Chapter Twenty-Three || Mad Grey Dawn

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Charlotte and Ed were currently at Gotham Museum of Art. They were ready to start working on Ed's plan to destroy Jim Gordon. After going over the plan a million times, they knew every step they would take.

In the middle of the room they were in, there was a bomb. Well, that was what the sign under it said. However, Charlotte and Ed both knew it wasn't a real bomb. It was just a sculpture made to look like a big bomb. They said it was real to attract more people to the Museum. Ed had changed the sculpture a little bit so it would light up with the click of a button. He had a small remote control up his sleeve and he clicked on it,  instantly lightening up the cable attached to the bomb.

At first, people just gasped and let out exclamations of surprise. But when the alarm started blaring, everyone freaked out and dashed towards the exit of the building. Charlotte and Ed just continued to lean against the wall, waiting for everyone to leave.

Charlotte felt pure adrenaline course through her as the cable reached its end and smoke started filling the room. By the time that happened, there was no one else in there but them.

"It's time," Ed stated. They both smirked at each other and before they could go on, Charlotte placed a soft kiss on Ed's lips. Ed's smirk turned into a wide grin. "What did I do to deserve that?"

"It's for good luck," she said with a wide smile.

Ed found the gesture sweet and in return, he pecked her on the lips as well. "Good luck then".

They placed a black bandana over their mouth and nose to hide their identity from the cameras. Charlotte pulled up the hood of her grey coat over her hair, which was up in a bun. They walked around the false but still smoking bomb and stepped into another section of the museum. There were only paintings in that room, but Ed only cared about one of them. 'Mad Grey Dawn' was the name and it represented a bombing on a railway, also known as 'Bloody Monday'. This would be one of the clues to the next part of the plan.

While Ed cut off the painting and saved it inside his coat, Charlotte entered in yet another section of the Museum. More paintings covered the walls around her but only two of them mattered. The paintings by Gérard Marché and Henri LaRue stood beside each other and Charlotte started working on writing the messages above the artists' signature with green spray. Once Ed was over painting a question mark on where 'Mad Grey Dawn' used to be, he joined Charlotte and sprayed two more question marks above her messages. Once Jim understood the meaning of the artists' names, he would know where to go next.

The couple made their way out of the museum through the back door as soon as they heard the police sirens blaring outside.

When the police arrived, the smoke was already dissipating but they advanced with caution. The bad guy could still be inside and there was no need to put themselves at risk with a mere Museum heist. None of them was a fan of art anyway.

When they saw the stolen painting, they shared looks between each other. A big green question mark was drawn on the place the painting used to be.

'No one will ever understand the villains of this city,' some of the cops thought to themselves.

They decided to walk further into the museum and proceeded with more caution. The cops found two more paintings which had been vandalized. This time the paintings hadn't been stolen but the green question marks above the signatures and the message left by the criminal had completely ruined its value. Written under the question mark was the question 'Feel the euphoria yet?' On the other painting, the words 'You will' were under the question mark as well.

The messages left the police with a feeling of unease. What had the bandit meant when he or she said they would feel euphoric? It didn't make any sense to them. Luckily for them, Detectives Gordon and Bullock would be the ones having to find this crazy criminal. None of them knew where to start if they were responsible to investigate the case.

One hour later, Charlotte and Ed were back to their workplace. They wanted to know how the investigation was going. They were sure Gordon would be able to figure out why they had chosen those particular paintings.

Ed told Charlotte, Jim had talked to him and asked him to make an interview about Miss Kringle. He went out of the lab to go meet up with the Detective but he soon returned.

"He had to go to the Museum to start the investigation," Ed explained after sitting at his desk. "He said we will talk this afternoon".

Charlotte stood in front of his desk with a knowing smile. "I don't think that will happen. Something tells me Jim will have a very busy day ahead of him".

