
~Sometimes the things you want make you forget the things you have~




He washed away from everyone, sunk with his typhoon of combined feelings. They were clashing and reacting like a chemical reaction that went wrong. Foggy glimpses of the wonderful days he had so much fun with her powdered and flew, far from his reach.

Bendy grits, fists, grumbles and sweats dozens of inks. Mouth twitched, eyes squinted before he charged looking for the girl with Angel's cloth.

He was going with full speed, jumping into the portals of ink. He did not call for her no, he knows, he smells. The Angel is hiding he can smell her fear, she is frightened, she realizes that the demon will get her. He swore that he will get her.


She shivered to the sound of her name, lurching her back. He found me! She cowers and withdraws gasping before the demon finds his way and corner her.

"Wrong call Alice, wrong call, hey now, where do you think you are going?"

"H-H-Hey Bendy! w-what are you doing here?"

She attempted to hide in a miracle station, he pushed the door close before she tried to get in.

"Don't give me that crap, you know damn well why I'm here,"

"I haven't the slightest idea w-what you mean," she insisted on her lie.

"Spare me the talk, it doesn't matter anyway," Bendy thought about it. It was all meaningless.

"I would have said that I came all the way here to demand explanations, but it won't change shit. YOU manipulated me, YOU knew this would happen, YOU wanted me to hurt her, didn't you? And by my own hands too, I can imagine you laughing at me, at her, hiding behind your UNANGELIC FACE YOU TRASH," vibrating his anger, he babbled and babbled, poking her chest before she hits him with a gen-pipe on his head and fled away.

"Wowi, ouch, Welp, showing yer true ugly color now ey?"

Alice runs away then climbs to the end of the stairs and closes the door. Bendy catches up without a sweat, barge in the door mad, making a dramatic scene.

"I guess it's time for some Angel hunt! I'm uncertain though who's the real devil here?"

"None of this would ever happen if you stick to the plan! I was doing you a favor!"


He inspected the room, it was dim and he couldn't tell where she was hiding. The voice echoed and it was hard to tell.

Bendy senses a slight motion before he goes all out and strikes towards it. It was an empty can. Alice gulped at how he doesn't show any slight hesitant.

"She is necessary! How many years have we spent trying to rat out the little stinky mouse?! How many holes did we dig to get him out of here???? She is a distraction, yet she is valuable for the plan! Can't you see we aren't making any progress about the creator's whereabout???!!! He will definitely come out if his precious little daughter got hurt!" Alice justified as she defended her own act. She shifted her spots slowly away from him.

"That's beyond getting hurt, she would have gone for good!"

"Oh pah-lease, she is not the only artist out there, you have plenty outside-"

"SHE IS NOTHING LIKE THE OTHERS," Bendy frantically bares his teeth and tramped the ground. She yelps in reaction.

He fishes her out, she was moving slowly and hiding behind the wooden barrels, Bendy smashed the barrels away and finally faced her off.

"I believe there is more to it than a plan you say... I believe, you want to do it for fun,"

"D-Don't be ridiculous! Even you didn't dare to tell her the truth!! Do you think she would gladly let you host Henry's body?! And what about the creator??? Does she know that you intend to punish him whether she likes it or not?"

She caught him right there, the thing that bothered him for a long time. Kerrin pushed him off because of Henry without a slight of understanding, at least on his point though. But what about her father? Surely she sympathized us and hated him for everything he did, but would she let me punish him with his own life?

"She won't let this slide, she won't let you, she is on the way! She is ought to find out, get this straight to your head!"

"That all doesn't matter, you won Alice. Congratulations!" Bendy become more twisted to the point she shivered to the sight of his icy stare.

"Kerrin hates me forever, she doesn't want to see me. She chooses them over me," he grins, eyes oozing with ink, hands growing abnormal and nails extending like needles.

