Chapter 9: Stifled Memories

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I slowly crack open the door to Danny's room and peep inside.

Sure enough, I saw my brother in bed huddled underneath the covers. I don't know if he was really asleep or just pretending to sleep, but regardless I felt glad that SplendorMan had returned him home safely.

It was now 7AMβ€”meaning I just spent the past 6 hours hanging out in some otherwordly carnival realm with a bunch of murderous freak-show people.

I could still hardly process the entirety of everything I had experienced. Now that I think back on it...all of it was

I slightly cringed feeling this way and closed the door to Danny's room, heaving a sigh.

I drag myself back to my own room and instantly breathe out in relief when my eyes land on my bed. I shut the door and yank my riddler chain from around my neck, causing my CreepyPasta form to disappear along with the high energy and eagerness I felt with it. It felt like a weight was then placed upon my shoulders now that I lacked Splendor's magic and all, and I slumped forwards feeling my usual wave of tiredness.

I open up my bedside drawer and place the chain inside, along with my riddler cards. I stare at the two items for a long moment of silence.

'I had fun...I got to hang around in some crazy magical carnival with crazy alien clown people and I even faked a whole entire murder scene just by using illusions...all in 6 hours.'

But, it wasn't supposed to be fun. I felt angry with myself for allowing myself to loose focus of what my only reason for being involved in all of this was, and I was mad I even allowed myself to warm up in the slightest to Laughing Jack and Candy Pop especially.

Literally the only two that were actively targeting my little brother...

"I should've just stayed at that House of Splendor and hung out with Laughing Jill and Danny. At least I don't think she's trying to hurt him...." I mumble to myself as I sit down and sink backwards into my bed.

I know it was morning but I was dead tired from practically being up all night. I may as well get a little bit of shut-eye before Danny wakes up and comes to get me...

(B/N)'s p. o. v. 🧩

I laid in bed for a while because I thought that I'd be able to go to sleep after being up all night and all the fun I had, but after a while I realized I just couldn't.

I already missed everyone at Splendor's house and I wish Splendor could come back, but since it was day time now they said it would be best I come home so (Y/N) doesn't think I'm missing or anything.

Well I guess that's at least one good thing about being back home; my awesome older sibling was here!

I wished I could tell (Y/N) about everyone and the new Circus-Freak, The Riddler. The Riddler looks so cool with their (Type of mask/face paint) and their costume. Hope I get to hang out with them sometime, they seem nice. I realllyyyy badly wanted to tell (Y/N) about it all but I knew they'd just get mad at me for being outside from home with people they don't know in the middle of the night...if they even believed me. I know they were finally able to feel Laughing Jack so they knew he was really real, but I don't think (Y/N) is okay with him.

I think I'll just keep The Riddler and everyone else to myself, I guess.

I hop out of bed and grab my transformer, Optimus Prime and fly him out of my room to (Y/N)'s room. I knocked on the door, "Good morning (Y/N)!!"

They didn't answer, so I knocked again harder because maybe they had their headphones on and couldn't hear me, but no, there was no response so I guessed they were sleeping.

I try the doorknob and find out that the door was unlocked, so I quietly tip-toe in.

(Y/N) was sprawled out on the bed, sleeping. I wonder why they were like that instead of being comfy in their covers, but I guess they were so tired they passed out. Probably from their job? Although they don't even have work till tomorrow and........oh crapβ€”! I just remembered I have school tomorrow!

"Dammit!" I accidentally said aloud, but I quickly covered my mouth and looked at (Y/N) with wide eyes. Lucky me, they didn't hear that!

"Sorry..." I whisper, even though they couldn't hear me.

I decided to just leave them alone to sleep and go play with my toys till they were ready to wake up and help me make breakfast.

As I was about to leave the room, I notice something shiny shine from (Y/N)'s drawer that wasn't closed all the way...

Okay okay, I know it's so bad to snoop but I really wanted to see what it was real quick.

I open the drawer and look inside.

Eh, it's just some boring stuff, a plain old gray rusty looking chain and a pack of cards with no label on it or anything. Must be some boring old useless stuff. There also happened to be an old pic of my mom and dad though...

I pick up the picture and look at them. It makes me want to smile and sorta cry at the same time, but I'm not a stupid baby anymore...Jesty would laugh at me if he knew I cried about something like this.

