Two Kids Past

Reader P.O. V

For the past few days you had spent time with Sans and Papyrus. Sans would always tease you two for what happened on their roof. It was strange how those events could happen. After that night with them things started to go a bit strange. You started to feel a presence around even when no body was near. You started to have nightmares of a man who wears black and was a skeleton, he had holes in his hands. (You know who it is) You wanted to ask Papyrus or Sans if they knew who it was ,but you weren't sure if the man/skeleton was even real.

Your P. O. V

I was in the back of a taxi texting Ashlyn, asking her if she was at the spidery bake. Ashlyn worked at a library so I asked her to get me a book about the Royal Monster Family. I couldn't get that man out of my mind, the dreams he was in was not a once in a while it was repeated. The dreams were always the same, a dark void with just the two of us. 'Why is he always in my dreams?' The taxi came to the stop and I could see Ashlyn in a booth by the window waiting for me.

I walked in with goose bumps all over my arms, I couldn't help it the man was on my mind. Miss Muffet looked at me worried. " Y/n are you alright dearie?" I nodded, putting on a fake smile and sat down with Ashlyn.

She handed me an old book that looked like it had been hidden for thousands of years. She didn't make eye contact with me. I felt like I was in a spy movie, passing on something Illegal with another spy. "This has all the information of the Royal family, also the Royal Guard, Royal Scientist and the war between monsters and humans" She looked at me a bit worried, I never seen her unhappy before.

"Hey is everything alright Ashlyn?" I grabbed the old book, some dust went onto my hand. I didn't even notice and just put the book in my bag.

"No one has ever wanted to know about the past before the war" Your heart sank, that's all she was worried about! 'I thought she probably got hurt by someone!' I screamed in my head but gave her a soft smile.

"It's just that I wanted to know what it was like before the war" She smiled back letting me know everything was good. Both of us nearly jumped out of our skins when the bell above the front door broke the silence between us. I looked at the door to see who almost gave me a heart attack. Papyrus and Sans were at the door next to a fish looking girl that had long red hair. She seemed very nervous and was... shaking a bit?

Sans saw me and ran over to me and Ashlyn's booth overly excited like always. He hugged me from my seat, I could barely breath but it was totally wroth the pain. He hugged Ashlyn and didn't let go, she mouthed quietly to me "help me!" I tried not to laugh out loud, she did deserve it for scaring me though. Papyrus soon walked over with the fish girl, his eyes went completely black as he stared at my hand.

I looked at my hand and shrugged whipping the dust off my hands. "It was just some dust from an old book" Papyrus shook his head and went back to his chilled out self. I didn't know a lot about monsters and what happens to them if they died.

Sans instantly grabbed onto the fish girls hand and pushed her in front of me. "O-oh sorry my names Undyne, I'm the R-royal Scientist" She was very shy, we just met so I couldn't blame her. She was wearing a long lab coat so being a Scientist could explain that, I think.

"My name is Y/n and this is Ashlyn" We both gave Undyne a bright smile and I shook her hand. My life has became quit strange, it was strange before but right now I'm standing in front of two live skeletons and a walking, talking fish. I have to have the world record of the strangest life on earth.

After about an hour of talking and eating some food we all parted our ways and went home. Ashlyn had been staying the night at my house so she instantly fell asleep on my couch. I walked into my small room, I put the book down onto my desk and opened it up and began to read.

~The power of skipping the whole war story thanks to Temmie~

I had read some more parts about the Royal Family and what had happened to them in the past. Married couples are always splitting up but never over something like killing six innocent children. Well that's what I've heard, I never like hearing about murderers or peoples death. Besides when a friend needs to talk about their family members death, I respect that.

I had read some stuff about the Royal Guard Alphys, she is short but she is truly stronger then she looks. I also read some stuff about Undyne since she is the Royal Scientist, then about the old one. I froze completely when I saw the picture of him, it was burnt up somehow ,but I could still see his hands and the holes in them. 'It's him, he is real!' I read some more, learning about how he was distance from his sons a lot. 'I wonder what happened to his sons?' I continued to read learning that his name was Gaster and that he died thanks to the "core".

Something hit the wall behind me making me jump and shift my body around. I looked around my room and saw some of my books on the ground. Then my heart sank and all the colors on my face vanished, my breathing became low. The tall dark figure walked in front of me twitching a bit. "G-Gaster!"


Story is now out and ready to read! Sorry that took so long, I didn't mean to make everyone wait for that part. I started school already so stories  are gonna be out late! Well bye everyone!

