Chapter One

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Why me? Why must I have to go to school today?

This question pondered through my mind, as I turned off my alarm, and sat up.

I quickly got out of bed, and proceeded to get ready for school.

First, I grabbed my clothes from the left side of my walk-in closet. Today's outfit consisted of a black t-shirt that had the word 'Die' on the front, black pants, a black leather jacket, and black combat boots. After getting my clothes taken care of, I proceeded to put on my black make-up. As I looked in the mirror, I sighed. I looked full out scary. Not because I looked hideous; but because I looked like I could beat you up with one finger.

I then ate, brushed my teeth, untangled my hair, and grabbed everything I needed for school; stuffing it all in my black backpack.

Upon checking my phone, I saw that it was almost time for the bus to arrive at my stop. So, I grabbed my backpack, and rushed out to my bus stop.

Literally seconds after I arrived at the bus stop, the bus pulled up. I'm in such luck!

Once the bus stopped, I entered, and gave everyone a harsh glare. I could see everyone try to avoid my gaze.

I then headed to my spot; in the very back. As soon as I sat down, everyone who was in the back row moved up to a different seat.

I sighed.

I wish that I didn't have to be like this... A freak.


"Hi!" I excitingly said, as I approached a girl who looked about my age.

The girl turned to me, and had a horrified look on her face.

"What? What is it?!" I worriedly asked.

The girl instantly ran off, muttering something about a 'scary girl.'

I frowned.

I'm not scary... Right?


After that incident, everyone considered me to be scary. I tried to convince them otherwise, but soon, I gave up. I became what they considered me to be; a scary, terrifying girl.

Every day, I pretend to be this frightening girl. And I wish that it could all end; all this pretending.

"You need to get off!" I heard someone yell, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked around, to see that the bus was at the school, and that I was the only one on the bus.

"Look, don't rush me. I'm moving, I'm moving!" I harshly said, while standing up, and exiting the bus.

After exiting the bus, I headed inside the school, wondering what would be my hell today.

As I was walking to my locker, I saw students gathering in a large circle around what sounded like an argument. I desperately wanted to know what was going on, but apparently scary girls don't get caught up in drama; they start it. So, I just kept walking towards my locker.

-Clemont's P.O.V-

Sigh, another day. Another day that someone asks for help on their homework. And by 'help' they mean 'do all the work for me.'

After 'helping' my newest 'friend' I started to head to my locker, to get my things. That's when I noticed a large crowd of people surrounding two people, who were having an argument. Intrigued, I walked up to the group. Sliding past people, I got to the front, where I saw what the commotion was about. Ash Ketchum, the most popular student in school, was arguing with his most recent girlfriend.

"But Ash-"

Ash cut the girl off by putting a finger to the girl's lips.

"I'm sorry, but we're done. And there's nothing you can do to change my mind. So get your sorry pathetic piece of waste out of here." Ash said, getting harsher with each word he said.

The girl burst into tears, before running off.

... Poor girl...

But it's not her fault. Ash is known for getting together with a girl, being a prince to her, then dumping her for a different girl when he gets tired of his current girlfriend. It's awful, and I think someone should stop him.

Ugh... I have a feeling that I'm going to have to do it...

When everyone started cheering Ash on, I knew that I had to do something about this.

I stepped up to Ash, stomping my foot down on the ground as loud as I could.

Everyone's eyes turned to me.

"Ash, you need to stop this! Just because you're popular and athletic doesn't mean that you can treat people like dirt." I boldly stated, forgetting about my shyness.

"Oh, look who it is; Mr. Smartest Kid In School. And he's come to lecture me. Let me guess, you think that you're better than me just because you're smarter than me. Am I right?" Ash stated, while glaring and folding his arms.

How did Ash even come to that conclusion?!

"N-No, that's not what I'm-"

"So you admit that being smart is for the lame?" Ash asked.

That's it! I'm tired of hearing this!

"No! That's not what I said at all. And, for your information, being smart is way more important than being popular." I said, standing my ground.

"Then why don't you prove it?" Ash asked.

"I'd be glad to." I stated.

"Perfect. Then state your terms. What competition can we have that will prove who's better?" Ash questioned me.

I thought for a moment. It then hit me; a challenge that Ash can't back down from. Yet, he can't win either.

"Our competition will be to win a girl's heart, and get her to date you." I stated.

"Easy." Ash confidently stated.

"But, there's a catch." I said.

"And what's that?" Ash asked.

"The girl we have to get to like us... Is (y/n) (y/l/n)." I said.

Everyone gasped, and even Ash looked shocked.

"Well, do we have a deal?" I asked.

Ash shook off his shock, and held out his hand.

I then put out my own hand, and shook his hand.

"Deal. Whoever can get (y/n) to fall for them first will be declared better than the other." Ash stated.

There's no way I can lose to Ash. I have to prove that good looks aren't everything. I just hope I didn't make terms that not even I can win at...

-Ash's P.O.V-

Why of all girls did Clemont have to pick (y/n) as our target?! Well, it's not too big of a problem. I can woo any girl. Plus, my reputation is at stake here. I have to and will beat this nerd!

Hello, and welcome to my newest story for one of  my all-time favorite fandoms. Pokemon! I have loved Pokemon since I was a child, and I'm finally getting to writing a fanfiction for one of my longest anime crushes of all time: Ash. Though, when I realized that I also liked Clemont (I found this out like a week ago) I knew I had to add him to the story. Anyway, enough about me. How's the story so far? Do you like it? Hate it? Love it? Please, let me know in the comments. I'll try to update 1-2 times a week. If I don't, then please, bug me about it so I will remember to do it. I have such a horrible memory sometimes. Anyway... That's all I have to say. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=
