Chapter Two

-Ash's P.O.V-

I'm determined to win this competition. And that's why I'm going to get this over with, as quickly as possible.

As I was walking around, I realized something; I have no idea where (y/n)'s locker is. Heck, I don't know anything about (y/n) other than her being super terrifying. I have no idea what classes she has, or if we even share any classes. But I won't stop, I can't stop.

And so, I continued my search for (y/n).

-Clemont's P.O.V-

I smirked to myself, as I watched Ash search aimlessly for (y/n). For I planned ahead, and made it my mission to have (y/n)'s schedule memorized perfectly. Not that I'm a crazy stalker or anything. I'm just a guy who will actually do his research. Like how (Favorite Kind of Flower) is (y/n)'s favorite flower. Speaking of such a kind of flower... I was able to obtain some by going to our gardening club, and requesting some in exchange for 'help' on homework.

I then approached (y/n), who happened to be at her locker, a bunch of (Favorite Kind of Flower) in a beautiful (Favorite Color) vase.

"Good morning." I greeted (y/n).

(y/n) turned to me, sending me a harsh glare. Yikes! No wonder people find her terrifying...

"What do you want?" (y/n) threatened me, more than asked.

"Uh... I just wanted to see how you were doing." I said, starting to get nervous.

"Well, you see, I was fine... Until a certain blonde student started to bother me." (y/n) said with a glare.

... Sigh... This is going to be harder than I thought...

"Anyway, would you like some flowers?" I asked, while holding the vase which was holding the flowers up.

"... I don't need your stupid flowers." (y/n) stated.

"Oh, I know that." I said.

"Then why're you offering them to me?" (y/n) asked.

"Because... I want to be nice." I said, with a bit of hesitation.

.. Hope (y/n) didn't notice...

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Why? Why is this guy being so persistent to be nice to me? He just won't give up!

"Listen, uh... What's your name?" I asked, but was still rude.

"Clemont." The boy said.

"Clemont, right... If I take your stupid flowers, will you leave me alone? I really don't feel like wasting my time to crack your skull open." I warningly said.

Clemont looked the tiniest bit afraid. But, to my surprise, he stood his ground.

"Very well. Here you go." Clemont said, before handing me the vase, and walking off.

As I put the flowers in my locker, I couldn't help but smile. After years of mistreatment, it's nice to finally have someone be kind to me... Even if it's only a one-time thing.

After putting the flowers in my locker, I grabbed what I needed, put it in my backpack, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and slammed my locker shut, before heading to class.

As I turned a corner, I smacked right into someone, and fell to the ground.

"Hey! What where you're going!" I barked.

Looking up, I saw that I had bumped into Ash Ketchum, the most popular student in school. Yes, I know who he is. Who doesn't know who he is?

To my surprise, Ash didn't run off. He then did something even more shocking.

"Here, let me help you up." Ash offered, while holding out his hand.

I frowned, before getting up on my own. I then noticed that Ash wouldn't move out of my way.

"Move." I ordered.

"No." Ash responded.

For a second, I just stood there, shocked. But, I quickly recovered, and decided to just move him out of my way. So, I used my hand to push Ash aside. To my utter confusion, Ash grabbed my hand.

"What do you think you're-"

Ash cut me off by kissing my hand.

I should've punched him, but I was too shocked to move.

"(y/n)... Will you be my girlfriend?" Ash asked.

As much as I would love to end my horrible reputation of being scary, I have a feeling that this is just a prank... Sadly...

So, I did what I had to do; I pulled away.

"I won't become one of your mindless puppets." I stated, before heading to class.

-Ash's P.O.V-

Wow, a girl actually denied to be my girlfriend. No one has ever done that before. Maybe I should have kissed her lips, instead of her hand? Either way, this is going to be harder than I thought.

I then saw Clemont walk up to me.

"You know Ash, you shouldn't be so stupid. (y/n) won't fall nearly as easily as other girls." Clemont stated.

"That may be so, but I will win!" I boasted.

"Ash, you may be popular, but I'm afraid that that just won't be enough this time." Clemont said, before walking off.

Oh, you'll see Clemont. You'll see just how wrong you are.

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter in the story. Sorry if Ash seems out of character; I have a feeling he's going to be my biggest obstacle in this fanfic; keeping him in character. I'll probably update the third chapter next Monday-Wednesday, so be looking out for it. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^= 
