Chapter 13: Annoying Clown

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(B/N)'s p. o. v. 🧩

I was having fun playing in the Riddler's room with Sydney but after a while it was kinda starting to get boring and I missed seeing the other Circus Freaks.

Me and Sydney were playing inside of the ball pit and it was Sydney's turn to be the evil Decepticon while I was supposed to be the hero but I guess Sydney started to notice that I wasn't as interested in the game as I was before.

"Is everything okay, Danny?" She asked me, arising from out of the ball pit and wading over to where I was now sitting on the edge, slowly kicking my legs. "Yeah everything's okay," I lied. She tilted her head at me and pouted, "You're lying to me aren't you...?"

"...Not really...?"

My response came with an awkward chuckle which caused her to cross her arms. "Yeah whatever, what's wrong? Do you wanna play a different game? Are you bored?"

I slightly tilt my head upwards and scratch the back of my head, "Welllllll...I was kinda wanting to see if we could go hang out with the Circus Freaks or something, that's really it."

"Oh..." Sydney sounded a bit disappointed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. "Do they scare you or something?"

"No, it's not that..." She sighed. "Well....what is it?" I prodded.

Sydney sighed again and shook her head, "I'm not allowed to leave this room...I can't be seen by the other Circus Freaks under no circumstances otherwise The Riddler will be in danger."

My eyes widened just a bit at hearing this and I stop kicking my legs. "What do you mean Riddler will be in danger, what's gonna happen if they see you?"

"I can't explain why but all I can tell you is that no one else is allowed to see me. You can go play with them if you want but I'm going to stay in here."

None of us said anything for a moment after that, but I finally spoke again after a bit, starting to feel bad about wanting to stop playing with her, "I'll stay in here too, don't worry about it. I don't wanna leave you by yourself. Besides, I've never really had people my age that actually wanted to play with me so this is all really cool."

Sydney frowned, "I don't want to keep you from actually having fun Danny, you should go--"

"Shut," I suddenly interrupt her, standing from where I was seated and playfully bonking her on the head with my fist. "Me and you, we're friends now right? I'm not a douche and I know that you never leave friends behind no matter what. So, lets forget about the Circus Freaks and find something awesome to do."

Sydney giggled at this and slowly nodded her head, smiling happily at me, "You're the coolest, Danny. Thank you."

I nod and smile at her before giving her a gentle push straight into the pit, making my smile appear more evil, "Now it's my turn to be the bad guy. Prepare to face my wrath!"

»»---- ⦻ ----««

(Y/N)'s p. o. v. 🌝

After running and trying to evade Candy Pop for a good fifteen minutes, me and Laughing Jack finally lose him by hiding in some really strange and random room we'd run into in the illusion hall.

"Well. Why didn't we think of entering one of the rooms to escape him before, hm?"

"I mean you don't come across as the brightest one around but that's alright we found our way anyways."

"I do recall you were the one leading us around, Riddler..."

I slump my shoulders and roll my eyes before tearing my grasp away from the Clown's arm.

I look at our surroundings and suddenly my expression falters.

"Another playroom?" I exclaim, tilting my head.

"Seems to be a lot of those in this place," Jack sighed, scratching his head. "Oh well! All the more fun for us then, hm?"

I walk further into the room and kick aside a giant bouncy ball. I watch as it flies into a net that fenced in one of the playing tunnels and shot right back at me, full speed.

I honestly just waited patiently to get smacked by the ball coming back for revenge but instead Laughing Jack jumps in front of me and punches the ball away with his fist while laughing hysterically.

"That didn't look like it was going to end well for you, dear Riddler. Hahah!"

"I didn't need your help, it's just a ball for crying out loud..."

"Oh? So you wanted to stand by and get hit?"

"Yeah, that was the point."

I grin a bit at the confused expression Jack casts me and start to head towards one of the tunnel entrances. "May as well hang here for a bit while that freaky Jester is on the loose. Whaddya say?"

"Eheheh, I think that's a wonderful idea, Riddler," Jack said , following me. I peek inside the tunnel and look around, although I couldn't really see anything considering it was dark inside. I could see in the slightest the faded colors of the play tunnel walls and etched off faces of the funny decorative characters.

Jack grinned before glancing at me, "You're not scared to go in there, are you little Riddler~?"

I sighed, "You're not scared to go are you Jacky-L? I haven't seen you step up to go in first yet!"

Laughing Jack cackled aloud, "Of course not! Heh, just watch me..."

The clown quickly waltzed into the dark space, getting to his knees and crawling inside. I watch as he disappears inside for moment and wonder if I should take the opportunity to just ditch him and leave him wandering around mindlessly without knowing I actually wasn't there. I chuckled at the thought but decided against it, besides I wasn't feeling as hostile today.

I quickly crawl into the tunnel entrance and shuffle around inside until I can feel Laughing Jack's presence. "Hey Clown. How are we supposed to know where we're going if we can't see anything," I question, paying attention to the black and white stripes of his stocking so I don't lose him. "I can see~ guess it's only a you problem now, hm?" He chuckled in response.

"Jacky-L, you have night vision?? Well tell me where we're going then!"

"You'll see once we get there. Heheh..."

"Why can't you just teleport us to the other end?"

"Now now, where's the fun in that, Riddler?"

I groaned quietly and decided to just leave it alone and follow him in silence. After what felt like forever of crawling , I notice that I can't see the stripes of his legs anymore and I can't feel his presence anywhere.

"Jack? Jack??" I exclaim, looking all around myself, but everywhere I looked was darkness. "JAKC" I yell out loud, taking a few more blind advances forwards. Placing my hand out at one point results in me not touching anything and the next thing I know, I was falling right out of the tunnel.

