100 Facts About KaiChristopher

Well, here we are!  100 facts about Kai Christopher.  Let's do this!

1.  My real name is Kaitlyn.

2. I'm 19, though I'll be 20 in a few months.  (My god, that's scary.  I think a few of my Wattpad friends know this already...)

3. I'm a sophomore in college, but that's kind of a boring fact, so I should probably include the fact that my major is Ancient Studies. 

4. I'm going to Greece over spring break with school, in March, and I'm SO excited!

5. I have two cats! 

These are my girls!!! The grey one is Callie, and she's such a mama's girl, and the fluffy one is Sia, and she's technically my brother's

6. Oh! I have a brother! That's an important thing.

7. I look nothing like my profile picture. In real life, I've got dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

8. I first started drawing in middle school by trying to draw characters from my best friend's manga.

9. I live in Maryland, USA


11. I like Minecraft!

12. I build the settings of my stories in Minecraft, just so I can have a layout to reference back to.

13. I'm better at drawing characters than I am at drawing animals and settings.

14. My art style is very much anime and comic book inspired, because that's what I started drawing when I was young.

15. Speaking of art, my favorite medium is colored pencils. I really like colored pencils.

16. One of my friends gave me a WHOLE BUNCH of PrismaColor pencils for Christmas and I love them.

17. I was in Girl Scouts for 12 years, from first grade, until I graduated from high school.

18. I love camping.

19. I love being outside.

20. My favorite place in the world is New Germany State Park, in Western Maryland.

21. I've been to Ireland.

22. I've been to England.

23. My favorite book is The Hobbit.

24. Despite fact #23, my favorite collection of stories is the collection of Sherlock Holmes stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle.

25. I have two books with all of the Sherlock Holms stories that have been signed by the author and I love them.

26. Since I've started talking about Sherlock Holmes, I might as well keep going. My favorite film/ TV adaptation of the Holmes stories is the Granada series with Jeremy Brett as Holmes.

27. I was born a month early.

28. I got super sick when I was a baby.

29. I've never broken a bone (knock on wood)

30. I have insomnia, and, according to my mom, I always have, even when I was a baby.

31. I really, really like puns.

32. I'm a huge nerd, and I'm really proud of it.

33. I love to skateboard

34. One of my favorite things ever is music!

35. I'm teaching myself how to play the bass guitar.

36. I want to learn how to play the violin and piano.

37. I sing A LOT.

38. I was in chorus from fourth grade until eleventh grade.

39. I love animals of all kinds.

40. When I was younger, I used to ride horses.

41. I miss riding horses.

42. When I was a kid, I had a rabbit that I got for my fourth birthday. Her name was Nibbles, and she lived until I was ten.

43. We had dogs when I was little. Labradors, and at one point, we had a yellow lab, a black lab, and a chocolate lab all at the same time.

44. I miss them too.

45. Last year, I rescued a baby turtle. Because I didn't know it's gender at the time, my friend and I named it Frisk, after the Undertale character. Frisk the turtle ended up being a boy.

46. I prefer suits to dresses

47. I actually really don't like dresses at all.

48. My sense of "style" is men's jeans and tee shirts, usually. Flannels, too.

49. I love hoodies and sweaters.

50. I make sweaters.

51. I make scarves.

52. I make hats.

53. I make blankets.

54. I make plushies.

55. Oh, right! I crochet, which is how I make all the stuff I just mentioned.

56. I also know how to sew, though I don't do it nearly as much as I crochet.

57. I have so much yarn around my room. It's everywhere.

58. I have ADHD, though it isn't nearly as noticeable as it was when I was little.

59. I am, however, almost always bouncing my leg.

60. I'm also incredibly introverted.

61. I put myself out there way more on Wattpad than I do in real life. So uh... Lucky for you guys, I guess.

62. I don't think I've talked about Lord of the Rings yet. If any of you have read How Our Garden Grows and Dandelion, you'll know that Lily loves Lord of the Rings. I wrote that bit into her character because of how much I love those books and movies.

63. I'm really not that big of a fan of the Hobbit movies.

64. I'm not going to start talking about the issues I have with those movies, because I'll be here for ages.

65. I know I mentioned the insomnia thing already, but the only thing that helps with that are documentaries, oddly enough. And sometimes Minecraft tutorials will help me sleep. I know it's weird, but hey, this is a list of 100 random facts!

66. I really like facts! Fun fact!

67. I love learning, just as a blanket statement.

68. I love to read.

69. I love books. So much.

70. A solid.... quarter (probably) of my walls is taken up by bookshelves.

71. One of those shelves is devoted entirely to all my Tolkien stuff.

72. Another one is nothing but notebooks.

73. I'm really big on proper grammar. Thanks, Nana.

74. My grandmother is one of my biggest supports in my writing, and she's always willing to listen to me chatter excitedly about characters and plot ideas I've come up with, and she's always willing to edit my stuff.

75. I have a picture of my grandfather holding me when I was a baby hanging on the wall above my desk.  He's always been so supportive of me, I've always aspired to make him proud, and I keep the picture there as an inspiration to keep doing what I love and succeed.

76. I used to spend the night with my grandparents all the time because their house always seemed like such a fun place to be, because they have a pool, a hammock, and, when I was little, there was even a rope swing. I loved that thing

77. My grandfather and I used to lay in the hammock in his backyard when I was really little and look at the sky through the trees. It didn't matter what time of day it was, to me.

78. I used to want to be an astronaut.

79. When I was a kid, I wanted to go to the moon.

80. I love space!

81. The stars inspire me. (cheesy, I know, but I can't help it!)

82. I consider myself an amateur astronomer.

83. I have a telescope that I got for my birthday years ago, and I absolutely adore it.

84. My favorite thing to do on a clear night is take my telescope to the field near my house and stargaze!

85. I love the Star Trek universe.

86. Star Trek: The Next Generation is my favorite of the spinoff series.

87 Star Trek: Enterprise is a really close second.

88. I've learned that I really seem to like the logical characters.

89. Spock and Data are my two all-time favorite Star Trek characters. And Malcolm Reed is my favorite in Enterprise.

90. I draw Star Trek characters a lot in my spare time.

91. I've been debating adding the drawings mentioned in #90 to my art book, but I'm not sure if people would like it.

92. I dive way too far into the lore of the Star Trek universe.

93. I'm actually writing a Next Gen detective story.

94. If it wasn't obvious, I really, really, REALLY love to write.

95. I've been writing for as long as I can remember knowing how to.

96. I can't remember ever not loving to write.

97. I can't remember ever not wanting to be a writer.

98. The other day, when I was cleaning my room, I found the very first story I ever tried to write. It was from first grade.

99. I joined Wattpad on January 31, 2015. Just over three years ago.

100. I have a lot of stories planned for you guys!

So there you have it!  100 facts about me!  I hope you guys enjoyed, because coming up with this many facts was more difficult than you might think. 

Thank you all so much again for helping me reach this milestone, and I'll see you all in this book when we hit 500 followers! 

Catch you on the flip side! (Of the page!)
