03: The Battle begins

Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Force or Naruto please support the official release





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I had awakened with a jump that day. My breath was shaky and ragged as sweat ran down my face and back.

"It was just a dream, just a dream" I spoke to nobody in particular not really expecting a response.

Bad dream?

Spoke Kurama as he gave off a....yawn? growl? I couldn't really tell what it was "Yea, same one as always" I spoke taking a look at the clock next to my bed, It read 9:23 in the afternoon.

"Hey Kurama, how come I slept through the whole day?" I asked him somehow knowing he had something to do with this.

Well since I knew you would want to go out the moment you woke up, I took it upon myself to ensure that you would get a full days rest. . . . Plus I wanted to sleep some more

"So you forced my body to shut down for the entirety of the day just so you could sleep more.....that right?" He seemed to not want to answer as all he gave out was another set of small growls.


"Dude, you're the worst" I exclaimed with a small sigh "Well anyway, I think it's time we go on a small stroll around the city again. What do you think?" I ask while making my way towards my bathroom.

I suppose you're right. Wouldn't want to be cooped up in here for too long anyway

"Huh? Wait but aren't you always cooped up inside my body anyway?"

....Just hurry it up already will you?

I let out a small chuckle at this while brushing my teeth. I began to think back on what had happened the day prior with intervening with the matter of Company Five and Eight.

Once finished with everything and being fully dressed I make my way towards the door walking out. The streets were filled with life and were bright in color, it was some kind of festival. Couples walked hand-in-hand, kids ran up and down the road as there parents kept a close eye on them.

It was truly a sight to see, anyone would without a doubt want to experience it firsthand. I walked the other way in the end.

Though I admit it was beautiful, I didn't really feel like attending a festival like that. I wanted to find something better. Maybe some action like a Fight, or perhaps a robbery, maybe even a Fight and finally maybe even a......did I already say fight?

Tonight just seemed like the perfect night to cause some trouble and this young Fox Kit is ready to do just that.

Hey Kurama, got any ideas of what we could do tonight?

No idea. Maybe sneak into another Fire Company Compound? Or perhaps we could piss off the world military once more?

While I love both of those ideas...mainly the second one. I believe that there should be a good reason behind our actions tonight

Yea I suppose you're right about that—

"I was actually hoping to meet with your captain"

I'm brought out of my conversation by the sound of a familiar feminine voice nearby "Uh. Doesn't seem likely" responded a much heavier voice signifying that it belongs to a man.

Well would you look at that. It appears that Lady Luck is on our side tonight

I quickly —silently— make my way towards the sources and stand in the dark while erasing my presence from any onlookers.

In front of me currently stands the blonde cutie from yesterday. She wore a nun outfit and held a serious expression on her face.

If I remember correctly her name was... ah... um... uh...


Ah yes, Iris! I remember now!

Looking back toward them I'm met with their retreating forms as they make their way inside the building.

"If my guesses are correct then that means two things"


"That this place is another one of those Fire Force Compounds"


"I think I know what we're going to do today!"

Just try not to get caught

Who do you think it is you're speaking with? I'm the master of sneaking around!


Once inside, I began to quietly make my way through the place. The halls were long, and there weren't many hiding places making it impossible to sneak around.

That is if you're anyone besides me of course.

I found it fairly easy to maneuver around the place, it was practically Childs play for someone of my caliber.

Where do you think she could be?

Why is it that whenever you can't figure something out yourself, you always make me do it for you?

.....Isn't that kinda like your job?

Of course not! What the hell made you think that?!

Well I mean..... you practically live in my head for free. Shouldn't you help me out from time to time?

.....Yes, you're right but what exactly do you suppose I do?

I don't know maybe motivate me? Or even better come up with an idea to help!

I am seriously convinced that you are a complete ediot

He immediately cut our link after saying that. I guess I'll just have to take matters into my own hands.

