Aaron POV

I'm frustrated , I don't want Clara here right now , but I can see something is bothering her . She stares at something I assume she zoned out . "Clara " she snaps back to reality and looks at me . "Sit down " , I say . She pulls out a chair across from me and sits down . She clears her throat , "  Uhm what are you up to ? " Clara is being wierd around me this is so unlike her . I take the notebook and tap it against the table a few times . " Reading this " I say throwing Juliette's diary onto the table . I notice Clara scratching her hand . " Oh " she replies and something dies in her expression . An awkward silence . And then my intercom buzzes I nearly fall backward on my chair . I steady myself gripping my table and I see a faint smirk on Clara's face but then it disappears . " What " I say annoyed , " Sir , I want to remind you of the meeting or should I reschedule my apologies sir I- "
" My word Delalieu stop apologizing I'm on my way "

Clara smiles at me and we get up and walk side by side to the quadrant . I glance over at Clara she seemed to have collected herself standing tall as she walks beside me we are almost the same length she's only an inch shorter than me . We walk into the elevator and out to the quadrant . She stands a few meters behind me in line with Delalieu as I adress my soldiers . Only after the meeting I realise why Clara hasn't been herself . Anderson is here . The man who wanted his own daughter dead .

On the way to my room I find one of my father's men outside my door . " State your business soldier " . " Sir " he says " I'm here to inform you that the supreme commander has requested both you and madam Clara's presence in his quarters for dinner at exactly twenty hundred hours "

Clara looks over at me and the look makes it clear that my assumption , was right she's scared

" Consider your message received " I reply as I move to unlock my door . He stops me . I look over at him with a clenched jaw how disrespectful of him to look down on me even Delalieu won't cross that boundary .

" I'm required " he says " To wait for verbal acceptance from this invitation "

I take a moment to consider my choices , which are none . I notice him staring Clara down his eyes wandering and I wonder for a moment if he has a name until I realise I couldn't care less .

" Consider it accepted "
"Yes sir- "
" And next time soldier , you will not step within five feet of me nor madam Clara without asking for permission "
He blinks stunned " Sir I - "
" You are confused " I cut him off " You assume that your position with the supreme commander grants you immunity from rules that govern other soldiers . Here , you are mistaken. 
His jaw tenses
" Never forget " I say quietly " That if I wanted your job , I could have it . And the man you so eagerly serve was the same man who taught me how to fire a gun when I was nine years old "
His nostrils flare and he stares straight ahead
" Deliver your message soldier and then memorize this one  : never talk to me again "
He stares at a point beyond me now his shoulders rigid .
I wait .
He the raises his hand in a salute
" You are dismissed " I say and step into my room

Clara POV

Aaron holds the door open and notions me with his head to go inside . I want to until " Ah thanks big bro , but nevermind . I think I'm going to work a little . I need to find Juliette for you . " I smile even though I hate the mention of her name on my tounge.  She was super nice and I actually enjoyed having another female in headquarters,  but she had to run away and shoot my brother . She said she was starting to get comfortable here and then she left ... And somebody calling my name rudely innterupts my train of thought
