Ballet of the Heart

Finding Frost-Chapter 16

Ballet of the Heart

Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved


The play continued to progress smoothly as did my relationship with Jack. Everyone knew we were together and I guess that having him around made me look and feel more approachable and I’ve actually had a normal conversation with most of the student council, I never even knew the names of some of the council officers before I was with Jack.

Surprisingly, they actually had some really good ideas for fundraisers and the Winter Ball in January. It was new and exciting. Students never came up to me with ideas before, maybe an extremely misguided new student or once when I had first become Student Council President but never so often. And of course most of the ideas were stupid and childish, clichéd as well but there were a few had potential or some aspect that I could use.

The meeting was the first in a long time that I heard more than just my own voice telling everyone what was happening, I got opinions and a few people-politely of course- told me what they thought could be marginally improved. So yeah they told me what they didn’t like.

“Ready?” Jack appeared suddenly behind me and it took all my might not to scream.

I turned around and hugged him, “Always.”

“Well then let’s get to drama. I hear we’re having a final rehearsal before break and that it’s going to be brutal.” Jack told me wincing for a moment.

“Yeah, that’s Baker for you but he just wants us to really know everything before we leave for Thanksgiving. He does this every year for the winter show.”

Sometimes, I wonder what might have happened had Jack not left. If he had been here, would we be together like this? Would we have just been friends because I had grown up that way or would it have grown to love, like what we have now?

Walking hand in hand, as I entered the Auditorium I squealed happily. There was a familiar figure close to the stage, arguing with Tiff and Nick. I smiled and ran over to him, Jack following in my wake, “Arden!”

I jumped gleefully into his waiting arms as he swung me around, “Hey little one! I just came to talk to Jack about something because I haven’t been able to contact him recently. I’m guessing it has something to do with a certain raven haired beauty who dominates his attention. Do you know her? Her name is Gwyneira and she’s just the bees knees.”

“I do know her. Wait? Did you just say the bees knees?” I asked incredulously. I mean I know that they’re all old but did he seriously use that phrase?

“Shut up, you’re supposed to be kind to your elders.” He growled jokingly. Arden and I had become friends and I mean Jack trusted him so he “babysat” me a couple times thus furthering our friendship.

Not that I blame Jack for being totally paranoid to the point of trying to discretely put a tracking device on me, lie. But I can’t say I don’t understand where he was coming from. He just wants me to be safe but he so took it too far with the tracking device.

Arden is just so easy-going and so it’s easy to talk to him when we’re hanging out.  I love Jack but I can’t complain about Jack to Jack. I guess I could if I really wanted to but I don’t think jack would be as open to listening to me complain about him as Arden is. Plus Arden is like an outside third-party that can give me advice and help me to compromise with Jack.

“Physically, you’re maybe three years older than me but mentally, I think I got beat. I’m like a hundred-year-old wise man in a voluptuous eighteen-year-old’s body.” I teased back earning a smile out of everyone around me.

“Come on love, stop teasing Arden. You happening to be breaking his already fragile self-esteem.”  Jack muttered pulling me away and into him. I giggled at him silliness, high on life, him and my great friends.

“Guys stop, I’m going to barf.” Tiff then pretended to throw up for effect. I laughed when I noticed a shadow behind her and found it to be staring intently at her.

“Hey Tiff.”

“What?” she asked.

“I think you’ve got a gentleman caller.” I teased gesturing for her to turn around so she could see whoever the, I’m guessing, eight feet of tall, dark muscle was.

“What do you mean gentleman call…” she trailed off when she saw him, “I mean… bye!”

“Tiff?” Nick asked looking a little taken about and moved to followed but I held him back and shook my head. She didn’t want us following her.

I laughed as she scurried away to him. Even from a distance, I could see his face light up at the sight of her and I watched as she manhandled him out the back door hurriedly. It was oddly amusing to watch seeing as she was maybe half his size, if that.

I turned back to the boys and asked, “So who wants to take bets on what’s going on?”

