Piano lesson

"Are you done yet?" you exhale, quite impatience.

"In a moment!" he replies care-freely with his usual wide grin. Bendy was soaking himself in a pool of ink that was filled in one of the rooms you have found in the music department.
"That's what you said one hour ago.." you mumbled, Bendy leers at you with a firm eyes "Be thankful I'm only spending few hours this time, usually I supposed to remain one night or two."
You roll your eyes, as you try to stay composed. Why does he go to such process again? "So, why are you taking a bath again?" you asked.
"I am bathing?" He tilts his head, in wonder.
"Technically you are" you said "it's just instead of water you are using ink" you added. "I see.. I'm bathing" he lowered down his face to the ink pool as he remained silence. This is not the first time for you to see him in such a state.
Sometimes Bendy acts like this. A child that yet to learn about few things, you weren't sure about it because he doesn't seem to lack common sense and sometimes he knows how to piss someone's off. Besides that he is really talented with the piano!

The piano.. you thought. Deep inside you, you wished he would play it again.
"Alright, this should suffice for now" Bendy moved out from the inky pool. You took a step back to a new change "w-what the?! Bendy you grew!" you point at him , amazed. He was smaller an hour ago. Bendy grinned mischievously "The longer I stay, the more I grew. If I stayed more I will be able to have my first form" he points out. The first form he was talking about was around same size of Henry. Taller than you, the idea made you think. Not on my watch brat. You kept your eyes on him as he shuffles before you "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

At least he was more excited than you are this time.

You went it through with Bendy and asked him few things.

"So in this department we kinda accessed all the available rooms we found so far" you stated.

He nods cheerfully "Yep!"

"the only places we couldn't reach is the stair and the door in the instrumental room" you sum up what you both did, he nods again with his eyes closed "mhm". You tried to stay composed to his unreasonable cheerful reaction "Why are you happy about it?! this is terrible!" you growled. You got sick of going forward and back, as if you were expecting a secret passage to appear and you need to say the magical words in order to open..

"Open sasseme anytime!" You yelled and looked around. Bendy was staring at you "If you just see how ridiculous you are right now.." he comments. You sighed in return, well that was pretty lame attempt you just did there. He chuckles as he elbows your waist "ow!"
"Chin up Kerrin! where's your spirit of adventure?" he looks at you with the corner of his face "Discover the unknown, push your way out, look for the missing! this sounds super fun!" Bendy beams.

Just, what is his definition for fun? you couldn't believe how enthusiastic he is about it  and you wished you had a tiny bit of it. You stopped walking when you realized you are in the instrument room again. Back to that door, you had a feeling it could help you out but it is not the way out too. Bendy was humming as he rubs his hands together before holding the axe tight. He sliced the door hopping it would damage and a gap would open but it was useless. Bendy didn't stop and kept on slashing, he was trying hard even though he knew it wouldn't work. You thought a while back you and Bendy searched for a button or click specifically for this door but there was none. Even you had to ruin your jeans with ink so many times walking in that inky hallway just to be extra sure. You decided it was pointless to go back there specifically after making sure that Henry is out of your reach. You yelled for his name many times to the place where you took your fall but your voice echoed all the way without any response.

You took few steps to the middle of this area, sinking in your own thoughts. First thing you thought of is Henry. He must be making his way to where you are, so it is matter of time before you reunite with him.

"But I must find a way out so we can leave together.. " you talked out loud without realizing, Bendy heard you and paused his slashing "and we will find it! don't worry, I got this!" Bendy resumed while putting more effort than before. You saw his back figure and smiled. However, your smile went down when you glimpsed him melting again. Is it because of exhausting himself and going that far? didn't he just bathed himself not long time ago?
You felt bad as you lowered your head. You thought of something fast and finally decided "Hey Bendy! come here quickly!" You whistled. The axe suddenly fell down and he looked around in wonder. You pointed "over here"
He came obediently, his face was a bit puzzled "Did you do that?" he questioned.

"Did what?"

"That noise.."

