Chapter 2 - Remarried?

"He's in a coma. I'm sorry."

Those words kept repeating themselves in my brain. I did not know how to stop them. I don't even think I could. The words slowly ate my body, pulling the life out of me. My dad, my precious hard working dad is in a coma, something no one could control. As I lay there, on the chair, looking like a loose doll, all the memories of me and my dad came back. The time when he thought I had run away. I could hear his cries calling out my name. I thought it would be funny, to hide from him, but it backfired. I got punished but not before we had a good laugh.

The way his pupils shrank and filled up with tears broke my heart. He reminded me of me. When my mother left.

Right now, I was more than happy to know that he was just messing with me. Getting me back for hiding from him. Hoping that he would burst through those doors with a huge white smile plastered on his face. I played that scenario back and back, hoping and praying that it would come true.

But nothing.

The doors never opened. My dad never walked up to me. He didn't show me his perfect white teeth as he's smiling. Nothing.

Nothing but the commotion of nurses walking here and there. People in the waiting room with their heads between their hands. Martha simply saying that everything was going to be okay, when in reality, we both knew that was a lie.

My dad had fractured his spine when the other car collided with his. The doctor is almost certain that he will never be able to walk again.

"Jaime, let's get something to eat. We've been here for a while." Martha whispers down at me. I know she's just trying her best to be strong for me but at the moment, I want nothing more than to punch her.

If she hadn't given my dad that job, if she hadn't agreed to let us stay here, my dad would be fine right now. He would be smiling at me, walking towards me. Not in some stiff bored room with nothing but tubes connected to him.

Martha gently places her hand on my right shoulder but I shake it off. I don't want her touching me. This is all her fault. "Jaime, sweetie- "

"Stop talking!" I yell. She's taken back and slowly retrieves back on her chair. 5 minutes of awkward silence and she finally decides to leave. I don't know where and to be completely honest, I don't care.

I shift on my seat once she's out of sight. Feeling a little more comfortable, I stretch my arms above my head. "Are you Jaime Jeyfin?" A thin white lady asks. She's got on the hospital nursing uniform so she must work here. I nod, retrieving my arms. "Place come with me." She orders. I just stare at her but within seconds she's already walking away. I quickly get up and follow behind her pace.

"In here. Someone will shortly be with you." She boringly explains and closes the door. I don't even get a chance to ask who. I roam around and notice that I'm actually inside an office. There are no windows which gets me paranoid, but I try to relax. I sit on one of the black chair that's in front of a brown wooden desk. I start counting the seconds out of boredom.

Why would the nurse even bring me here? An office isn't somewhere you take a 16 year old girl who's dad is in a coma. What if something bad happened to my dad and this was their way of telling me? I start freaking out but soon hear the doorknob turning. I jump and turn around to face the door.

A tall white man in a black suit appears. He has a brief case with him which I'm confused about. The doctor that broke the news about my dad to me and Martha soon follows behind. The last person to enter is Martha with a sad look in her eyes. I freeze as I notice all these adults in here.

"Hello Jaime. My name's Greg Polling." The man in the suit introduces himself. He extends his hand out and I take it in mine. "I heard about your dad's critical condition. My prayers go out to you." He sincerely says. I nod and smile, not knowing how to respond. The doctor takes his seat behind the desk and motions Greg to the seat to me. Martha stays standing up behind my chair, casually petting my hair.

"As you know Jaime. We do not know when your father will wake." The doctor explains. I gulp. "And Martha here tells us that you're not related. In any matter." He continues. I nod realizing where this might lead to.

"Do you have any relatives that you'd be able to stay with while your dad recovers?" Greg asks. I turn to face him and slowly shake my head.

I should've known this would happen. There's no one that can take care of me. I'm not 18 yet, I need to be with someone legal. "I see." Greg expresses. "How about your mom, what's her name, if you don't mind me asking?"

If I knew where she was, I would gladly pay her a visit.

"Jennifer Jeyfin and I don't know. She left when I was 6." I respond.

"As of right now, your mother is the only other family member we know you have. I'll make some calls." He says.

"No wait. If she left that means she wouldn't want anything to do with me. I can stay with Martha. She's been a family friend since I was born. There's nothing wrong with staying with a friend. I'm sure he'll wake up soon!" I protest.

"I'm sorry. It does not work that way. We need a legal guardian. An aunt, uncle, maybe even an 18 year old cousin." I shake my head once again.

It's always just been me and my dad. No other family relatives. No birthday celebrations or crazy family get togethers. Just me and my dad. Living on our own. If I have any cousins, I wouldn't even know.

"I'll get in touch. Won't take long." Greg stands up and firmly shakes my hand again before exiting the room.

I'm left in shock. How can they possibly find my mother? If she left I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want anything to do with me. Even though it kills me to admit it, she does not want me. She left. I would much rather have her gone than have to forcefully stay with her because of my dad.

"We'll be back soon Jaime. In the mean time you can relax, go with Martha, take a quick shower and then come back. All the information will be ready then." I don't say anything. But Martha agrees to his orders.


"We did find a Jennifer Jeyfin. Although she has been remarried. Jennifer Spaik is now her name." Greg clearly explains. We got back to the hospital within an hour or so. But before I even had a chance to speak with my dad Greg had called me over to the same office.

The moment those words leave his mouth I freeze. I can't believe they actually found her, but she's remarried?

"W-what?" My eyebrows furry in confusion.

Remarried? How is that even possible? I mean, yes I know it's possible. But she remarried?! After she left my dad? She actually had the decency to marry another man. After she left me, her daughter, she actually went somewhere else and got a new one? What was so bad with our family? Were we not good enough? Did she lose the love she once so bravely showed us?

"Yes. She's married to the CEO of Spaik's Boutique, a clothing line, very well known. Jennifer Spaik is her name now. We have contacted her and she's agreed to come over."

"No no no no." I whisper. "She can go back. I don't want her here. She left us and got another family. I don't want her to be bothered with having me there as a burden." I get up from my chair and rapidly make my way to the door. Once outside I run to my dad's room, tears already threatening to fall.

"Dad. I can't go with her. I will not go with her! She left us. There's no way she wants me back. Not now that she has a family she cares for. I mean she's married to the CEO of Spaik Inc. There's no better than that. And now she's coming? Here! She can't dad. I just can't." I cry onto his arm. The faint beeps coming from the heart monitor indicate me that he's still alive, but his still pale self on the bed tells me otherwise. "Dad please wake up. Please! I- I need you here. I need you! Wake up!"

I hear a knock. At first I don't respond, whoever it is can go away. I want to be left alone with my dad. But then the knocks just keep coming. I have no choice but to go answer it.

I open it slowly, ready to scream to whoever it is that's behind it.

"Wow." A tall woman gently whispers, she too is in a suit just like Greg except she has a black luxurious bag instead of a suitcase. I clear my eyes from all the tears and fix my hair a bit.

"Yes?" I whisper.

"May I come in?" The lady asks. I nod, not knowing why this random lady decided to come. Maybe she's probably just here to ask me questions about Jennifer.

"How are you?" She asks. Or maybe she's here for any psychological damages.

I shrug not really having an answer to that question. "It's complicated. Why are you here?" I ask her.

The question seems to take her by surprise. Her eyes widen just a tiny bit before they go back to their regular size.

"My name's Jennifer Spaik, Jaime. I'm your mother." She proudly says.