"So, congratulations! you got what you wanted! No more distractions, I'll get things done and move on with the plan... though course I won't let you walk away dirty-handed and all victorious, you know why?" Bendy walked in a circle, as if he was making a speech to whoever in the darkness, he then twists his body and showed a wide malicious grin.

"I will hurt you, break you, make you wish the creator has never thought of creating you. I'll twist your neck, along with that throat of voice you are so proud of and-"

Alice swiftly shoves a glass of ink she fetched it from her pocket, splashing him on his face. Bendy thundered, holding his face, brushing the ink away.


Alice ran the hell out of here, while Bendy fell on his knees, letting out a loud snarl, hands clasping on the ground. THE BURN THE BURN IT HURTS!! JUST LIKE LAST TIME THIS IS.


He squeezes his eyes shut, arcs his back and scratches off his face. It is easier to remove the ink from a human skin but for him,it wasn't that easy. He is made of ink. The ink was oozing and dripping to his mouth, the hate, fear, sadness, and rage intensified, coating his head, sealing within him, becoming one.

He snarled again, sighing and breathing, the ink thickened and stabilized. He stopped resisting, he let it in. What's the point of fighting? He wondered, it doesn't matter anymore, he lost his reasons, everything seemed bleak. Looking deviant, Bendy stresses his mouth, letting out a soft animalistic growl. He raises before he took heavy steps. The room reflected nothing but darkness, chilly and cold like the end of an empty well. Like how he feels right now. His world started to crumble, everything seemed to fade. Insanity conquered him as he raised his head and sniffed two times, grumbling while his body jerks mildly as if possessed but with a mad smile.

He hunches as he walks, spreading vicious darkness and going back to his hunt. He has unfinished business.





Her plan was backfired. That girl supposed to drop dead or become one of them. Neither happened, but what disappointed her the most, that guy didn't appear. Alice stopped halfway, shaky shallow breath as she looks back. No way in hell I'm going back now! She looks forward, cursing herself for not making extra arrangements.

She reached a hallway with no floor, the deep chasm beneath was a major threat, to be killed by the demon or fall to my demise? Alice picked the later, trekking over the single planks laid across. Her shaking legs made it difficult to keep her balance.

"okay, okay, you can do this Alice, slowly and gracefully,"

One step at a time, with arms on the air, she crossed halfway. This is safe, and if Bendy ever caught up, he would fall down before he notices. She plotted with a confident grin.

A webbing wavering caught her eyes, it was dim but distinct. Alice ducked down tangled by it. What the heck is that? It looks like the dreadful net that spreads when-

"!!!!" she gasps looking backward, nothing. She calms down a bit. Exhaling, she shuts her eyes before she hears a sound of water drops.


Black drops. Probably just the pipes-

Tracking the pipes above her, with a sinking heart, a despair stare and a breathless voice, "h-how?" she asks the beast who wall-crawled like a predator, twirled his head and greeted her with mouth wide open and shining teeth.

The demon released himself from the wall and bounded on the planks, making her lose balance and cry as she descended to the darkness and got hurt by the edgy rocks, extended woods and onto the ground.

She slams on the floor, moaning in pain. The sense of time being stopped passed her momentarily, she felt all her insides are broken.

"Angel....." He followed her all the way down. Her trembling chin lifted and gape of awe, "P-please,"

He did not stop, he crawled unhurried, then pauses right before her. She realized he lost control, he cannot be reasoned with like that!

"Angel.....?" He calls again, tilting his head, unsure.

"Y-Yes it's me! I'm Angel, your friend!" she responds with a sly-nod, I can be saved!

He wanted to see for himself, she allowed it. Bendy touched her cheek with a slight bend of his head, then stroked her hair. Alice flinched, but he hardly noticed. Good heavens. He even reached her hallow and poked her horn-ears like.

"It's me, Angel!" she reassures him again. His eyes met hers for a short period before he snarls.

"You are no Angel,"

Filled with dread, Alice tried to run, but he pulled her from her hair and shoved her to the ground.

