
*Karls pov*
I woke up at 7:27 am. I got up and went to my closet and picked my uniform. It was a grey hoodie, I got jeans too and dressed up. I went down stairs and grabbed my breakfast that my father made.

I went to school at like 7:30 am. I remembered today is an special event for the athletes. I was exited for them. My training was off today for the event.I got to school at 7:45am. People started getting into school. I was near my locker picking stuff up until I heard girl screams. I knew what was happening. The 3 populiar athletes were walking in the halls. I lookes over at them, I was right. One of the black haired athlete saw me and sended me a smile. Or was it to another girl? I don't know but I smiled in return. After they left I was done picking my stuff up and went to my class.

"Hello students.Today we will be learining about LGBTQ+ rights!" The teacher said. My school was kinda of homophobic. I put my hands on the table and my head on my hands and layed there since the teacher always said "They don't deserve to be in the public" "They ruin the world" "They should be been in jail right now" The teacher said shit about it. I didn't really care about what people say. Think whats good for yourself. That's what my mom always says.

After the class ended the event was here. I grabbed my backpack and runned out of the class. I went where the people were heading. Ofcourse they were heading to the event. I went where the seating was and sat. I saw my friend Q sitting I sat next to him and another boy sat next to him too on the other side. It was Schlatt. They were good friends I would say. Schlatt bullied me in the past, as Q found out he didn't talk to Schlatt for couple of months till Schlatt apoligized to me. I was happy that we can be friends and not a victim and a bully.

The event started. There were cheering and screaming. The three athletes were running in around the sitting seats. I was in the second row. I smiled at them running around. The game started and all of us sat down watching the game. When the game ended, our athletes won this event. Everyone was cheering on them. So were we.

After the game everyone left and I was left with my team to talk about tomorrow. Since we have training tomorrow I needed to talk to them about the training uniforms.

"So maybe some shorts and hoodies?" I ask them. I got a response with some nods. "Alright then maybe black shorts, green socks and a coffee colour hoodie?" I got all nods. I was happy that I got all nods, because I have been thinking of couple of designs but I liked this one the most. I look over a girl who was screaming and pointing to someone. I looked on what she has pointed. It was athletes comibg towards us. I don't know what they want from us but the girls were exited.

"Hello! Did you guys liked the event?" Dream talked first. Every girl screamed 'yes!' and 'ofcourse!!' While I was standing there smiling and looking at my team. "What about you?" He looked at me and poked me into the shoulder. I look over who poked me. It was one of them named Sapnap. "Oh yeah I did watch it, proud of you guys winning this game" There was a big smile on my face. I got a smile in return.

"Alright can we go now I'm kinda of tired" George said as he rubbed his eye with his hand.
"Yes George, bye everyone! Good luck tomorrow!" Dream waved at us and walked of with George. Sapnap didn't go. All the girls and some boys went somewhere else I went to the changing room to clear some stuff for tomorrow. I heard some footsteps. I turned around. It was Sapnap.

"Hey uhm do you need help?" He asked. "Oh no thank you, I got this" I say to him with a smile. "Let me help" He said picking some papers from the ground. I smile and go back to the cleaning the changing room.

After we cleaned the chaning room we both went out and I locked it. "Hey do you need a ride home?" He asked me as I putted the keys on the coaches table. "If its on you way, and if you want to" I say. "If I asked you then ofcourse I do" He says. "Whats your address?" He asks me. "I live at xxxxxxxx street, xx house" I say to him walking out of the building him following me. "I live at the same street and my number is xx" He says smiling. I smile in return. "So let's go I will drop you off" he says as we went to his car.

We got into his car. He turned some music on and we comfortably sat there listening to his music. We approached my house. "Yeah drop me here" I point to the stop where he stops. I undo my seatbelt and get out of the car. "Thank you for dropping me off tonight" I say leaning into the cars door. "No worries!" He says. "Bye now!" I say as I close the door and heard a very slight 'Bye!' in return.

I go to my house and unlock the door and go in. My parents still weren't home yet, but they will be in 20 mins. It was 7:26 pm. I go to my room, sit in my chair and do my homework. After couple of minutes I hear my door open. I look over, it was my mom. "Oh your home" she says. "Yes I am I'm finishing up my homework" I respond. "Alright when your done come back down to eat dinner!" She says it as she walks out of my room. I finish my homework and go downstairs to eat dinner.