I don't scream or anything but I feel my heart launch to my stomach as Im stuck free falling for what feels like forever until I crash into what feels like a pit of plastic...

After pulling myself together from the shock, I lift my head from where I had fallen and look around myself to see that I'm in some sort of giant ball pit.

I hear laughing coming from somewhere nearby and turn to see the clown popping up from out of the pit, a large smirk on his face. "Now you see," He snickered, "you found your way to the end!"

"You left me dumbo,Β  you could've told me there was a drop!" I snap at him, grabbing a ball and rearing it full force at him. The ball pelts Laughing Jack in the forehead but it only warrants more crazed laughter from the clown. "Sour with me, Riddler~? You're still alive aren't you? Hehehehah!" He crowed, now snatching a ball himself and hurling it back at me.

I tried to duck but the throw was a speedy one and the ball lunged into my throat, causing me to feel like I was suddenly choking. I grasp my neck in agony as I try to regain my breath. The strength in that throw was stupidly intense for someone that looks as thin as LJ.

The Clown just seems to laugh all through my misery, "I could've sworn you weren't that weak, but maybe I could've thrown that much softer then eh?"

I glare at him beneath my mask and grumble, keeping one hand clamped around my neck while I use the other to swipe another ball. "Go as soft as you want but I'll make sure you pay twice as hard forΒ  that god-awful throw."

I try hurling the ball much quicker and with more force at Laufhing Jack, but of course he doesn't do anything to avoid it and when it hits him he just bursts out into more annoying laughter. I begin to feel like he's just doing this just to mock me and it pisses me off, so I start throwing ball after ball trying to Hurt him in some way.

However, each of my throws, no matter how violent they got, only made Jack bend over howling with laughter. At some point, he eventually stops taking the hits and starts throwing more at me as well. The problem with that was, whenever a throw from Laughing Jack hit me it actually hurt.

I eventually give up trying to hurt him and start trying to swim through the ball pit to get away from him because his throws were beginning to make me feel as if my insides were getting bashed inwards.

"Heheh, where'ya going Riddler? Trying to escape?" Laughing Jack snickered, and I turn back to see him following me as I tried to create distance. "I'm not playing around with you anymore, are ya trying to kill me with those throws??"

"I could ask the same from you~"

I blinked, surprised that he'd managed to figure out what I was actually trying to do, but he was probably too dumb to understand I was actually trying to hurt him than 'play around'.

"Either ways, I'm not letting you away that easily Riddler. The funs only just begun, right? Hahahaha!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, have fun by yourself," I grumble, turning my focus back to swimming through the ocean of plastic to find my way out.

I think I see the end of edge of the ball pit and gladly start in said direction quicker than before, but I'm suddenly stopped when I feels arms wrap around my waist.

I grunt in surprise and flinch when LJ suddenly pops up in front of me and I feel myself being heaved upwards out of the pit. I then find that I'm being held tightly in Laughing Jack's arms while he grins down at me. "What the hell Clown? Put me down," I groan, slumping my shoulders as I hung from his grasp and stared up at him.

"Aren't you not having fun Riddle~?" He asked, smiling while tilting his head. He seemed really excited somehow but I just wasn't in the mood with this guy anymore. "Does it Look like I'm having fun, you stupid Clown??" I growled, clenching my teeth behind my mask.

Laughing Jack's smile slowly started to falter and then he looked at me with a somewhat hurt expressionβ€”I honestly didn't even know this freak was capable of showing any other emotion besides twisted over-excitement and

"I'm...bothering you, aren't I? ...Heh, figured..." He scoffed, his pale eyes looking aside "I can sense it in your voice...I can't sees your face but I know've probably been frowning at me this whole time. You're not even calling me Jacky L anymore...Tch, of course. You're just like all the others. Heh..."

I purses my lips for a second, actually starting to feel a bit bad. I looked at his saddened creepy clownish face and realized that I, for some odd reason, much prefer to see him smiling.

The Clown lets out a low sigh and I see that he's starting to walk with me through the ball pit to where it ended. I wanted to say something but I wasn't sure what. I was annoyed by him but at the same time...

"Lβ€”" I eventually begin to let out, but his arms suddenly unwrap around me and I plop to the ground before I could finish. We've exited out of the ball pit. "You're free now Riddler," Laughing Jack scoffed with a rather harsh tone of voice, "The exit is that way, where that red light shows. I won't bother ya anymore."

"Wait," I mutter, quickly pulling myself up off the ground and glancing at him with a real apologetic expression...even though he couldn't see it. "Jacky L you don't bother me...I was just being a bit glum back was all fun and games right...right??"

"Oh, I don't care," Laughing Jack smile slowly returned to his face, but it didn't seem genuinely nice, "you'll grow tired of me eventually, wether yer being truthful or not. That's how all the others are. Everyone is disgusted and annoyed by ol' Laughing Jack. I don't care, I'm used to it, in fact! Hehahahah!"

I shook my head at him, "That's so sad that you're used to something like that. I didn't know the others were like this to you?"

"Well that's what makes you perfect like the rest of 'em, eh? Better not to know so there's no need to bother."

I was starting to feel more and more awful by his words and I felt bad now at the fact I was actually trying to hurt him with a bunch of plastic balls. "Jacky L I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings," I say stepping up to him, "we can go back if you wantβ€”I won't even complain about your throws anymore, I swear to ya!"

"Ahah, Candy Pop might be wondering where you've gone off to, don't you think? You two seem to get along well... maybe if you go back now he wouldn't even be mad anymore."

For a slight second, he flashed a saddened look again and added more offishly, "besides Riddler, I don't feel like playing with you anymore."

The next thing I knew was the clown being surrounded by a phenomena of black smoke and in the following moment he had vanished from sight.

I was left there standing alone trying to contemplate in whole what the fuck just happened.
