Chapter 8 - Jennifer's Story

"Jamie. Where were you? I've been looking for you and..." I spot Jennifer down the hall, her expression seems almost worried but I shake it off, she left me she has no right.

After Alex's questions and helpful words, he walked me back to my room, telling me he'd gladly show me around, even draw a map so I wouldn't stand in the middle of the hallways and yell again. I laughed but thanked him and stepped inside my room until I remembered I still needed to have a talk with Jennifer. Tomorrow I was going to visit my dad the whole day and the sooner I got answers the better I'll feel.

"...are those Alex's?" She points down to the sweatpants I'm wearing and a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks.

"I had an accident." I explain, but she seems to only smile deeply. "He helped me I didn't know he was your... your son." Her smile disappears from her face as if I've just slapped her. Why would she feel that way? She shouldn't be ashamed. She had another child because I wasn't good enough.

"Jamie, please follow me."

I take a deep breathe but follow her anyway. I need a few questions answered before I head to bed or I'm sure I won't get any sleep. I follow her to her office not far from that rude man I met, possibly Alex's dad. She motions me inside and I see the mess I heard a few moments ago. Few pieces of wood are scattered amongst the floor. I assume they're from a lamp seeing as how glass is broken beside the wood as well.

"Please excuse the mess. I had a bit of an argument with Alex." I only nod and walk in towards the chairs in front of her desk. She sits down a few seconds later with a smile on her face.

"Before we start all this talking I just want you to know that I love you. I always have and not one day went by in the past 10 years that I haven't stopped." She clears a teardrop off her cheek and smiles back at me. "I know you must think I'm lying but I'm not. You and your father will always be special to me. No matter who I remarry or have as a child."

I look down at my intertwined fingers. Everything she just said is exactly what I want to hear. I don't know if to take it seriously or take everything that comes out of her mouth as a lie.

"Why did you leave us? I was only 6 years old." I don't dare look up. I'm afraid if I do I'll break down and nothing will be answered.

"I never left because I wanted to. You and your father have always and I mean always had a special bond. People would easily confuse you as brother and sister with the way you played and laughed." Jennifer chuckles as she recalls those memories but I can't seem to remember them. "I left because it was time to. I couldn't pretend anymore and I knew taking you with me would only mean ripping the bond you and your father had."

"Have." I correct her. She smiles and apologizes before continuing.

"It was hard for me. I loved your father and I couldn't see myself with another man much less with another family. I met Michael at a business fair. He wasn't eye catching but I seemed to catch his. He was very persistent until I finally agreed. Just to get it over with. Forward to 5 years later and he pops the question." Jennifer laughs to herself and I can only wrinkle my face. I didn't come here to hear her love story. "Same day he told me he had an 13 year old child. You should've seen me. I was petrified. I felt like the universe was playing a trick on me. You were 11 at that time, off who knows where with your father."

"But you still got married and you accepted Alex?" I scoop the chair closer to her desk, my hands clinging onto the edge of it in anticipation.

She gently nods her head as if the sudden movement will have me dashing through the door. "When he broke the news I was beyond taken back. I didn't know if I could raise his child when I had left mine. I didn't know if I should come clean too and tell him about you. I didn't want to put you in danger, or have you in the eyes of the press with his profession and how well he's known. So I kept quiet.

"Raising Alex has been tough but easy. He doesn't ask for much as he knows I'm not his biological mother but he does come with some baggage. Ladies here and there, bad friends with strong influences. I clean up the mess but it's never enough. He keeps at it. So me and Michael decided to just let him be. He'll end up understanding that it's all wrong one day."

"He could get someone pregnant you know. Or get an STD." I propose the consequences, "maybe he already has one." I shrug my shoulders only saying what I think.

Jennifer looks at me almost in awe. "I know. Last person who told him that he punched in the face. They're no longer friends. So please don't do it." I nod and promise I won't, not unless that little mood swinging bastard provokes me.

"You still haven't answered the why?"

Jennifer sighs as she runs her hand through her long brown hair. It's an exact match to mine. "I know I said I'd answer all questions but that Jaime is something I can't answer."

"Wait why? There's nothing stopping you." I fight back. She can't just bring me here and get quiet now. She knew that would be the number one question I would ask.

"It's not my place to answer that question. I left because I couldn't pretend nor keep an act going. Your father knew that too and understood. We loved each other but we couldn't keep lying. That's why he signed the divorce papers." My hands still on the edge of the desk soon get covered by Jennifer's soft hands. "When he wakes up Jaime, he will come clean to you. He will tell you why I left. Until then, you're here with me."

"What if he never wakes up? What if he leaves me here with a random woman who claims to be my mother but yet has another family and no answers." I get up from my chair, furious with her. After all these years and she comes back talking about love and forever when her love died and broke this family a long time ago.

"Jaime you have to understand it's not something that I have the right to say." She gets up from her chair as well but refrains from coming to me. "I'm really sorry I know this is tough and it's the number one thing you wanted to know but your father knew why al all along."

I sniff back some tears and turn my back towards her. Is she implying my dad didn't want me to know? That this big secret wasn't hers but instead it was my dad's. That he kept it from me for 10 years. "Good night." I say and walk towards the door, not bothered by what she said after.
