The Fantasy of Nightmares

Finding Frost-Chapter 1

The Fantasy of Nightmares

Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved


"Come on Jack!" I squealed pulling him along, he may be my best friend but he's such a slowpoke sometimes.

He looked down at me annoyed but suddenly he got a look in his eyes. He's up to something, "So Gwyneira, you think I'm a slowpoke?"

My eyes widened, I know that look and last time I ended up in a freezing cold lake in the middle of January. Because of that big meanie my clothes were all wet and I had to run home. My mommy said I had hyfo-something. I don't know, she was being all boring and worrying about every little thing.

"Because if you do............I can pick you up!" he yelled and picked me up before running. I love it when he runs, he's superfast. That's one of our secrets. We have lots of secrets.

I squealed, holding on super tight because he's superfast. So fast that I have to keep my mouth shut so I don't catch flies or at least that's what Jack says. He's usually right because he's a big boy.

We ran for a while until we reached our spot. It's the only place Jack says is safe for him to be the real him, he says it's not safe for people to know about his magic. Other than me and the rest of the gang, no one is allowed to know about him. Not even teddy Jack(don't tell him I named him that), they all have to think that I have an imaginary friend.

Jack is so not imaginary, I mean how can someone who doesn't exist give me a piggyback ride?

"Are you ready for this winter to become summer?" he asked as eagerly as someone my age. I guess in his heart he's only seven or eight years old. Like Uncle Joe, mommy always said he was a kid at heart like Jack.

I nodded, "I'm always ready Jack, it's not my fault I'm gonna be like twenty before I ever see a single snowflake."

That made Jack laugh and then he worked his magic. Our spot is way too far away for anyone to find us so it's fine when it's the wrong.........season. I watched as jack turned the summery area into a winter wonderland, I know it's a really big word but Jack really likes that song.

"Walking in a winter wonderland." He sang softly and I giggled. Told you.

When he saw me giggling he turned to look. Stopping I looked at him, he's really pretty, like really pretty. He was pale, it looked like he was never ever outside. He also had really white hair, it makes me think of snow especially when we roll around in it. Then there's his eyes, they're super pretty. They look like two sparkly, blue diamonds.

I jumped into one of the snow piles Jack had made, giggling as I made the most awesomest snow angel ever. Jack watched for a few moments before gleefully smiling and joining me in the snow pile. We spent the next few hours rolling around and playing in the our snowy spot.

Soon we realized it was time to go even though neither of us wanted to go, "Gwyneira, I think we should get you home?"

I didn't look at him but I whispered, "Never leave me?"

He smiled and picked me up, holding me like a baby before whispering "Never, a chuisle, a chroí."


I was awoken from that nightmare by the sound of my alarm. I thanked the heavens I was no longer reliving that fantasy, I have more important things to focus on then some childhood imaginary friend. I mean come on, when I was eight, I must have subconsciously realized I was no longer in need of such companionship as an imaginary friend thus I ceased to see "Jack".

Walking over to my dresser, I picked out a white tee, a black blazer, a grey tie, a grey and black plaid skirt, knee high which socks and black heels. I walked over to my boudoir and grabbed a black headband and grey studs.

"Gwen sweetheart! Tanner's here!" I heard my mother below. I sighed and grabbed my bag, I made my way down the steps.

I reached the bottom and found my mom beaming proudly and talking with my boyfriend. Tanner and I have been together for a year, we make a good match. We're both very goal oriented, and we're the student council president and Class President. He's second in our class while I happen to be first. Look at us, smart, popular, powerful, who is more compatible than us?

"Hey sweetie." I smiled walking into his waiting arms. He was also on the school's soccer team, captain obviously, which gave him the slight musk of sweat but it was mainly masked by the expensive Armani cologne he always wears.

It suits him though, Tanner is a man of fine tastes. He is a good height, I hate it when people are too tall but I feel the same for too short. He has cropped brown with light brown streaks every so often. He had sharp green eyes and an air to him that people know not to mess with. I very much enjoy the fear he instills in the other kids of our school.

"Good morning Gwen, are you all ready?" Tanner asked looking at me expectantly. I shook my head, Gwen is what everyone calls me, no one calls me Gwyneira anymore. It's even changed on the attendance sheet.

"Let me go grab a protein shake and I'll meet you in the car?" he nodded and we turned to go our opposite ways.

I made my way into the kitchen and I saw my mother beaming at me. Ever since my father left her, she's been so focused on me and my relationship with Tanner, especially Tanner. Urgh, could my mother be anymore juvenile? I absolutely abhor her hovering over my every little action, she needs a life of her own. If she's that lonely, join a club or something. Her obsession with me isn't healthy for either of us.

"I'm so happy about you and Tanner. You two are perfect for each other, I've never known a more perfect pair of people. Except for your father and I, we were-" I grabbed my drink and cut her off.

"I have to go. Tanner's waiting in the car for me and we need to get to school for and interclub organizational meeting." I turned on my heel and left a semi-speechless mother. The way I treat my mother may seem harsh, but tough love is the only thing that has worked thus far.

I strode out of the large house, backpack, binder, and shake in tow. I followed the brick pathway until I reached the brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8. He got it for his eighteenth birthday a few months ago and has been driving me to and from school since.

We made small talk on our way to school, something that was normal for us. We talked about school and who we thought would be Valedictorian and who would be Salutatorian , plans for his Class council and my student council, weather, and class. The topic we were at when we arrived was homework which quickly changed.

"I just don't see how people can be so confused about the theory of Gena Mulcide's theory on the gravitational pull of GO2 5." I told Tanner who sat and nodded sympathetically.

"I understand, you and I are the stars in an otherwise blank sky."

"Maybe offering myself out as a tutor to the ignorant will help cease my annoyance at of their idiotic questions about every little thing we learn?" Sometimes I wonder where I would be without Tanner, someone who is at my speed and understands my plight.

"Exactly, that is an extremely interesting idea. I'll have to try that next time or better yet you could test it out and bring me back the results." He suggested and I nodded, brilliant teamwork.

"All right, I'll do just-" I began however the squeals of some of my lower level classmates echoed into my ear and I strained my neck looking for the cause of the commotion.

"I wonder what the big deal is?" Tanner wondered, sticking his head out the window trying to catch a look.

"Anything?" I asked curiously, I have a strange feeling about this.

Tanner shrugged, "Just some 'hot dude with an accent'?"

"Seriously, I swear, those girls lose more and more brain cells each day." I said as Tanner stopped the door. He walked around to let me out and I watched as this so called 'cutie' was momentarily forgotten as Tanner and I walked hand and hand into the school. We demand ALL attention and we get it always.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your next class." Tanner told me with a slight smiled. I nodded and we made our way in, all eyes on us just as it should be and will be when we're one day in the white house or somewhere bigger.

Tanner and I will make history.

We made a quick stop at our lockers and we carried our book bags contently to my first period class, US History with Tanner's arm wrapped around me. I'm not one for much PDA but having his arm around me is more of a male dominance thing than any so I don't mind it.

Tanner stopped outside and gave me a quick peck on the lips, "See you next period hun."

"Looking forward to it." I answered back and made my way in.


If you don't like how concieted she is, then that's fine. I realize that and, oh I don't know, maybe there's a reason. If you can't take that, then don't read it but please don't complain.

Remember to.............




Thanks for reading