“I say secret love affair.” Nick put in eagerly as the other sunk back looking dejected.

“I’m going to go with a jealous ex-lover or ex-husband.” Jack was next.

“I’ve gotta say I think he’s he dealer and she hasn’t paid up or better yet she joined a gang and he wants her to do a hit.” Arden giddily told us.

“None of the above. I’m saying friends who aren’t aware of their feelings. He’s probably a tooth fairy like her, most likely working under her.” I told them and they smugly shook their heads, “What do you say, 20 each? Winner or closest takes home all eighty?”

“Deal.” Jack showed me his twenty.

“Hey, I’m definitely in.” Nick held his twenty and waved it as proof.

“Easiest eighty I’ve ever made.” Arden said holding up his twenty.

I reached into my pocket and took out my twenty. Just as I did that, Tiff came running in looking winded and out of breath. Just like she and the guy had been arguing ..or macking. She stopped short at us and gave a quick and uneasy smile.

“What was that about?” I asked sounding as innocent as possible and it worked because she suspected nothing.

“Oh, with him? Nothing. Nothing at all.” She nervously said and I shot a look, everyone was still hopeful.

“That didn’t seem like nothing, you seemed surprised to see him.”

“Yeah, I definitely was.” Tiff muttered to herself.

“And who was he?” Jack stepped in and asked.

“Him? He’s no one.” Tiff badly attempted to blow it off but I could see there was more.

“But what was that around his neck?” I asked deviously.

Everyone turned to me, shocked at what must seem like such a random question. Tiff turned and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“Yeah Gwen, what do you mean?” Arden looked at me suspiciously but I just smiled and brushed him off, turning back to Tiff.

“It was a pretty simple question, I’m just wondering what was around his neck.” I couldn’t contain my eagerness.

“A necklace.” She said simply, eyeing me even more suspiciously than Arden had.

“What was on the necklace?” I asked grinning even more.

“A tooth.” She turned away as she said this. I grinned victoriously as the boys’ faces fell.

“Does he work with you or something?” I asked and she nodded.

“Yeah but um, we’re just friends.” Tiff eyes, however, told a different story. She so wants more than friends.

I squealed and hugged her. She stood a little taken aback as I turned to the boys, “Pay up boys! I won! I won! I won!”

“No fair!” Nick yelled pouting as he turned away from me.

“You absolutely cheated Gwen! There’s no way you could have won if you hadn’t cheated.” Arden growled, probably think I had cheated him out of his twenty bucks.

“I won fair and square! It’s not my fault I’m abnormally observant and aware of my surroundings. Any of you could have figured it if you had really paid attention. I did not cheat, I won fair and square!” I countered feeling the slightest big offended they would think that I’d stoop so low as to cheat.

“What?” she asked looking absolutely confused so I filled her in as I collected my winnings. Ha, momma needed a new couple of pairs of shoes, and Show Dazzle can be so addictive.

“You see we  made a bet about who he was and what you guys were doing and I won. I told them that you two were co-workers and that you guys were friends” I told her eagerly and then whispered in her ear, “who wanted more.”

She looked away bashfully before quickly regaining her composure. She crossed her arms to look at the boys and asked, “And what did all of you bet?”

“I thought you two were secret lovers.” Nick answered bluntly. I elbowed him for that but he seemed unaffected.

“I thought he was your ex.” Jack admitted after a moment of silence.

Arden grinned, paused for moment of suspense and then said, “I thought it was something illegal. He was your drug dealer or that he was your gang leader.”

“Seriously?” Tiff asked looked at him incredulously.

“Sorry but sometimes I have a bit of an overactive imagination.” Arden continued to grin.

“Whatever, you better get going. I doubt baker will be happy someone is here watching  before the kinks are all worked out.” Tiff told him trying to push him out.

“I have to agree.” A voice behind us said and I turned to see Vanderbilt. Although she’s helping Baker, she teaches a college class so she can’t always be here but when she is, it’s always fun. Not that drama isn’t fun anyway but she bumps the fun up a few notches.