I suck it up and place the picture back in the drawer. I then close it all the way and quietly sneak out of my sibling's room.

(Y/N)'s p. o. v. 🌝

I find myself in a dark, empty space.

The last thing I vaguely remembered was falling asleep, but now all of a sudden I feel wide awake yet I'm in this 'void'.

"Oh no...not this...dream again," I muttered, recalling what happened the night before when I seemingly dreamt about Danny and his 'balloon friend'.

I slapped my cheek a few times trying to wake myself up, but I remain in the same place I was.

"Well shit, what kind of dream is this anyways? What do I do now?" I grumble, starting to walk in a random direction through the darkness.

After a few minutes of walking, I see something faintly appearing in the distance and grow alarmed. I reach into my pocket but when I feel that they are empty, I remember that I had left my transformation deck in my drawer before I went to sleep.

I start backing away with my teeth gritted as a discernable shape is now visible and is clearly heading in my direction.

I eventually backed up intoβ€”a wall? How fucking convenient.

I couldn't even see the wall but no matter how much I pressed up against the invisible space I couldn't go back any further.

I wait with hitched breath for the thing that was coming to reach me...

...Until it came close enough to the point I was able to make out what it was and my shoulders slumped when I realise it was just a stupid blue colored balloon.

The balloon floats up to me out of the dark and simply comes to a stop just a few inches away from me.

I narrow my eyes, knowing I've already been through this before, as I'd seen Danny in that dream the other night with the same balloon and it turned out to be...

"Candy Pop...?" I scoff, slowly reaching out and grabbing the string.

I blink in one moment and suddenly I was no longer holding the balloonβ€”instead, my hand was now being grasped by the cursed Jester himself as he towered above me, smirking menacingly wide to the point it was almost concerning.

"Oh~! So you do remember me after all?"


After quickly realizing I was just gawking at him like I did at Splendor's House I shook my head and attempt to yank my hand back, "N-No, I don't remember you...I don't even know who you are..."

"Ah, but you said my name," Candy Pop tsked, letting go of my hand and tapping his chin, "you'd think that would mean we were aquainted in some way somehow?"

" brother Danny, he told me about you, that's how I know."

"Danny only knows me as and calls me 'Jesty'. Never once has he referred to me by my actual name~..."

'Oh shit,' I think in a panic, 'Did I really just give myself away, just like that?'

But...besides the fact I already knew his name from visiting their Circus-Freak's realm, I felt like I already subconsciously knew the name anyways. I knew Candy Pop before it all somehow, I just can't remember how...

"Don't tell me you really can't remember me," Candy Pop frowned, tilting his head, "all the fun we had when you were little, (Y/N)? Even up into last year? We did everything together, remember? I was your best friend...."

"You...were...?" I mutter, trying my hardest to dig my brain. "You...wereβ€”"

"Indeed! How could you forget? Hehehe, you even told me you would one day become a clown just like me, remember? You didn't forget that much, as I see that little job you have~"

My eyes widened a slight bit at this, "What...? Wait how...are you serious? I swear I became a clown just because I...I wanted to make people happy. I wanted them to laugh, I wanted them to have someone they could feel safe around and trust Iβ€”"

Candy Pop crooked his head back to normal and smiled again, widely, "Wasn't that what I was for you? I made you happy, didn't I? I made you sought me out everyday and every night, even when you were awake you wanted me to be around because I was your safeplace."

I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I strained to remember these things I couldn't recall for some reason???? Why did it...why did it all feel and sound right felt all like a big lie at the same time? Was he tricking me? Maybe he was on my case as The Riddler...?

At this point I was having trouble even trying to bring up words because I was so lost. Candy Pop slightly bent to my level and his smile slightly wavered. His bright blue gaze pierced mine as I looked at him with a complexed stare.Β  "(Yβ€”/β€”N)," He sing-songed, suddenly bringing his hands up to my face. I didn't react much from the sudden gesture besides quickly clasping my hands around his, but he only tightened his grasp on my cheeks. He tilted his head again and questioned, "Why did you push me away? I thought we would be friends forever, like you said, hm? Don't you remember saying that nothing would ever tear us apart?"

"I don't recallβ€”"

"I only did as you asked, (Y/N). You didn't want anything to come between us. You didn't want anyone to ruin our friendship. I...only...helped you. I freed you! WE were going to be everything you wantedβ€”yet you pushed me away...why? Why did you do it??"