"Oh, you mean the whistling?" you whistled again, he jumped back "W-whoah it's okay!" you said when you saw his usual grin upside down. You didn't know what was that about and tried to question him "What's the ma—"

He interrupts "Don't do it again" he warns you with a strict upsetting face. His request made you speechless and you really wanted to know what was that about, but you let it slide this time. You didn't want to see Bendy make that kind of face.

Now the mood is awkward with what just happened, you felt uneasy. Still, you wanted to lift his mood up "so.. I was meaning to ask you" you paused to see his facial expression, he lifted his eyebrow still grumpy "What?". You forced a smile "These musical instruments are tidy and clean! I mean.. I can't see any dust on them" you stated while walking around them one be one. You've noticed this for a while, all the desks, posters and counters had a dust on them. Except in this room. Bendy's mouth lift up to a smile "Why of course, I'm looking after them! Technically, I spend most of the time here playing them one by one" he said proudly.

"You can play all of them?!"

"all of them" he repeats. You were impressed.

"Well.. can you teach me how to play a piano then?" you finally brought this up. You were thinking about it in a while but you weren't sure how you would do that. He narrowed his eyes for a moment before he laughed "y-you? Want to learn how to play the piano?! HAHAHA!" he said before he laughed again. You felt like an idiot just standing in silence "h-hey! I'm serious! what's that about?!" you hissed.  He finally stopped before he wipes out a drop of an ink from the corner of his eye. "You don't look like a piano person, that's all" he pointed the whole of you. Literally the whole of you.

"Excuse me?" you are close to snap out.

"Well, you are an artist! that's your thing and piano is my thing" he said before turning his back to you with crossed hands. You was about to reply and give him a piece of mind but an idea crossed to your mind.

"How about......" you smirk, stepping closer to him "an exchange. I teach you how to draw and you teach me how to play"  you suggested. He jerked his head up and sharply turned to look at you. You can read his thoughts without the need of him to speak. He was happy about it but was in doubt in the same time.

"Is that some kind of trick? are you for real?" he asked, narrowing his eyes more. You nodded "Absolutely not. I don't see why not? It's a win win". You walked by him with confidence and take your seat to the long wood stool and faced the piano. You looked at the white keys, amused. While waiting for Bendy to catch the bait and accept your offer. You could feel his wild gazes behind your back. So you pressured him by clicking the keys slowly and randomly. It didn't give a nice sound and that made Bendy rushes over "Not that way you idiot! show some diligence with it!" he sat besides you before you stopped immediately with a victorious smile "is that a yes?" you asked to make sure or maybe you asked to tease him more.

"Yeah yeah... just make sure you keep your part of the deal" he hissed back without looking at you.

With this, the piano lesson has finally started. Your first step to get to know the little ink demon.

"Piano is an art, an art that improves your mind and emotions. You must be focused and relaxed. Take a deep breath and let it out!"  Bendy started his lecture before playing the keys with passion "pass your feelings through your fingers" he played few more very beautifully that sent you to enchantment to the melody he was producing. He stopped while nodding to you to try.
You couldn't follow the keys he pressed but you didn't want to look like you were slacking off. You chinned down with straight pose as you hit the keys professionally like the great genius Beethoven.

At least that what you thought...

"No no no! Were you even following?" Bendy pressed both his hands covering his demon horns to the dissonance sound you are producing. You immediately stopped before you rubbed your head.

"It doesn't look as easy as it seems" you said.

"No shit!" He replies.

"Okay okay... it's obvious you have zero knowledge about this so let's start from zero! First lesson, you will need to know your four fingers." He showed you both of his hands along his four fingers as he place each one of them on a specific order to the piano keys. You were skeptical about what he said as he noticed, he knitted his eyes "What is it?" He asks.

"It's just... I have five fingers! Where should I place my little pinky?" You wiggled your little pinky through the air before him. He looked at you with silence before he speaks "It's gonna be a long day, isn't it?" he was half way to  being crazy impatience with you.

A while later, things became more chaotic.

"Kerrin! not that way—"

"You hit that twice!! why you hit it twice?!"

"Stop getting lost and repeat what I'm doing!"

