get to make people my soldiers, and I was able to successfully steal the slo-slo fruit before a certain fox did. So, that sums up to 3 devil fruits. Currently, I have to say goodbye to the whitebeard crew without being harassed to join, besides I was a temporary member of the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, and Whitebeard went to so many lengths to attempt to make me a temporary member of the crew, he even offered me, captain. Absurd. But I have no interest in joining a well-established crew, to begin with.

Now, "how do I plan to escape this crew." They've helped me so much, and I've built a genuine connection with them. But if I wait to leave them they'll swarm me, like a bunch of bees, that lost their queen. I use my slow fruit to make myself faster, I hop out of the back of the ship, into the water. I manipulate the water to engulf me like a capsule, then I command a sea king to fend off the whitebeard crew once they realize that I'm gone. I left them each a specialized note to show my gratitude and love, I wished I could've stayed with them forever, but I died and now I'm overpowered and in an anime world, I will become the protagonist, the Pirate King.

I, Kuzan Aoine will become Pirate king.

Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer. And so, many men head for the Grand Line to find the great treasure he left behind, the One Piece. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!