Despite his desperate questions sounding hysterically frantic, his face seemed twisted as if he were on the brink of laughter. His hold on my face only grew tighter, yet I wouldn't fight it, nor did I let go of my grasp on his hands. I was so conflicted I didn't know how to think straight anymore. What on earth was he talking about? What was I missing? Was he a childhood imaginary friend of mine? Why did I push him away, if I did? I wouldn't doubt blaming it on the fact that he is a blood-thristy, murderous Jester, maybe I found out and that's why?

"I wish I knew why but I just can't remember," I speak despite the fact that my cheeks were being squished against my skull. "Maybe...maybe if you remember, we can go back to how we used to be," Candy Pop grinned, "maybe you'll finally realize what I did was for us and accept our friendship. It'll be me and you again, just like the good ol' days~."

"Me and you..." I utter out in a trancelike state, "...and Danny too...yeah?"

Candy Pop's mouth formed a slight scowl, "! Hehβ€”there was no Danny back then, all he did was make things...worse!"

He'd suddenly dug his claws into my cheeks and ripped his hands away from my face with such force that he left painfully large scratches against my cheeks that instantly bled out. I don't make a sound but I slowly bring my hands up to my face, slightly tembling by his sudden aggression. "Whyβ€”"

"If it weren't for him, maybe you wouldn't have pushed me away after I freed you, (Y/N)! But noooo, Danny this, Danny that, I have to take care of Dannyβ€”to hell with that!!"

Candy Pop was now seething behind his words, suddenly triggered on the very subject of my little brother. The angered, hateful vibes I was getting from him was starting to throw me off, and I no longer felt that same state of 'awe' that I'd felt about him before.

This maniac was really out to get my brother on some sort of furious revenge that I have no idea why he even had it. Danny never did anything wrong, and I don't know what happened in the span of his time living with me and my parents that caused him to become a target of Candy Pop. And I really don't know what this thing is that Candy Pop had apparently saved me from that caused me to push him away...

I watch as Candy was lurched over, writhing in some sort of violent emotion he was feeling, but after a few seconds he straightened up and took a huge, uncensarily dramatic deep breath. After he'd calmed himself, he slowly turned back to me and put back on that unsettling smile, "Forgive me, I shouldn't have said that. Your Danny is a wonderful little brother, isn't he not? Of course, I should know, seeing that he is my new friend and all. It is however sad I can't have my old friend back, you see..."

"Uh....I mean, who says we...can' friends again...?" I mumble cautiously. I wasn't really looking to be his friend at first, especially after he seems to show some sort of underlying anger towards my brother that I originally didn't even know about. However, part of me was curious about him, and I wanted to understand what exactly happened in the past between us.

"Oh no, you wouldn't be my friend again," Candy scoffed, shaking his head, "for one, you can't even remember anything. Two, you have more 'important things' to take care of, don't you?"

I frowned, "You're implying Danny again and I know it. What do you have againt him??"

"Nothing~! Nothing at all, (Y/N). But I do know how oh so important your little sibling is to you, so I could never find myself getting in the way...honest~!"


Before I could actually come up with a response, a sudden door appeared out of thin air right next to Candy Pop, and I watched the door get shoved open. Out into this black void steps another tall circus-themed man, his facial expression looking a bit peeved. "Wait a minute...that's Jason The Toymaker, the Ringmaster-type Circus-Freak from Splendor's house..." I muttered to myself, recalling the appearance of the red-haired man.

"Don't you think you've spent enough time frolicking in the dark, tormenting people in their dreams for once, Blue?" Jason sighed, shamelessly reaching and petting Candy Pop's head who was just slightly shorter than him. "You take one day to spend with that child and then run off with the new face, now you're back at it again."

"Do mind your own business, Red," Candy Pop scowled, grabbing Jason's hand, "I wasn't tormenting anyone. I was just..."

He glanced at me before glancing back at Jason with a smirk, "...visiting an old friend."

Jason rolled his eyes, "You're starting to act like me again. Come Blue, everyone's waiting for you at home."

Before Candy Pop could protest, the Ringmaster had grabbed the Jester by the pigtails and started dragging him forcefully to the strange door. "Whaβ€”hey, let me go! RED!!!!?"

