
A/N: I decided to skip ages: 0-2 because nothing exciting happened, but in summary; on Aoine's first birthday he started to walk/waddle, and 6 months later he started to talk to 'dada.'

He was deemed a prodigy for being able to walk and talk at such a young age, in secret Aoine would study books about haki, six marine techniques, swordsmanship, and devil fruits, he was much brighter than he let on, but he kept his act on until his second birthday.


"Goodnight." "Happy Birthday," dada says before tucking me in and ruffling my hair. Today I turned three, today is the day I eat my devil fruit. After he leaves I pull out the Ero-Ero fruit(element) fruit and take a massive bite, "DADA!" I yell. He comes rushing in, his heart thumping. "Aoine," "What is that?"  He spaces out his words, I let myself be engulfed by the pain and darkness.

"Maybe eating a devil fruit at such a young age wasn't a good idea"

"I want every doctor in the marines here now!" as he looks at his still kid all he can think about are his spouse's words "protect him, care for him, nourish him, love him."  I failed... as a dad, the tears are now rolling down his eyes, as a husband... as a human. He makes an ice pillar and stabs it into the ground. "What's wrong with me?" He says as he wipes off the tears, tell me Hima, "What's wrong with me?"

1 day later/ Aoine's P.O.V

"I'm glad your ok Aoine, but I'm not training you at such a tender age." "Please dada?" "Ok tell me something that I could train you on, and if it's valid I'll proceed to train you." "Deal!" I yell, "you could train me on haki, rokushiki, and swordsmanship." "How do you know all this stuff?" His eyes are wide, and his mouth has reached the ground, I begin to explain, "So remember all those times when we went to the Navy H.Q and you would tell Garp-sama to look after me?" "Yeah." He replies, "Well Garp used to read books to me, and those books happened to be about stuff like haki."  There is an irk mark on his face as my grin grows wider. "So that idiot Garp knew about this?" "Yep," I reply "He is actually number 1 of the two marines I want to get trained by." "Okay then," Dada tells me, "Let your training begin."

"Here we go"
