Chapter Twenty-Two || Anything For You

Charlotte and Ed laughed together as they shared memories of when Charlotte started working on the GCPD. In their hands was a glass of red wine. The blonde woman confessed how she had developed a crush on him not long after she had started working with him.

"Really? You liked me all this time?" Ed asked in awe.

Charlotte looked down at the red liquid in her glass. "I was going to tell you, but you were already in love with Kristen, so I decided not to say anything".

Ed sigh at his own stupidity. He fell for someone who didn't love him back when he had the perfect woman in love with him right beside him the whole time. And he had thought he was a genius. "I was such an idiot".

"True," Charlotte agreed and that caused them to burst out laughing again.

"But seriously. I'm glad I was finally able to see some sense. I was a bit scared to tell you though," Ed confessed scratching the back of his neck.

Charlotte tilted her head to the side. "Why?"

"After officer Pinkney sent you those flowers on Valentine's day, I really thought there was something going on between you two". Those words made Charlotte shake her head. For the whole time since she joined the GCPD, Charlotte did not look at any other man except for Ed. He was all she could think about.

"There was never anything going on between me and Pinkney. I can promise you that," she reassured him.

"Well, he definitely likes you," his voice turned serious when he remembered how he had stared at her that day. "The way he looked at you today when he went to speak with Detective Gordon-"

"I don't care how he looked at me, Ed. I only care about you". Charlotte put both of their glasses of wine on the coffee table and kissed Ed. Her right hand moved to his waist but then it slid under his white shirt. As soon as her warm hand made contact with his skin, he shivered. He forgot all about his problems at the GCPD and just focused on their kiss and on her electric touch. His hands moved to each side of her cheeks and he kissed her back hungrily.

Ed pulled away after a minute and smiled at her before taking off his glasses. While he did this, Charlotte couldn't help but admire his beautiful features. She loved his high cheekbones and the dimples on his cheeks whenever he smiled. He placed his glasses on the coffee table beside the two glasses of wine and returned back to her embrace.

Her left hand traveled to his cheek and caressed his soft skin. His left hand rested on her right leg over the green dress she was wearing. Ed thought she looked good in whatever she wore, but green looked perfect on her. Slowly his hand slid down to the exposed skin of her leg as he leaned in to kiss her again.

Charlotte couldn't contain the moan that escaped her lips. The feeling of his hand caressing her leg was taking her over the edge. She never felt so much love and desire for anyone like she was feeling for Ed. He placed his right hand on her other leg and gently pulled her closer to him without interrupting the kiss. Charlotte understood the message and moved to sit on his lap with one leg on each side of his hips.

Unfortunately, the kiss had to come to an end, even if just for a few moments to allow them to breathe. Charlotte looked down at Ed's white shirt and slowly started unbuttoning it, giving him time to stop her if he didn't wish to go any further. He didn't stop her, so she continued with shaky hands.

"What's mine but only you can have?" Ed riddled with a grin forming on his lips. She smiled back at him and he didn't need an answer from her to know she knew the answer.

It was the heart. Ed's heart was beating faster and faster and he couldn't help but pull her hips closer to him. Their intimate proximity was already making him hard. When Charlotte unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, Ed felt like he had run for miles. His heart pounded against his ribcage like a wild animal.

The blonde forensic scientist wasn't doing any better. Actually, she was even more nervous than Ed. If they went any further, this would be Charlotte's first time. No matter how nervous she was, she didn't want to stop. She wanted Ed more than anything and wouldn't let fear get in the way.

She felt Ed's hold on her tighten and with great agility, he stood up from the couch and started walking towards his bed. His shirt was left long forgotten on the couch. Ed's eyes only left hers to make sure he wouldn't trip on his way. Before he could lay her on the top of his sheets, Ed kissed her again and one hand moved to her back to unzip her dress. Only then did he layed her body down on the bed and layed on top of her.

Ed pulled away from her lips and his hands slid her dress all the way down her body and threw it away carelessly. Charlotte's cheeks reddened as she stood almost naked in front of him.

"Gorgeous," Ed breathed in awe as his hands slid up and down the side of her body.

She smiled widely at him and looked down at his chest. His body was not like those men who spend their days at the gym, but he was still beautiful. Actually, he looked much better than any of those men could ever be. "Handsome".

"Are you sure you want this?" Ed asked after his hand moved over the strap of her green bra. Fortunately, she nodded and kissed him. Ed proceeded to unstrap her bra and threw it away, not caring where it would land.

Her back arched instinctively because of his touch on her skin and they helped each other take off the remaining clothes. Ed pressed himself against her and the moan that escaped her caused him to stop breathing for a few seconds.

At first, it hurt a little but at the same time, it felt great. Soon the pain gave way to the pleasure and Charlotte moaned. Ed couldn't take it anymore after that moan escaped her.

He started moving his hips against hers slowly. Her hands helding on tight to his back.

"Ed," she breathed against his neck. Her heavy breathing felt like a feather was tickling his neck.

Once it was over, it took a while for Ed's heart to start beating normally again, he pulled the sheets on top of their naked bodies. Ed felt her hand touch his and he intertwined their finger as a happy grin formed on his face. He felt like the luckiest man on earth.