"Heyβ€”wait..." I suddenly exclaim for some reason, reaching out as I saw Candy Pop getting dragged away. For some reason, deep down, seeing him leaving hurt. I don't know why and I hated this feeling. I hated Candy Pop...I hated all of them! I was supposed to...

As Candy Pop was dragged through the door protesting against Jason, the blackness of my surroundings started to fade, as did my vision. I feel myself starting to awake again outside of my dreams.......

»»---- ⦻ ----««
About a Year Ago...
»»---- ⦻ ----««

"Godammit CP, they're sending me to a literal mental institution. What the fuck!?"

(Y/N) stormed around the park, their fists clenched tightly at their sides as they continued to rant on to the tall, patient Jester while he sat at the top of the jungle gym, watching (Y/N) with a solemn expression.

"They can't do that, they'll condition you to forget about me."

"Exactly! It's so frustrating that they can't see you, they won't believe me for anything, they think I'm crazy! I just don't know what to do anymore..."

Candy Pop frowned as (Y/N) continued to waltz around the playground in a state of distress. He leaped off of the jungle gym and landed daintily on the ground before walking over to the panicking teen. "You have to tell them you can't go. They can't do this to you. Not after you promised to be friends forever..." He grabbed (Y/N) by the shoulders, stopping them from walking around. (Y/N) looked up at him and scowled, "They won't listen to me, CP. They think I'm insane and I'm setting a bad example for Danny. I can't just force myself to pretend you're not there eitherβ€”not after all we've been through together. You're my best friend..."

Candy Pop looked off to the side for a moment, thinking, "What to do...what to do..."

He then let out a loud "AHA!" causing (Y/N) to jump. He comically held up a finger, "I knowwww~! Looks I'll just have to finally reveal myself to them, huh?"

"...Candy you know they can't see you, we've already tried that, years and years ago. Multiple times!"

" unfortunate...."

(Y/N)'s shoulders slumped and they slowly leaned against the strange 'imaginary' Jester, fighting the urge to tear up out of frustration. "I ought to leave this stupid place, that'll show them. I'm not going to a dumb mental institution, there's nothing wrong with me. I'll never leave you, Candy Pop."

Candy Pop looked down at them and gently patted their head, "Yes yes, we'll have to make sure of that, won't we? I think in fact I might have another plan to keep us together..."

(Y/N) glanced up at him, "How, exactly?"

Candy Pop's expression then turned...dark...

It was an almost sinister expression that (Y/N) had never seen from him before, and for a moment they felt slightly scared by just this simple visage.

"First, you shall tell me one thing," Candy Pop said with a dry tone of voice, "are you willing to take any risk necessary to remain my friend forever?"

"Like...what risk, Candy?"

"The fact you must question the risk tells me that you aren't as invested in this friendship as I thought..."

"N-NO no! It's not like that at all, of course I'm willing to take a risk to save our friendship!"

"Oh really?" He said this with more enthusiasm, "and you truly wish that no one should get in the way of that, right?"

"Right. Of course. I'm not gonna allow anyone to become between usβ€”that's why I thought maybeee we could skip to your home at that carnival place; that's a good idea, right CP.......CP...........?"

(Y/N) noticed that the Jester was now staring off into the distance with a crazed smirk on their face. (Y/N) took a step back, being thrown off by this new aggressive aura he was giving off. Candy Pop eventually slowly turned back to (Y/N) and reverted to his normal friendly jestful smile, "Right, (Y/N). It's a wonderful idea! That one could ever try to tear us apart. We'll play and be unseparable...forever and ever! Hehehehehe!"

(Y/N) smiled, "Exactly. Also means I won't have to grow up and become a stupid adult. I'll just chill with you at your carnival home and I'll be a Clown just like you...or Jester...heh."

Candy Pop nodded enthusiastically and ruffled (Y/N)'s hair, causing them to chuckle at the gesture. "It's all a perfect plan. However, I don't like the idea of certain 'obstacles' running around and thinking they'll get away with trying to take you away from me..."

(Y/N) rolled their eyes and scoffed, "Don't worry about them CP, we won't hear anything at all from them once I'm gone with you. We won't have to worry about them."

Candy Pop clasped his hands together and smiled widely at (Y/N)'s words.

"You're right, my friend. We won't have to hear anything from them at all. Not. A single. Peep~!"
