Ch. 50- Percy

I hold Annabeth's hand calmly as we walked to the stables. You wouldn't think she just kicked my butt 20 minutes before. She chased me around the whole area screaming about her poor innocent cake that didn't deserve its cruel end. I didn't mention that getting eaten isn't a great fate either. I ended up sharing my blue brownies with her and she promised she'd get me back later. 

"What exactly are we doing?" Piper asks. She's with Jason, behind us. 

"You'll see." Jason says. He's been fairly quiet the whole night but it's not like we have had much time to have a full conversation. 

We walk in the stables and I lead Blackjack and Porkpie outside while Jason stays with Annabeth and Piper. 

Hey boss, Blackjack greets me.

You know the plan right? I ask.

It's not really much of a plan, Porkpie reasons.

I know. Just fly around the camp. 

You're still promising donuts, right? Blackjack asks hopefully.

I roll my eyes. Promise.