Ed woke up first on the next day, his arm wrapped around Charlotte, who slept peacefully with her back against him. Ed smiled in contentment, but then he saw the time on his alarm clock and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was already eight in the morning, but the last thing he wanted was to go to work.

Suddenly he remembered that it was Saturday and he didn't need to go to work. He let out a relieved sigh and his muscles relaxed once again. He stood up, dressed a white v-neck shirt and his boxer shorts and then walked up to the bathroom. He avoided the mirror, trying to keep his darkest self at bay for now.

However, it wasn't that easy and his other self had to make an appearance just to mock him.

"Wow, you managed to have sex with a girl without killing her," the voice said from behind him with a dark chuckle. "Kudos to you, Eddie".

"Go away," Ed ordered between gritted teeth.

His other self smirked with a mischievous look in his eyes. "You may think this is a second chance to love and that this is all perfect, but you're so wrong. You are going to hurt her, just like you hurt Miss Kringle".

"I'm not going to hurt her," Ed said trying to show confidence in his words.

"Yes, you will!" He shouted and Ed flinched at the sudden change in tone. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you will hurt her".

Ed shook his head in denial. "This time it's different. She really loves me".

"We'll see," his other self laughed again, happy to see the pain evident on his face. Ed wouldn't be able to take his mockery much longer. It was really starting to piss him off. He was also afraid Charlotte would wake up and hear him. "Have you seen that neck of hers? Don't you just want to grab it with both hands and give it a strong squeeze? Imagine the gasping noises she would make just for us".

Ed closed his eyes tightly trying to get rid of that annoying voice. "Shut up".

"Let me take control again," his other self pleaded with an evil smile on his lips. "She already liked you, as weird as that sounds. I'm sure she will like me more".

Ed shook his head several times. "No, she won't. She won't like you".

"Oh, come on. Just for a little bit," he insisted. "I'll make sure I'll give her back unscathed".

"Leave her alone," Ed tried to resist one last time.

"You're not the only one addicted to her, you know? I promise I'll leave after," his other self insisted again. Ed was tired and he couldn't resist his darker self any longer. He let him take control of his mind and body like he had done many times before. Ed was sure Charlotte would be able to defend herself if his other self tried to hurt her. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

Ed walked out of the bathroom and layed down on the bed beside Charlotte again. He wrapped a hand around her naked body and smirked to himself. Charlotte woke up with the movement and looked back at him between squinted eyes. She saw him already staring and smiled at him.

"Good morning, Ed," she greeted with a sleepy voice, which Ed found quite hot. "Is everything okay?"

He nodded at her, the smirk still in the corner of his lips. "Yes. Everything is perfect".

When Ed's eyes looked from her lips down to her neck, he felt himself getting hard. Charlotte put a hand on his hip and pressed her behind against him. He chuckled darkly and his left hand moved to her neck. He pulled her even closer to him and kissed her neck.

Charlotte let a shaky breath escape through her lips. Ed cupped one of her breasts and pressed it gently, making her moan with pleasure. They continued on and Ed made sure she liked it more than the last time.


That night, Ed sat on his couch. He couldn't asleep, so he went to read the newspaper and left Charlotte sleeping form laying on her stomach. He couldn't help but smile at how lucky he felt.

He twirled his green pen between his fingers as he scanned the Gotham Gazette for an interesting article. The flashing green neon sign outside being the only source of light in his apartment. Ed ended up stumbling upon an article about Detective Jim Gordon.

'Hero cop receives medal.'

Under that title, it was written how he had found the Wayne's killer. The suspect was called Patrick 'Matches' Malone.

"What are you doing, Ed?" He heard Charlotte ask.

Ed looked up at her and sent her a slight smile. He got up from the couch and sat on the side of the bed. "I was just reading the news. It looks like Detective Gordon finally found the Wayne's killer".

"Really? Who was it?" Charlotte asked curiously and sat beside Ed to see the newspaper. "Patrick 'Matches' Malone. Interesting nickname".

Ed couldn't care less if Gordon found the Wayne's killer. He placed the newspaper on his nightstand and drew something on the newspaper with his green pen.

Then he showed it to Charlotte. She saw the big green question mark on top of Detective Gordon's picture.

"My plan is not to kill Jim Gordon," Ed told her with an emotionless voice. He let the words hang in the air and observed Charlotte's expression after he said the word 'kill'. She didn't show any emotions, she only nodded thoughtfully, so Ed continued. "My plan is to destroy him. However, my plans involve someone else".

Those last words caught Charlotte's attention. "Who?"

"Officer Pinkney," Ed said and his expression hardened. "I plan to kill him and make it look like Detective Gordon did it. Everything the Penguin told me about Gordon will help me with this, but I'll need your help too. Can you help me?"

Charlotte looked at him and her face softened. She took a hand to his face and stroke his cheek lovingly. He closed his eyes and leaned to her touch. He was so glad she didn't treat him like he was a monster as Kristen had done. Together no one would be able to stop them.

"I'll do anything for you, Ed".


A/N: I may not be any good at writing smut, but I really loved this. Hope you enjoyed it as well. Love you all, my lovelies <3