"Alright, let's do this—!" I'm cut off my sentence by a massive Boom! coming from outside "what the hell?" The halls are lit up in red color by the security alarms.

There was no way they could have spotted me so something must have triggered it from the outside, perhaps that explosion from earlier? Definitely.

"Well since there's no point in being sneaky anymore I'll just rush through the place. Maybe I'll even run into that stunning lady from before~"

I begin to sprint through the halls at top speeds for almost a minute before I'm met with what seemed to be Guards, 3 of them to be exact.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!" Yelled the front one. He was a fairly tall man with a very well-kept mustache, sadly the same couldn't be said about his physic.

Behind him stood 2 more guards. The first was very tall but very skinny, while the other had some muscle on him, but was comedically short!

Where did she even find these guys?!

Not listening to his command I rushed toward them and chop their necks before they had any chance of defending themselves, I didn't have time for this.

"I guess it's time for some fun~"

Shutting my eyes I focus on my surroundings before my body sent out a ring of fire which continued to grow before disappearing into the walls.

Immediately I opened my and let out a small smirk "There you are~" I sprinted off to my newly located destination.

One of my abilities was the perception of heat signatures up to 1 Mile away. I had adopted calling this abilityHeat SenseThe only downside to it was the ring of fire itself. It was just too noticeable for stealth tactics which led to me hardly finding any use for it. I discovered this ability when I had gotten lost in a forest while hunting for some deer. It sure was a lifesaver then.

Once close to my destination, I stop in front of huge pair of doors.

I had sensed 7 very familiar heat signatures earlier, 2 of them were currently inside this room. Thanks to their scent I could make them out to be Iris and Hibana in there.

4 of the heat signatures were still outside while surrounded by a bunch of other signatures. The remaining signature was rapidly closing in on this exact location, I could only assume  they belonged to my good buddies from the 8th Company.

I could hear them talking inside so I needed a way to sneak in without being noticed. Quickly finding my answer I spotted an open window at the top of the doors.


Quietly jumping in through it I'm met with a weird sight, Iris was on the ground covered with what I could make out to be a black and blue Fire Force jacket. Hibana stood over her while in the middle of some monologue. Man was she smoking.

"But there are a few devils like myself!"

She finished while giving off a crazed look that sorta creeped me out, but it still didn't change anything, she was still stunning.

Iris seemed scared as she met her gaze from the ground. I decide to make my presence known for the time being before my good old pal Shinra busts through the doors any second now.




I walk out of the shadows while slowly clapping with a gentle smile on my face.

"Muchas Buenas Noches señoritas, how are you on this fine evening~?"

They were surprised at my sudden arrival —if their expressions were anything to go off of— as I made my way toward them.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Asked Hibana with a serious tone of voice while glaring at me. Iris looked just as confused as her while staring at me.

Agh! Never thought it would hurt so much to be forgotten.

"I'm hurt. I never thought you would forget about me just a day after our 'eventful encounter'~" she didn't seem to appreciate my jokes as she swung her fan in my direction and soon after flames were shot out towards me.

I smirk as I begin to get under her skin. Once the flames were close enough to me I decided it was time to move. She let out a big smile once the flames cleared up while Iris was terrified at what she had just witnessed.

"Wow, couldn't resist me I see~"

They both turn behind them with surprised expressions, it was obvious they weren't expecting this "How did you get back there?!" Yelled Hibana in confusion, Iris wasn't much different from her either.

I smile once more at her before playfully shrugging my shoulders. This seemed to anger her even more as she raised her fan once more.

Just as she was about to swing it at me I quickly dash in front of her and her wrist to stop her attack from happening.

"When did you—!?"

"Now now Princesa~ It is not nice to try and hurt your dance partner like that" She scowls before raising her left hand in the air and bringing it down on my face. Now that hurt..... or at least it would have had I not pulled her close to me by her waist.


