
Sapnap went to his house, he parked his car and went straight to his room, on the bed. Gosh he didn't even know what to think But he will be prepared for tomorrow. He had to go to school to exercise for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day....

Karl as he straight when to his room. He pushed his momma on the shoulder he apologised quickly but she said its fine. Karl jumped on his bed. He didn't know what to do. He was just a squealing mess at this point. He didn't even know what his mind was running with that he had to kiss Sapnap on the cheek.

At that point Karl just layed in his bed for couple minutes. He got his phone and went to text george.



After Karl sent that he got an immediate phone call from George. "HELLO?! YOU KISSED SAPNAP ON THE CHEEK?" George practically screamed. "Yes! Now quite down! Before people will think you are insane!" "Alright alright! So what happend?" George asked. Karl sighed and explained everything to George.

"Wow!" George said. "That's quite cute actually" Karl blushed at Georges words. "Dude what the hell!" Karl said. "Nah I'm not going to tell you yet, you will find out tomorrow!" George said happily. "Tomorrow its the final game" Karl said. "Whatever you're being annoying right now!" Karl said as he hung up and layed in his bed trying to take a nap.

Karl knew he had homework but he was just too lazy to do it. His grades were slowly going down but he tried his best to keep the better ones up. As from one lesson he got a good grade from math he got a lower grade then he expected. He really thought he did good on the test.. After his mind wandered with these thoughts he soon fell asleep.

Karl woke up like at 3pm. He got ready for todays game. He wanted to cheer for Sapnap. He really hopes Sapnap will win this game, he knew how much this meant to him. He picked out the outfit comfy and warm. Because he knew how cold today will be. He will bring some blankets for Sapnap too. After his game he doesn't want him to be sick.

He packed the  blanket into his backpack. "Hey honey, do you mind if I come along with Sapnaps game?" His mom entered his room. "Sure I don't see a problem!" Karl said while smiling. "Alright I will bring snacks that I just got from the store!" She said as she went downstairs to get the snacks what she bought. Karl went downstairs and gave his backpack to his mom. She put snacks in the backpack and sipped it.

Karl got a text from Sapnap. "Hey qt I'm there already we will exercise for a bit and we will go to the opening ceremony and then we will start playin" Karl chuckled at the text. "Alrighty! I will be there!" Karl said. His mother brought the backpack to her car.

They started driving to the game. Karl couldn't stay calm in his seat. He was exited for Sapnap. He really wanted for Sapnap to win.

They arrived. The opening ceremony is about to start in like 15 minutes. Karl and his mom picked out the seats. They sat at the front row in the middle. From there you could definitely see the whole field. The opening ceremony starts..

"Welcome boys and girls! Today is the final game! I hope you guys are ready and let the game begin!!" The principal shouted. After he said those words everyone shouted. While the athletes were running into the field. The other players from the other side of America were here, and they knew they didn't travel here just to loose.

The game was really intense. But Karl's school was winning! Which meant Sapnap was the one who was winning. Karl couldn't but he only cheered when they scored every goal.

The game was coming to an end. The time was almost done. But did Karl needed to worry? No, he didn't because Sapnap's team was so in front  that the other one wouldn't even catch up in time unless they were stronger then Sapnap's team!

The game shortly ended. Sapnap scored the last point. Everyone was cheering. Karl stood up and clapped. He spot Sapnap. Sapnap waved for Sapnap to come into the field. Karl quickly moved from the people and ran into the field where Sapnap stood. He pulled the boy into his arms. "I'm really proud of you!" Karl practically screamed because he thought Sapnap wouldn't hear if he didn't because of all the people around them. Sapnap just chuckled.

Sapnap took Karl's nape. He slowly putted his lips on Karl's. Karl didn't fight back he kissed him back. The kiss didn't last long because Karl got embarrassed from all the people cheering for them. He put his head on Sapnaps shoulder and both of them giggled.

After everything settled down, everyone was going back home to their homes. Karl waited for Sapnap because he was changing. Sapnap asked for like so date today. Karl's mother knew that Sapnap wanted to kiss Karl at the end of this game. Either way lost or won, he didn't care he still would have kissed the boy.

"You ready?" Karl asked Sapnap coming out of the locker rooms. "Mhm, I'm ready" Sapnap said putting his arm around Karl's shoulders. "Hey miss, may I take Karl on a date tonight? I promise I will bring him back safe!" Sapnap said begging Karl's mom. "Sure I don't mind! But use protection if something happends" She winked. Karl was too innocent, he thought of like security or something but he just looked over to Sapnap and he knew exactly what his mother meant.

"MOM!" Karl hid his face in his hands. "I'm jsut kidding! But I don't mind tho. Alright you guys have fun!" She said sitting in the car and driving back home.

"C'mon let's go" Sapnap said pulling Karl into his car and driving to a spot. "Where are we?" Karl asked. "Just a spot I wanted to bring you for a long time." Sapnap said getting out. Karl got out too. There was a bench and they both sat on it. It was dark and you could see the stars really well.

"Pretty isn't it?" Sapnap said. Karl nodded. "Will you be mine?" Sapnap asked and looked at Karl. Karl looked back at Sapnap. "Of course!" Karl smiled. Sapnap smiled too. "Can I kiss you?" Sapnap asked. Karl nodded. They kissed each other under the beauty of the stars..

A/N Wellp. I'm done with this story. I hope you guys enjoyed this. I will prepare a new Karlnap story in a couple of days or even today. Thank you for reading! Love you remember to drink and eat!<33