“Are you the drama teacher?” Arden asked.

“Yes I am Mrs. Vanderbilt and you are?” Vanderbilt inquired eyeing Arden curiously.

“I’m a friend of Jack and Gwen’s, I was just visiting but I’m on my way out.” Arden smiled and waved us goodbye as he made your way out.

“Are you guys close?” she asked looking oddly curious.

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Nothing, nothing at all.” Vanderbilt gave me a knowing smile before slowly walking away.

“What was with that?”  I asked looking to everyone to see if they had any idea but they all shook their heads and gave me what I believed to be the same confused look that I had on my face. That was definitely odd.

“Gwen dear!” I heard Baker call from behind the curtains, “Ballet has been cancelled!”

“What?” I called back shocked, Oskar, my ballet teacher for the show and an Arcata alumni, had offered to help me brush up on my ballet skills and help with the choreography for almost nothing. Although he did ask for good seats to the show.

“His partner is extremely sick so he’s staying home to nurse her back to health.” I sighed, Tatiana is so sweet and an Arcata alum like Oskar so I had met her a few times, she’s really sweet and they are so cute together.

Baker ran out and looked at me, “It’s too bad, I really wanted him to go over the dance before we left seeing as you just learned it.”

“I can help!” Jack offered looking at me happily.

“I’d really rather have a professional help her but thanks for the offer.” Baker told him but Jack shook his head.

“I studied with the National Ballet of Ireland for years. My mother was a part so I was eagerly welcomed when I wanted to train with them. I still dance, even now that I am no longer with them. I could help her out if you want.” Jack offered and I looked at him shocked. He had never told me anything like that yet he let it freely fall from his lips as if it were nothing.

To prove a point, he began to dance the female part from Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty. Frankly, I’ve never seen any dancer dance more beautifully than he was at this moment. He was just so gracefully but also powerful. I stared shocked and glanced at Baker, with whom I shared a look of utter awe at Jack’s dancing.

Once he had stopped, Baker asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you could dance like that sooner?”

Jack gave only a shrug as an answer, “You didn’t ask.”

“Well had I know you were more than the merely adequate  I seem to find in most young men your age, I would have had more in depth choreographed scenes, especially those with the lovely Gwen, who is a magnificent dancer as well.” Baker explained as I blushed, he was so exaggerating.

“I know, Gwen and I were pretty close when we were younger so I remember her bragging about being the best dancer in her class. I didn’t know she still danced however.”

“Not anymore, that is why Oskar comes. I don’t dance as much anymore so Oskar was helping me brush up on my skills.” I bashfully told Jack.

Jack took my hand in his and led me to the back of the stage, “Well then let’s get started.”

The time flew by and Jack was definitely helpful, more than just helpful, he was an amazing teacher and a better dancer. I really had my big solo and all of my other dances down pat by the time practice was over. Oskar would be proud to see me and now and die if he saw some of the newly choreographed numbers that included Jack. There was even a new one that Oskar had wanted but had thought Jack would be unable to do.

He’ll be ecstatic when he sees us. Plus, even though it’s brand new, Jack and I plan to practice over break so all our numbers will be flawless when we get back. I cannot wait until opening night, especially because it falls on December 12, my 18th birthday.


Okay more frequent uploads are coming and so is me catching up on my Spanish soaps. I'll upload this sometime next week and so I'll write this on one of my days off but I'm working 24 hours this week so it may not be the best but I'll stil upload.

Anyway I've decided to cntinue my story "Love Bites" because I'd love to bring it back for all my loyal readers but feel free to check out the other two because I might even start one if people want me to and if I have the time.

Thanks so much!

Plus if you could like each and every chapter and comment, that would be awesome because this is going to entered in the Watty's( this site's annual contest if I have any readers who are new to the site) and I really want to win with this so please. Like, vote, comment, show me you love me because I love all of you.

~~~~ 3. : Carloswashere : .E ~~~