"Hit it all the way otherwise it won't make the sound! AGH"

Bendy finally lost it, he did his best but couldn't keep up with you.

"Are we having a break?" You gave a lazy laugh trying to stay optimistic "break? you broke my mind and nearly broke the piano with your failure! You suck beyond imagination Kerrin, give up!" He growls at you harshly.  What he said hurts you, you didn't fight back. You lowered your head while he hops down from the wooden stool.

"well guess what? I DON'T NEED YOU" you shouted "I will keep trying and trying, all I need is to keep practicing and never stop or give up! you give up on me? FINE, BE IT! I will play amazingly that you will admit my skills,  bow down to my genuine skills and kiss my feet!" you declared to him "just wait and watch!!"

Bendy was astonished to your declaration before he bursts ton laugh "AHAHAHA! oh I would like to see you try. This should be fun" he said with a grin "I'll be back with a bacon soup, good luck with that AHAHAHA"

You faced the piano and tried to recall what he taught you so far. Piano has seven letters from A to G and 88 keys. The letters keep repeating after they end until the last key. To find the A, you look at the 3 black keys, hit the middle black and jump down to the right for the 'A' key. Second, you must make a special pattern and speed between your fingers close to each other. You remembered another tip from Bendy he said while ago to not go hard and always make your wrist straight. You drew a long sigh "how hard can it be..?" you cleared your throat.

Time went by and you kept practicing, the place were filled with sounds that came from your own keys. It was bad, like really bad. But that didn't stop you and you kept going as you played, you noticed Bendy was missing and he didn't talk since last time. You looked behind you as you find him there, laying down with a mischievous grin while enjoying the soup. Seeing him cocky like that drove you to give it your all and try again. Surprisingly, after what seemed forever. Your keys finally rhythms.

The joy of hearing a nice melody made you forget that you were fighting with Bendy not too while ago "Bendy! I did it!" you looked at him who was stepping closer to you quickly "about time!" he says "you got the idea so far!" he was happy as well. "I told you I can do it!" you said with confidence "I just needed time, that's all".

"Yeaaah, 6 hours straight just to reach this far? yeah right" he shrugged, you crossed your arms "It's my first time ever to play a piano! I'm lucky that I could touch it you know.." you said trying to sound convincing. A quick memory from the past brought you back to a bad time you had in the school before. As much as you were curious and interested in music class, the teacher never gave you a chance to use any instruments at all. As if he was holding grudge against you. While everyone else could use and play as they please without saying no to them. While you watched them far from distance.
You look around the room once again, filled with instruments. No one can say no or tell you that you can't. You can do as you please. It was such an irony you thought to yourself.
Bendy noticed your silence,,but he noticed your sadden mood. He passed you a can of bacon soup "You did great! I look forward for more" he cheers you up. You were delighted and accepted his offer "thanks! I was surprised myself"you rested next to Bendy to take a break "who taught you anyway?" you questioned. Who ever it is, they must be skillful.

Bendy's smile remained on his face. As he was expecting this question. His fingers were fidgeting on the can he was holding. He looked over the place as if a memories from the old time called him back. Bendy scoffed a bit to some good moments, he lowered his gaze from bad moments. His emotions were clashing. You could tell that he was remembering many things that some looks pleasant while others weren't even close.

"Bendy..?" calling his name made him jerk his head up. As if you brought him back to this place "y-yes?" he said, his smile went back to usual. Trying to cover whatever just happened. You didn't repeat your question, and choose to forget about it "are you ready for your drawing lesson?" you reminded him with a smile.

"For real? now?" he was beamed with it. You nodded "Of course, a deal is deal! just let me bring my bag—"

Bendy jogged right away after your bag you placed it to one of the chairs next to the guitar and brought it to you "there you go" he said, trying to hide his excitement. You smiled genuinely to his enthusiasm, and took out you sketching books and tools. But the place is not suitable for your session so you asked Bendy for another room with sketching desk.

You both left the room and closed the door behind. But there was someone who was watching almost all the time. Someone who kept staring your back until you vanished from his sight. He pulled both of his legs and disappeared.
