
When we get to school I get out of the car and shut the door before he dives away. I limp inside and look around to make sure the erudite kid from yesterday isn't anywhere to be seen.

I don't see him so I limp to class but before I go inside the classroom someone shoves me to the ground. "Move it Stiff!" I know that voice, the erudite boy.

I get up holding my back because it really hurts from last night. "What do you want Nose" 'Nose' is what the dauntless call erudite, plus I don't know his name. Though I honestly don't care to.

"Name's Eric, and I don't like Stiffs hang around my cubby." He says to me as I look in his cubby, there are books and what looks like a knife, but I don't say anything.

"Well, my name isn't Stiff it-" he cuts me off by putting his hand up to my face.

"I don't care what your name is Stiff, because that's what you are to me." He say rolling his eyes.

He then shoves me to the ground with one big push and walks into the classroom. I try to get up but slip and fall back down on my butt. "Hey let me help you there stiff." A young dauntless boy with dark skin says while reaching out a hand.

I take it and put head down and say, "Thank you, sir. Now I please go inside first." I try to act like my fellow abnegation.

He just rolls his eyes then gives me a playful punch as he walks in the classroom. Just as I'm putting my thing in my cubby the same dauntless boy sticks his head out the classroom door. "By the way Stiff, my name ain't sir, it's Zeke." He says as he goes back inside.

I'm just standing at my cubby over thinking why this dauntless boy was nice to me. Usually all the other factions are mean and push us around. Amity is nice half the time but still he's dauntless why didn't he just push me back to the ground?

"Tobias! Come inside the classroom for the lesson you're late." The teacher says. No. I can't be late my dad will beat me even harder then he does already. I step into the classroom and keep my head down until she says, "Care to explain why you are late?" I don't really want to awnser but I don't want to get into even more trouble.

"Sorry ma'am. I was distracted it won't happen again." I say looking at her in the eye. She stands tall and proud in her dark blue dress. She has long black hair in a fishtail braid and glasses. I know that they are fake by the way they look. Though erudite wear glasses to make them look smarter then what they really are.

"It's ok Tobias just take your seat." I nod and limp over seat that's left which is next to Eric. When I sit the teacher gives me a sympathetic smile. She must have noticed me limping, I really hope she doesn't ask me what happen because I didn't come up with a lie for today. I may not be candor but I want the truth to be set free, I don't think I can lie much longer.

"Tobias? What kind of name is that. It's sure a Stiff name." Eric whispers to me laughing. I just shake my head and take out a piece of paper to take notes.

〰〰〰〰〰TIME LAPS〰〰〰〰〰

It is now lunch time we get into five lines one for each faction. Abnegation goes last because we supposed to think of others first. Once we get through the line I sit at the end of the abnegation lunch table. Nobody sits next to me or even near me because if two reasons. One, is that when people ask how I got hurt I always say it was an accident and the other kids think I'm clumsy and unlucky. The other reason is that my father is the leader of abnegation and the don't want to risk making him upset. So, I guess my father was right when he said that I have no friends, because it's true.

I get up to throw away my food and as I do I look at all the five tables of fouth graders. At my table the abnegation children wear grey and sit talking quietly, listening while the other is talking. The next table sit the amity children they wear yellow, orange, and red and pass around food telling jokes and hug one another. The middle table is the candor table, the children there wear black and white and argue over what is true and what is a lie. After that is the dauntless in their black clothes, fight over nothing, yelling and having fun. Then the last table is erudite the kids wear blue some wear glasses some don't, there are book spread across the table but the just talk and only look at them if a teacher goes by.

I know that when you're sixteen you get to pick which faction you will live in forever. I am not sure what one I will pick all I know is that I can't stay in abnegation, I have to get away from my father.

⏲⏲⏲⏲⏲TIME LAPS!!!⏲⏲⏲⏲⏲

After school I limp ever so slowly to the spot where I meet my father everyday to go home. When I get there he isn't there. I look down at my watch, he is normally ready to leave at four o'clock sharp, it is three fifty-nine now so I'm not late. I wonder where he is.

About fifteen minutes later he still isn't here. I go to sit down when a car pulls up and a abnegation woman rolls down her window. "Excuse me young man, you're Tobias, Marcus Eaton's son right?" I hate being called his son it makes it seem like he owns me. Though, he does if I take a step out of line he beats me back into it.

"Yes ma'am. May I ask who you are?" I ask her trying to sound proper. She gives me a sad smile and gets out of the passenger seat and stands infront of me. She wears a grey dress and has a big blond bun. She is taller than me by at least a foot especially with her grey heels.

She puts her hand on my shoulder and bends down to my eye level and smiles. "My name is Natalie. My husband Andrew works with your dad. Your dad wanted us to pick you up from school today. Ok?" I wonder why he would do that but I don't ask I just nod. She nods back and opens the back door of the car where there are two other children in grey sitting in buster seats. I've seen them walking into the second grade classroom but I don't know their names.

"You can sit in the middle. Caleb can you get out so Tobias can get in please." Natalie says to the young boy. He nods and unbuckles then jumps out of the car.

"Thank you. Caleb?" I say a little unsure of his name. I climb in the car and sit down next to a young girl with a blond bun simular to Natalie's. "Hi. I'm Tobias what's your name?" I say quickly.

She turns around and opens her mouth to say something before Caleb answers for her. "Her name's Beatrice." I smile at her because I like that name.

"Hey! I can speak for myself Caleb!" She yells angrily at him while crossing her arms. I chuckle a little at her reaction. "What are you laughing at?" She says rudely, looking me dead in the eye.

"Don't be rude Beatrice." Natalie says to her.

She rolls her eyes and sighs then says, "I'm sorry I snapped at you." I smile at her I don't know why I just do.

"It's fine I get it a lot." I say calmly. I immediately flip out in my mind once I realized what I said. I hope to god that they don't ask what I mean.

To my luck they don't they all just sit there in silence as we drive down the road. I'm still wondering in my mind why my dad would risk me telling people what he does by having them pick me up from school.

The silence is making me feel like I'm trapped in the closest and I don't like it at all. "Ma'am I was curious why did my dad ask you to pick me up from school?" I ask her. Though, she just looks at me through the mirror and smiles remaining silent ignoring my question or refusing to answer it.

I frown because I'm beginning to worry when she doesn't respond. All I can think is, what happened now?
