Chapter 16

When I finally came home for the night after my last class, it was a little past one in the morning. It sounds pretty late, but I was still charged from my nap earlier this morning. Overall, I could say that my first day of school was actually really good, considering nothing happened. People were still in the dark about my species, so the whispering and staring were mostly from my encounter with Aaron, but that hadn't been a huge deal. I knew it would get worse later, but for now, I was enjoying the school's ignorance.

In my room, I saw Drew sitting on her bed, reading a book. She dog eared her page once she saw me. "Hey. What's up, Nix?"

"Nothing much. Is Maggie already asleep?"

"Yeah, but you can probably catch her later. She wants to start waking up around the time we go to bed."

I laughed and plumped down on my mattress, looking out the window. The moonlight was coming in dull. Thankfully, we'd just missed the full moon; I didn't need all of that excitement now. "Don't you just love how you can go to school all day, binge watch entire seasons of shows, and still get enough sleep?"

She watched me suspiciously as I got back up to clean off my face. "Yeah, being a changeling is great." She flipped her long dark hair out of her face. As always she looked like she'd just come off a model's runway. "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"I don't know. I guess I just liked how... anonymous I was today, you know?"

"Well don't get used to it. Once word gets out, you're gonna be quite famous."

"Yeah. I guess you're right."
