Chapter Thirty-Four

Things had been kind of awkward between the two since the kiss, neither of them had confessed feelings for one another, but they felt like they were in that grey hazy area between friends and something just a little bit more. The rest of the group noticed it too. 

"What do you think happened?" Jungkook asked Jimin, looking over at the two who were sat together but looking away from each other. 

"I think Hye feels in debt to Taehyung since he saved her?" Jimin didn't sound too sure. He looked over at Hoseok who smirked and simply mouthed 'I know'. He groaned lowly at this. "Of course, the Fae knows."

"Well of course he does, he can read their minds." Jungkook laughed softly. "Bet you he's thoroughly enjoying our torment at not knowing and he is most definitely enjoying their drama."

'You bet I am' Hoseok mouthed once more before sipping on his canteen after helping hunt the game for the next few days. Jungkook huffed in annoyance and then looked at Jimin. 

"Don't you-" Jimin started, but as per usual when it came to anything with Jungkook, he didn't get to finish. 

Jungkook rushed to his feet as he stared down Taehyung and then Hye. Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin and Jimin braced themselves for whatever was about to happen. "Right, what is going on between you two? The tension is so thick lately it's smothering everyone else and that ass over there is rubbing it in our faces that he knows and we don't-"

"It doesn't bother me." Namjoon shrugged. "They're not killing each other and they're cooperating so why would it bother me?"

"Maybe because you haven't been getting bothered by Hoseok." Jimin chimed in before the attention snapped back to the youngest male in the center of their circle. Hye immediately avoided gaze with everyone except Hoseok, after all, he already knew. Taehyung raised a brow at Jungkook.

"What are you on about?"

"Something happened that night in the tavern and now you two just nod at each other and get on with your day!" The silence was filled by the gentle sound of birds in the background, and Jungkook honestly felt like he could hear everyone else's hearts beating in their chests. 

"And now it's more awkward." Yoongi chuckled softly before going back to grinding down herbs against a rock he had washed previously to make a paste he hoped to be able to sell in the next village. 

"We kissed-" Taehyung started before a jacket wrapped around his head from behind as it uncurled from a throw. "What was that for? Jungkook wants to know." 

"We agreed we would keep it quiet!" Hye raised her voice, her cheeks bright red.

"Why? Are you ashamed that someone from your class kissed someone like me?" Taehyung almost spat back. The atmosphere dropped Namjoon raised to his feet to say something but Hye swallowed deeply before she parted her lips. 

"If you still see me as some swaddled-up Princess, then yes. I am ashamed." Her voice barely held together. "Because clearly, you're blind to the world and so... so self-centered that clearly, you're in your own world. The only people you see are these boys and yourself." Taehyung had almost immediately realised his mistake and stood, his face had lost the anger and was replaced with regret and sorrow. 


"Don't bother with it Taehyung." Her voice was blunt as she grabbed her jacket from behind where Taehyung had once sat. He reached out gently almost to try and console her. He didn't care if the boys knew his feelings for her, clearly, Jungkook had figured it out anyway. The moment his fingers touched her tunic she swatted his hand away almost as if she was that Princess from that time she had tried to forget so hard. "Don't touch me." Her voice was venomous. 

Namjoon stepped forward to help her out but she simply shook her head at him. Namjoon understood and took a step back. Jungkook and Jimin looked concerned towards Taehyung who had heartbreak written all over his face and was simply too scared to speak. He knew he had messed up the moment the words had left his lips but he knew he couldn't just scoop them up and shovel them back in and pretend the situation hadn't happened. 

"I'm going for a walk." Hye stated quietly, grabbing her half-filled canteen and hunting knife. Her jacket once again wrapped around her as the weather was entering winter which meant that there was a bitter and dreadful chill in the air. 

"Want me to come with you?" Hoseok asked, knowing she probably needed someone to talk to and just scream at and he was more than willing to stand there and take it. 

"I'll be fine alone. Don't wait about to eat." Hye's head was down as she walked off into the shadows of the trees and everyone turned to Taehyung who was looking incredibly guilty. 

"To be fair, that would not have happened if you hadn't said anything Jungkook." Yoongi spoke quietly, taking his gaze off Taehyung's shamed and slumped figure as he sat back down on the ground with a dull thud. 

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook apologised, approaching Taehyung on the floor. "I really am." 

"It's okay Jungkook." Taehyung sounded defeated. "You didn't know and I shouldn't have been so harsh. After all, I did agree to not mention anything to anyone because she wasn't sure." 

"Wasn't sure of what?" Jungkook asked quietly, the rest of the boys going about their business but listening to the conversation.

"She's not sure of love Jungkook," Hoseok spoke quietly, looking up from preparing the game for dinner later. "She doesn't know what it is and doesn't know what to do with that feeling." Jungkook nodded in understanding before looking at Taehyung once more.

"I am really sorry Taehyung..."

"I just hope she'll be okay..." Taehyung spoke quietly, looking at where Hye had entered the forest.
