Chapter 36

Aimee's P.O.V.

I'm not sure which it was, the haunting beauty of the scene before me or the malicious way I worship death, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Lilith Goodman's lifeless body. She appeared the same she did in life: silver- black hair neatly over her chest, cheek bones overtly high, and deeply rooted frown lines that made her mouth look like a scowl. A long dark gown draped over her body, highlighting her thin frame. A mixture of makeup and the Alii ability to preserve things hid the scars from her "animal attack." Add that to the fact that they'd placed her on a silver table surrounded by candles, and I could almost pretend she was just sleeping.

My mother nudged my shoulder the subtle way she did when we were in public. Even though she only shot me a quick raise of her eyebrow, her sharp voice rang in my head. "Show some emotion, Aimee; people are watching. You don't want to embarrass your father, do you?" So I glanced down at my feet, wiping away an imaginary tear.

Dad and Nathan Amherst, who was pretending to be my cousin, stiffened a little as the assistant principal, Marianne Anderson, stepped up to the table. I wonder why they were so nervous. The first stage in their plan was almost complete. All they had to do was wait a week for the Recreare ceremony to stick. Maybe they were just anxious for Goodman's body to be destroyed so the evidence couldn't come back to haunt them.

"It is with a sad heart that I welcome you to this somber occasion. We are here to remember Headmistress Lilith Goodman. Celebrate her, and most importantly, help her pass on to the other side, wherever that may be," Marianne spoke in a clear voice, but it wasn't quite loud enough to spread to the people in the far ends of the main courtyard. I don't even know why they picked her to lead the farewell party. Just because she was a zombie, doesn't mean she's any good.

She continued on with the cliché words for twenty more soporific minutes. Then she went on to the ceremonious lighting of the candles while chanting a Latin poem I didn't understand.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in my peripheral vision. As inconspicuously as possible, I turned my head, only to see my dad's right hand man, Torris, whispering something in Dad's ear. As the conversation went on, his pensive façade faded, then contorted with an insatiable rage that I'd never seen before. He, Nathan, and Torris stormed out of the ceremony towards the school building.

What could have made him mad enough to leave now, when so many eyes were watching? Plus, he was going to officially be announced the new Headmaster.

"Act casual," Mom breathed.

I shoved all the curiosity out of my face and patiently focused on the ceremony. At least, my favorite part was coming up.

After all the candles were lit, we had to sit through another long, boring Latin poem. Seriously, couldn't they update these things? "And now we've reached the end of the journey. Marianne poured an urn full of "sacred oil" all over Goodman's body. "Vale, Lilith!" she shouted.

"Vale!" the audience replied.
Then she struck a match and lit an oil.

I don't know the chemistry of it, but somehow, the Alii got the oil to burn every color in the rainbow for five minutes each. That was a total of thirty five minutes, but I didn't mind the length. Both the colors and the fact that a body was burning underneath them intrigued me.

It started with a deep crimson red. The flames danced over the entire campus until its time was up. Slowly but surely, it morphed to the most beautiful sunset orange I had ever seen.

Before I could watch it turn yellow, a sharp pain from somebody's nails dug into my shoulder, yanking me to the ground.

I glared up to tell whoever did that to fuck off, but was immediately shut down by my father's blazing stare. "Come with me. Now."

Not like I had a choice. He gripped my arm tightly and dragged me with, so there was no chance of escaping. By the time we reached the school's auditorium, it felt like my bone had been ripped out of its socket.
I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't this.

A bunch of my dad's men, all ogres, stood on the stage in a semi- circle around a woman tied up to a chair. Blood was dripping down her forehead while bruises were starting to form on her cheeks. Her bright blue eyes widened with fear once she caught sight of me and my dad.

A small pang of guilt struck my stomach when I realized who she was. Daria Jenkins, the head Oracle. I was all for torturing people, but I actually kind of liked Daria.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Why don't you tell me?" Dad snapped. When it became apparent that I wasn't talking, he reluctantly explained. "It seems your boyfriend and the dragon girl caught you performing the Recreare ceremony and are now off to gather supplies with her roommates and the other half- breed!"

It took me a moment to process what he said. Aaron lied. He told me he was visiting his parents in California, but he's really off having an adventure with the powerful dragon half- breed and her gorgeous roommate, Drew Morales.

"There's so many things you and I need to discuss," Dad hissed, "but for now, you need to help us stop them."


"Well I have reinforcements and she," he nodded at Daria, "has their location."


A/N: And the plot thickens... DUN DUN DUUUN. Anyways, from now on I will be switching point of views more often so please let me know if you have any questions. Also, vale (pronounced "wa lay") from the farewell party means goodbye in Latin. ;)
