New kid

Paige P.O.V
"Goodnight my little daisy" Whispered my mother as she kissed my forehead. My father gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked over to my mother. They both said goodnight one last time, my father turning off my light, then leave my bedroom. I smiled and rolled over onto my side, looking out my window. I have to be the luckiest kid ever! I thought as I watched leaves fall once in awhile off a tree. My eyes slowly fell close, as I slowly fell into a deep slumber. Everything was quiet until I was woken up by a blood curdling scream. I shot up, out of my bed and raced down the hall. I slowed down my pace as I reached the staircase. Slowly and carefully I walked down the stairs till I could see a man wearing all black. I walked down a few more steps, slightly seeing more of the man's features. He had a stubble type of beard and a few scars on his face. He looked like he was pretty strong ,but he had some red stuff on him.
After awhile he finally left and I went down the rest of the stairs. I walked around the couch and notice father laying on the ground. Mother was sitting on the couch, her head down. Like the strange man, my parents were also covered in some red stuff to. I slowly walked up to my mother and shook her. She didn't move so I tried to lift her face up. When I could finally see her face, I couldn't believe my eyes. I let go of her and ran out of the house, screaming. They were dead, both of them, gone! Once I got outside I could see police cars and a bunch of people around my house. One of the people in a vest that said "FBI"  ran up to me and picked me up. He ran behind a police car and set me down. He crouched down and looked at me at eye level. "Hello Paige, my name is Derek Morgan. I'm with the FBI and we are here to help you" Morgan calmly said. Then a lady in another vest came up to us. She crouched down next to me just like Morgan did.
"Hello Paige, I'm Emily Prentiss. Morgan and I are going to take you to one of our friends. She will keep you safe and away from that bad man. Okay?" I only nodded and walked with her and Morgan to a black SUV. Emily helped me into the back seat and soon drove off down the street. The car was quiet the whole way till we stopped in front of this light grey two story house. As we get out of the car two skeletons and a girl walk out of the building. "Good... night time Ms. Y/n, we have the little girl we talked about. Her name is Paige and she isn't very talkative" I thought what she said about me was silly. Of course I'm not talkative, my parents just died. What am I supposed to say!
Emily pushed me forward a bit, trying to get me to go over to Y/n. I just swung my arm backwards, hitting her and showing that I was annoyed. I slowly walked over to the small skeleton who shockingly stepped back. He seemed a bit worried, like he was afraid that he would do something to trigger what happened. I just shrugged and walked over to the tall skeleton. He gave me a slight smile and did a little wave. I waved back, not smiling and walked to Y/n. She was different out of the two others. Of course she was worried ,but she tried to act like she was just babysitting me for my parents. She smiled a caring smiled and grabbed my hand. "Hello Paige, your going to be staying with us for awhile until we can find you a caring Orphanage. There are only a few rules and they aren't that bad. Just don't give Sans, this small skeleton, any sugar. Don't
enter any of our rooms without permission and that's it! Besides those rules you basically can do whatever you want. Is there anything you would like us to do. Like do you have a routine?" I nodded my head and grabbed a book that was in the car.
"One of the FBI agents grabbed this book for me before we left, its my favorite! My mother would read it to me every night..." Without realising it, I slowly started to cry. I didn't want to make this all sad ,but I couldn't help it. Things were going to be so different without my parents. I'm going to have a complete new family. I may not be an only child anymore, the new family will probably have a lot of rules. I held the book to my chest and silently cried. Suddenly I was picked up and was being held against someone's chest. Papyrus was hugging me, trying to calm me down.
Y/n looked at me caringly. "Don't worry, I can read that to you at night. Sans also has a special book that Papyrus reads to him" I look at Sans and he smiles proudly. Isn't he like eighteen or older I thought. I just smiled back even though all of this was still uncomfortable. Papyrus and Y/n talked to the agents for a bit, while Sans talked to me about puzzles. I liked doing puzzles, when I'm bored ,but he them sound more interesting. Soon all four of us went inside and got ready to go back to sleep. Sans was perfectly fine with sharing a room and neither did I. His room was super clean, he had a pirate poster and a race car bed. He looked like the perfect bedroom for a little boy, well besides the box of bones in the corner of the room. Sans was extremely excited, thinking that this was a sleepover. This kind of was like one ,but I wouldn't be going home the next morning. My mind drifted off to what happened earlier for a bit ,but I snapped out of it when Y/n asked me something. "We could read you that bedtime story if you'd like"
I nodded my head and got onto Sans bed. At first I refused to be on his bed cause I didn't want to steal his bed ,but he said that he didn't mind. He told me how all three of them would occasionally fall asleep on the floor in the living room while they are watching a movie and that he was use to it. So since I couldn't get him to budge, I laid on his bed while Y/n read the book to us. Sans seemed to like it ,but I noticed that Papyrus was deep in thought. It slightly worried me ,but I was to distracted by the story. Once Y/n finished reading the book, she kissed me on the forehead, turned off the light, said goodnight and left. Sans was already passed out and it took me a while to fall asleep. I stayed awake for awhile thinking of what happened and where I am now. I like this family, there caring and really friendly. But soon I'll be taken away and who knows how many families I'll be taken to. After a bit I finally fell asleep, dreaming about my parents.
Y/n P.O.V
I closed the bedroom door and sighed. Looking at Papyrus I knew we were both thinking the same thing. What are we gonna do with Paige? Did Chara do this, how did she kill some parents and why leave a little girl alone? Did something like this happen to her and something is making her do this again or is she doing this to mess with us? It was all confusing and hard to comprehend ,but we had to stick through this together. We now had Paige and just like us, she's going through a lot.
I hugged onto Papyrus tightly, just standing there in the hallway for awhile. "What are we going to do Papy?" He looked concerned and worried ,but just kissed the top of my head. He
grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom. "Papy I can't sleep with all that is going on. What are we going to do about Paige and with Chara. Who knows when she is going to attack next. Will she attack us and plan to kill Paige?" Just the thought of that made even more thoughts go through my head. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking of ways that Chara could get us or Paige. Papyrus sat down next to me on the bed and had me lay my head on his lap. He ran his hands through my hair and started humming. It calmed me down a bit ,but thoughts of Paige kept going through my head.
"Don't worry love, things will work itself out. We just need to try to relax and take a breather. How about tomorrow we can all go to the park out of city and get to know Paige more. A calming day, away from the city, the noise and from all the chaos" The thought of having a picnic, seeing Sans and Paige happy brought a small smile to my face. I sat up and looked at Papyrus.
"That sounds perfect and maybe we could invite some of the others to. Thank you Papy" I kissed him on the cheek and we both laid down. Of course Papyrus fell asleep instantly ,but I stayed awake for a bit. After a bit I got out of bed and stuck back to Sans room. I crept the door open and looked in. Paige was sleeping calmly with a slight smile on her face. She seemed actually seemed calm and happy. I quietly closed the door and went back to the bedroom. I cuddled up next to Papyrus which he pulled me closer to him. 'Even after washing his hoodie and tank top over and over again, they still smell like honey'. I giggled at that thought and slowly fell asleep.