"I told you, didn't I? I won't let you be,"

"y-you have self-awareness!??" despite the pain, she was too shocked to find him being sentient in his frenzy demon state.

"Thanks to your magic inky tricks. I feel much better now, I accepted it with an open heart! Oh wait, I don't have that...for now," He talks slowly as if he was lagging but the sarcastic tone, it's no doubt he is in between the state of his wildness and the conscious old Bendy.

"How about I let you taste your own medicine ALICE FAKE ANGEL?! YOU MIGHT FEEL MUCH BETTER TOO,"

"y-you are crazy! No no, don't come closer! D-d-don't touch me NOOOO NOOOO AAAIEEEEEEEE!!!"

Bendy pinned her down and brushed the ink from his face and scraped it on her left side of her face.

"STOP NO, PL EASE, IT BURNS IT HURTS IT'S TAKING ME BACK!! DON'T LET IT TAKE ME BACK!" she begged, mortified as she squirmed her body.

"Oh you ARE aware of this, huh? Touching this corrupted ink for too long can claim you and pull you back, you didn't mind if it pulled ME DIDNTCHA?! Perhaps you will be a good ol Alice in your next recreation," Bendy sled his tongue out, mocking her pathetic state. "Truly, an ugly parasitic you turned to be,"

Alice strived to remove his hand from her face. Her face was sizzling, the ink was flowing, and her half mouth was melting, revealing her jaw. My hard work, my perfect form!! Alice cried her lungs out and attempted to scratch his wrist, fluttering her legs violently the demon never swayed and instead, laughed and chuckled to his heart's desire.

"Bendy s-stop!!" The four-legged friend arrived too late.

Bendy turned over to see him without releasing his hands from Alice, he gave him a daring glare. Do it.

Boris didn't think about this so far. The only thing on his mind was to save her, b-but how? He is unarmed and Bendy's melting form means we are doomed for real!

However, Alice cries of help made the Wolf muster his courage and barks at the demon, making a grrringsound, preparing to fight.

"S-stay away from her or.. or I will-"

Bendy released Alice and stood up half bent. Whoah, it worked! The Wolf stood in disbelief before he shook his head and puffed his chest.

"Angel......" Bendy said as he paced with quick steps, Boris was baffled, no I'm a wolf. He cleared his throat before Bendy passed by him.

"Kerrin, Henry!" Boris gasped; how did they catch up so fast?!

Bendy's eyes softened, reaching out to his destined Angel.

"Angel," he says again, elated to see her. Henry was growing skeptic to let Bendy approach them this close, but with a small gesture from Kerrin, it's fine, she reassures him with eyes still focused at Bendy.

She looked at him with a painful expression.

"STOP CALLING HER THAT!" Alice rumbled from a distance. Even Boris shivered from her. She finally snapped, fed up, making noisy breathing and her hand concealed her messy burnt side of her face.

"I AM THE REAL ANGEL! I AM ALICE THE ANGEL! STOP CALLING HER FOR SOMETHING SHE IS NOT!!" with a flush of denial, Alice raised her voice while Bendy, calmly looked back at her, disgusted.

"You are just a small replica Toon version inspired by her,"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" she shrieks, wagging her head and forcibly closes her ears.

"What is she.... Talking about?" Kerrin, puzzled, her mind froze as she sought the answer from Bendy.

"Kerrin," Henry knew what they meant, she looks at him, "You see, before you were born, they decided to make Alice Angel.... An inspiration character dedicated for-"

"You," Bendy leaned his bore on Kerrin's, her hair merged with his ink.

She did not know what to say. Except, she felt sorry for Alice regardless of what she has caused so far. Kerrin casts a pitiful look at the fallen Angel, Boris was trying to help her, but she kept muttering something.

