Chapter Nine

Namjoon looked at the girl opposite him. Something inside of him flashed in recognition, but he wasn't entirely sure why.

He had most definitely never met this girl before, so he wasn't sure why he recognised her. He shook his head clear of the thoughts and looked at Taehyung who was actually speaking to the girl. He never opened up to anyone, he was still opening up to most of the boys even now, despite knowing each other for several years.

"I want to teach you how to make a bow and shoot it. Can I?" Seokjin asked their new member happily, Namjoon couldn't help but smile at how the boys handed together to help the girl survive.

"Sure." She smiled softly and stood up, Taehyung watching  her stand up and move. Seokjin strapped the leather to her waist, the arrows in their pouch and handed her his bow.

Namjoon watched as she went to hold the bow and she hesitated and let Seokjin to show her. His eyebrows furrowed more. "Who are you?" He whispered.

"Everyone stand back, remember what happened when Yoongi tried it!" Seokjin laughed and all the boys moved behind Hye and Seokjin. "Let's start out easy Hye. See that white marking on the tree over there? Shoot at that."

Hey nodded and loaded the bow with Seokjin's help and aimed, taking a deep breath and releasing the tension in the string and the arrow whistled as it flew through the air and hit the area Seokjin had asked her to.

He turned with surprised eyes and looked at her, the boys cheering in the background.

"Fine, there's an apple on the tree behind the one you shot, shoot it's stalk so you don't puncture the Apple." Seokjin looked smug, saying her skill was due to beginners luck.

Hye loaded an arrow into the bow and pulled back the string, eyeing up her target. One of the game hunters were showing their son how to fire a bow and arrow one day whilst Hye was exploring the courtyard. One thing led to another and she was getting night lessons from the game hunter.

In the middle of her daydream she released the string and watched the Apple drop to the ground seconds later, the arrow planted into the trunk of the tree behind the Apple. The boys all watched her with wide eyes as she handed the bow and arrows back to Seokjin before she ran off to collect her goods from across the opening. She retrieved the two arrows from the trees and the Apple from the floor before running back to them.

Namjoon furrowed his brows again studying her. He really didn't understand who she was. When he first encountered her she was wearing the silks of a noble lady, but a noble lady wouldn't know how to fire a bow. He looked over at Hoseok who had a grin on his face.

He knows something we don't. Namjoon thought to himself. Hye stopped in front of them, barely breaking a sweat, and rubbed the apple onto her grimy shirt before taking a bite into it and smiling.