Using my left hand I raise her face to meet mine as her pink blossoming eyes meet mine "You have very beautiful eyes you know that?" I say in a soft tone as our foreheads touch. This seemed to have a different effect on her as she held a pink blush on her face while her eyes seemed to be submerged in mine.

"Now I know this is a fight but, would it be any trouble if I was to steal a small kiss from you~?"

This appeared to bring her back to her senses and she pushed me away and raised her fan once more "stop messing around!" Well maybe not all of them, she swung down at me but failed to notice Iris behind me as flames rapidly made their way towards us "now that's troublesome" I quickly act and pick up Iris into my arms and jump to my right.

"Are you alright señorita?"

"Ah, yes I'm fine thank you very much. Now could I ask you to set me down please?"

"Eehh? But I just got you~ I don't wanna let go just yet~" She blushed at my tone which gained a playful smile from me "Hey! Don't ignore me!" Turning my face to meet hers, she seemed even more pissed off than before, and she's giving off another emotion, jealousy?

Ahh I see, she's jealous that my attention shifted toward Iris here, how cute she's already falling for my charms~ "Oh how rude of me! I am very sorry to ignore you like that, but I just can't help it when such a cute little thing like Iris here is near~"

"That's enough!" She yells before raising her fan at me "This again? Love, you should know that using the same trick over and over will never wor—!" Only this time it was different, my head suddenly felt extremely hot as my vision blurred for a moment, my body felt weak as I began to lose balance.

What the hell?

"I'm surprised you're still standing after suntanning such a rapid temperature change in your body"

So that how it is huh?

The moment she pointed her fan at me, she had used her ability to send heatwaves into my body at a fast pace causing the feeling of nausea and suddenly losing strength before rendering unconscious. It was a pretty useful skill.

"Pretty neat skill you got there, you gonna use it on me till I'm out for the count and kidnap to be your little plaything? How terrible! Although I can't say I'm too oppose to the idea~"

"Enough of your jokes. Drop the nun in your arms and surrender yourself to me at once before I really get serious" She seemed so confident in winning I couldn't help but let out a small laugh "what's so funny?" Iris gives me a worried look while Hibana made her way toward us.

"Sorry sorry, it's just so cute and funny that you think you've actually won~

"What are you getting at?"

What the hell is taking Shinra so long? At the speed, he was moving you'd think he would be here by now.

"Well, for one thing, I haven't used my ability once this whole time"

"Is that so? And you think that you using your ability would change the odds of this battle?"

Aha! There he is!

"Perhaps, but it appears that answer will have to wait a bit longer"

"What are you—?"

Suddenly the doors burst open as a red blur rushed inside "Get away from the Sister!" It was Shinra who had rushed in here yelling.

"Hey man, it's about time! What took you so long?!" He seemed surprised at my voice like he wasn't expecting me to be here, although that's understandable.

"(Y/N)?! What are you doing here?" He makes his way over to me as I give a small smile "Hey bud, you mind taking over?" Quickly making his way toward me he gains a face of confusion "uhh sure, but why is the Sister still in your arms?"

I let out a small giggle while looking down at Iris who had her face pressed up into my chest "Oh, that? She just loves being in my arms! And I also enjoy holding her close, ain't that right Iris?"

"Please don't say things like that! It's very embarrassing!" She yelled as she softly chopped the top of my head as she stood on her own "Aww, well I guess I've had my fun. Good luck out there Shinra! I'll be cheering you on!"

"Uhh. . . . . Sure"

He began his way toward Hibana with small flames coming off the calves of his feet —so that's how it works eh?— making a spiral of flames revolve around his legs.

"Once I'm done with you, I'll burn that guy behind you to a crisp as well!"

"Ahh, you hurt me with your words love, and here I thought we had a special connection~"

"Shut your mouth! You're nothing but a hunk of gravel! I would never give you so much as the time of day!"

