50 Followers Response

Are Q&As just not a good idea? 

I'll have to come up with something else for 100, when we get there. 

Since I only got one response in the comments and a few messages from people, I'll answer all of the questions I got for each character and myself, just so this isn't a waste of a chapter.

I won't apologize for any puns I may make in this chapter.

What is your favorite broadway musical?

Kai:  Hmm..... There are four I would call my favorites.  The Lion King, because I love the story and the songs and everything about it, Wicked, same reasons, and it's just a WICKED play.  and Mamma Mia and Annie, because I used to go see them with my mom when I was a kid, and I have a lot of great memories associated with them.

Lily:  I've only ever gotten to go see one musical, and it was Wicked. Mom and I used to watch The Wizard Of Oz together when I was little, so when she took me for one of my birthdays, I fell in love with the twist to the backstory.

Alex: I never really got to see any musicals.  Does STOMP Off-Broadway count as a musical?

Theo:  I have never seen a musical.

What is your favorite animal?

Kai:  Ummm.... I don't have one?  I just like animals in general.

Lily:  Does my cat count?  *holds up Eowyn like Simba*  Because I like her.  She's my favorite.

Alex:  I really like whales.  It's kinda like magic, listening to their songs.  Of course, I can't tell Dandelion, because she'll make me watch the fourth Star Trek movie a thousand times, which is all about rescuing whales. 

Theo:  Will I sound egotistical if I say bears?

What is your favorite food?

Kai:  I don't have one of those either...

Lily:  Pineapple pizza!

Alex:  My grandpa used to make the best damn pasta salad and bacon macaroni I've ever had.  If I had to choose a favorite thing, it would probably be those two things.

Theo:  I can't eat.

What is your favorite show?

Kai: ..............Literally all of the Star Trek series.  I don't actually watch TV all that much, but when I do, I usually watch Ghost Adventures with my mom and step dad.

Lily:  Star Trek, Once Upon A Time,  Spongebob, Stop laughing, Alex, I watched it when I was little, Cosmos, umm... I watch more movies than I do TV shows...

Alex:  Lost.  Great show.

Theo:  Whatever Lily and Alex happen to be watching.

Am I supposed to stick to just one question?

Kai: Heck no! Ask as much as much as you want!!!

How did you design the characters?

Mayhem, I don't know why you're asking me this.  You were THERE when Lily and Alex came into being.  You HELPED me make them!!

How do you come up with your ideas?

Good question.  I'd like to know the answer too.  Honestly, I usually get my best ideas when I'm in the shower, and it's gotten to the point where I take a notebook with me so I don't forget what I've thought of when I get out.  Thank God for waterproof paper and pencils, right?  I do get a lot of ideas from my dreams though.  That's why I'm always so excited when we talk about dreams.

What was it like turning your ideas into a completed story?

Immensely satisfying.  You and I have been talking about these kids since tenth grade.  I know that's how long it's been since I have a picture of us dressed up as Lily and Alex from that little convention in Towson.  Granted, they were a little different back then, but their designs were the same.

When I got the idea and proposed (anyone who's read Dandelion should be laughing) it to you, you were all for it, which was a great feeling.  Alex and Lily had been in my mind for so long that when I finally got an idea for them, I had to use it, and I was super excited to write How Our Garden Grows from start to finish.  So much so that I had to write a sequel, and now a prequel!

What was your inspiration?

Good question, Mayhem.  I guess my biggest inspiration and motivation to keep writing is how happy my stuff seems to make people, not to mention how happy it makes me.

In all honesty though, you're one of my biggest inspirations, because I know you're always willing to listen to my weird ideas and give feedback and maybe some ideas of your own!  And you always want to read what I'm working on, and it's a really great feeling knowing one of your best friends is also one of your biggest fans!


Alex, why did you call her Lily when you first walked into her hospital room?  You had never done that before.

Alex:  .......My girlfriend was literally dying.  Nicknames were out the proverbial window.

Why did you write "Dear Lily"?

Alex:  Um... that's her name.  I honestly thought I was gonna lose her.  I wasn't going to start a letter like that with a nickname.

Why did you think it was fun to get under her skin?

Alex:..... I was an asshole.  Plain and simple, I was a huge jerk.  Plus she's cute when she's flustered.  Don't tell her I said that.

Why did you say she was "more childish than I thought."  You've never said she was childish before.

Alex:  Geez, just 'cause I'm narrating doesn't mean I share everything.  A guy's gotta have some thoughts that he keeps to himself.  She's got her moments.  I think it's because she didn't have the best childhood, that she has a childish streak to her nature, and she doesn't get to show it very often.  Other times, she's the most grown up person I know.

Alex's mom, if you'd never met her, how did you know to call her Lily, if Alex always calls her Dandelion?  And why did you let her stay in your house knowing nothing about her?

Bree:  *blinks* I wasn't aware I was part of this questionnaire.  My name is Bree, and I knew to call her Lily because she told me her name.  And of course, Alex has talked about her, and used her proper name.  Alex did check in with me before he brought Lily here, because he's a responsible boy, and how could I turn such a sweet young girl away, knowing what I'd be condemning her to? 

Thank you guys so much for 50 followers!  I'll be back to this book when I hit 100, so in the meantime, I'll try to come up with something good to do to celebrate until then! 

Keep being awesome and amazingly each and every single one of you, and I'll catch you on the flip side! (Of the page!)