"Yes, and so will we. Now come here," Ed tapped on his lap. She smiled and sat down, placing her arms around his neck and one of her hands went through his brown hair. It was very soft and Charlotte loved to pass her fingers through it. Ed wrapped one arm around her waist and the other slid under her black dress. Ed knew that someone could walk into their lab and see them like that, but he couldn't care less about it. He wanted to kiss his girlfriend, so that's exactly what he was going to do.

Charlotte kissed him back also not caring if somebody saw them. They kissed passionately for a while, enjoying the fact they were alone for the moment. However, when the kiss began to grow more heated, they remembered they had to get on with their plans.

The next step was to plant a bomb in Union Station. That was the reason they had chosen the 'Mad Grey Dawn' painting as well as Marché and the Larue's paintings. Marché meant Market and LaRue meant Street or road when translated from French. Union Station was on Market Street. The puzzle fitted together perfectly.

The bomb was safely kept on Ed's car and he drove them all the way to the station. It was full of people at that time, but the couple managed to fit right in with the crowd. They paid for one of the lockers and received the key. Ed made sure no one was looking before painting a green question mark on the front of the locker. Everyone was occupied tending to their own affairs to care about the couple by the lockers. That gave them the opportunity to put the bag inside and slip the bomb out. Ed took the now empty bag out and closed the locker, saving the key in the pocket of his coat.

Charlotte and Ed positioned themselves close to the doors. From that angle, they would be able to watch everything go down. There was a barred glass door on their other side, so when the police came they would be hidden from their sight.

"Attention, please evacuate the train station," a man's voice said through the intercom. That was when they knew Detective Gordon was nearby.

Ed gently squeezed Charlotte's hand to remind her he was right beside her and there was nothing to be nervous about. However, Charlotte wasn't nervous. The adrenaline coursing through her made her feel excited, not nervous. But she still appreciated the gesture and took his hand to her lips to plant a kiss on top of it.

Not a moment too late, Jim Gordon arrived with his partner and the strike force following close behind him. Charlotte and Ed hid behind the barred glass door and watched the scene unfold in front of them. The strike force helped evacuate the civilians, while Gordon and Bullock desperately searched for any sign around the station. Jim found the familiar question mark on one of the lockers and rushed towards it after warning his partner.

That's when Ed took out a device of his own making. Once Ed clicked the button, that little device would activate the timer on the bomb, giving Detective Gordon a single minute to dispose of it.

"We do this together," Ed said placing Charlotte's hand over the remote.

She nodded after looking up at Ed with a smile. "Together".

And together they pressed the red button on the black device. The couple knew the device worked perfectly when Gordon leaned his ear against the locker. The Detective warned everyone of a device inside the lockers and ordered the strike force to get the remaining civilians out of the building.

Ed felt proud of their work and they both observed curiously as Jim grabbed a crowbar from a bucket nearby. The Detective thought he was lucky because there were some construction works going on in the station and the tool was just laying there. If only he knew that crowbar would turn that day into a nightmare, he would have never layed a finger on it.

Ed immediately started plotting to use that crowbar as a murder weapon to kill Pinkney and frame Gordon. It was the perfect crime.

The Detective forced the locker open with the help of the crowbar and looked at the timer on the bomb. Only 24 seconds were left until the bomb went off.

Jim could feel drops of sweat slid down his face as he carefully took the bomb out of the locker. He turned around and found the perfect place to dispose of the bomb before it could kill him. There was this enormous statue not too far away and on the base of it was a rectangular hole. He threw it inside and ran away from the site as fast as he could. Jim had five seconds to make it as far as possible.

He was not able to make it too far before the explosion went off and he was thrown forward. The noise left an high-pitch ring in his ears.

The couple behind the barred glass door stayed to see if Detective Gordon had survived the blast. At first, he was too weak to move, but when the strike force rushed to his side, he was able to sit up. After that, Ed and Charlotte left the building hand in hand. The people outside paid them no mind and they were able to get to Ed's car without any incident.


A/N: Poor baby Gordon, though. Hope you liked this chapter my lovelies Love you all <3