She launched a wave of fire toward me and Iris which was cleanly intercepted by Shinra kicking it "You're fighting me now! I'm Beat-some-sense-into-the crazy-captain-Man!"

He shot toward her with his flames only to fall to the ground almost immediately "oh, and there he goes. . . . Straight into the ground" It seems like she used the same technique she used on me.

That thing is very annoying!

It does seem pretty annoying to deal with

Oh, and look who decided to come back! Nice of you to join us you stupid fox!

What's got you all riled up?

Wow, I wonder what it is, oh that's right maybe it's the fact that my partner left me to handle things on my own while he went and took a nap!

Right. . . . So anyway what happening right now?

. . . . Hibana and Shinra are in the middle of a scuffle

Hibana? Isn't that, that one chick with pink hair who you were completely gaining over?

Yup, that's her! You know, I think she might be into me~

. . . . And what made you think that?

「Well, for instance, her face was all red once I flirted with her a bit, and later when I was carrying Iris, she gave off the emotion of slight jealousy directed at Iris」

I doubt that's what happened

I'm serious! She'll be head over heels for me before you know it, that's a promise!

Right. . . . Hey don't you think you should stop this now? It's getting pretty bad. There's even a large three made out of fire right in the middle of the room

He's right I should go and stop this fight from worsening, I mean it's as if they're trying to kill each other!

Just as Shinra's fist was just mere inches away from making contact with Hibana's face I immediately jump in and catch it with my left hand.

"Woah there" he seemed surprised at my sudden appearance, well I couldn't blame him, from anyone's perspective it would have looked like I teleported here "you should know better than to strike a woman in the face" He snaps out of his shocked state and retracts his hand back "mostly when it's a woman as beautiful as this one right here~"

I say while spinning Hibana before stopping her next to my chest "Unhand me gravel!" She tried to sound mad, but her expression betrayed her, as she blushed a complete red.

"But is that really what you want?" I ask as my face leans in close to hers causing her to back up just a bit, but not completely "Umm, excuse me, mr (Y/N)?" I back away from Hibana as Iris calls out to me.


"I wanted to say thank you for coming to help me, I really appreciate it"

"That's very generous of you Iris, but I didn't do much. Shinra here was the one who fought to keep you safe. All I just did was stall for a bit of time"

Shinra gave off a small smile before speaking "Be that as it may, you still helped a bunch by keeping the Sister safe, I can't thank you enough!"

This was new. . . .

I had never been thank properly like this before. It felt odd. . . . It felt. . . . Good.

"Aww stop it, you're gonna make me blush" I spoke in a playful manner as I rub my cheek "But with that out of the way, I believe you two have some talking to do" I say as I let go of Hibana and walk next to Shinra.

"Gotta admit, You where pretty cool out there man. Those moves you where pulling off, you definitely have to teach them to me sometime"

"Thanks a lot! It was pretty cool how you managed to hold out against a captain for so long like that"

"You're telling me? Mr—I almost—punched—said—captain—in the face—man? I didn't even land a single hit on her!"

Well, not that I actually threw any punches, but he doesn't have to know that.

"I suppose you're right." He lets out a dry chuckle before Iris and Hibana walk back towards us "I guess we should get going. The others are waiting on us"

Nodding we began to make our way outside. Halfway through our walk Shinra decides to ask a lingering question "Hey (Y/N), I've been meaning to ask but, which Company are you stationed on?" Iris and Hibana turned towards me seemingly wondering the same thing.

Letting out a smile I decide I should be truthful to them.

"Well the thing is. . . . I'm not actually part of the Fire Force"

Word Count: 3,506

That's it for chapter 4 and also the 5th company Arc. It seems that Hibana has taken a liking to our protagonist, just what kind of adventures are in store for (Y/N) in the next couple chapters?

Find out in the beginning of the 1st Company Arc next chapter where everyone's favorite two-tailed fire cat girl will be introduced.

Thank you for reading hope to see you in the next one.