"Hey...I'm really really sorry," Bendy whispered, remorseful over what he did as he drops on his knees, his head rested on her chest, "I would never ever hurt you,"

"I know,"

"But I can't live without a body Kerrin, Alice has one. Even Boris, I'm the only one bodyless,"

She lowers her head with a soft sigh. She gently shakes her head, "There has to be another way,"

"THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!" he growls in response. Then realizes he went far just now, "I'm sorry," he apologizes, "but there is no other way,"

She avoids looking at him while he nudges her with his bore, Henry was feeling miner to this situation yet thankful that Bendy is ignoring his existence. Though they are talking about me. Still, he kept on the lookout.

"How about this, I don't take him as my body, anyone else would do," he said it as if he came up with the brightest plan he ever thought of. Kerrin grimaces of pain and sympathy, she clenches her shirt, shutting her eyes before she shakes her head.

"Toons are not supposed to hurt. They make people gag and laugh. You are perfect the way you are... though I will still help you and find another way,"

He scoffs. Is she serious? What can a girl like her possibly do that the others couldn't? Bendy braced himself.

"So that means even if we manage to find the creator, your father.. you are not thinking of punishing him, aren't you?"


She was always afraid of this moment. The moment of truth, she always questioned herself what would she do if her father was right in front of her? The things that he did was unforgivable, the pain he caused is unlimited but, in the end,, he is her father.

The quiet was killing him, setting ablaze inside his body, more than the corrupted ink. It was a sense of betrayal, of being lied, not that he didn't lie himself too. But now he knows how it feels.

Bendy's eyes went round, his pupils shrink and his smile was shouting with disbelief. He chuckles, sniggers then cried out of laughter. Henry ignored Kerrin's gesture and held her hand. This doesn't look good.

"You know Kerrin.... At least I tried! You can't blame me for not trying!" He shrugs, leaning closer to her with eyes bugged out.

"You really were something. Shame, things can't go back to the way they were huh,"

Henry pulled Kerrin back, but she protested, shaking her head, "n-no we can if we just-"

"Nonetheless!" Bendy cut in, "I promised to keep you safe right? I won't hurt you.... However, you won't get on my way. I won't allow it, after all, my needs come first. And if you happen to be on my way,"

Bendy growled as he grew taller, the ink moved as if it had its own will, shaping him and malforming him. The ink covered all the whites and tainted his so proud of the bow. His horns turned pointier and as he bends himself with a struggling groan, spikes sprouts on his back one by one aligned on his whole spine.

Kerrin's face turned pale, she was staring but not believing her eyes. Unconsciously, she held Henry's arm and quivered in fear.

"Well. Things will get darn ugly," he implied, the shadows of the ink loomed like waves intensified and thickened, making the room suffocating for its residents.

"Kerrin, we have to leave," Henry persisted, the more they stay the more the demon will go mad.

She was rooted to the ground, freezing and blinking. The words Bendy spite were harsh, his tone was cold as ice, he doesn't show a slight of care anymore. He's like a different person.

"Hey now I'm not entirely unsympathetic! You were my favourite friend after all, so I'll give you a heads up... I'll count until 10, you better don't waste time now!"

Bendy gurgled before he jerks back to the other silent two.

"That counts for everyone here! I will hunt each one of you and I promise you, I won't stop until I get at you all, starting with Henry! I'm itching for a REAL body right now," he curves back sharply pointing at Henry. Bendy sniggered, muttering unsightly things of what is he going to do.

"1....2....Bendy's coming for you" Bendy covered his eyes as he counted, mixing with a dark lullaby of his own.

"W-We need to go n-now Alice!" Boris tried to help her, but she slapped his hand away and ran for it.

"Kerrin! Let's go!" Henry snapped, dragging her forcibly, she looked at Boris, calling for him. But Boris was lost between going after Alice or helping Kerrin and Henry.

"3.....4.... he'll make a huge uproar"

"Don't mind us! We will meet up! It is better to split!" Henry planned it ahead, it's not a good thing going in group, he would get us all.

Boris replied with a grateful nod as he retreats the same path Alice went.

Henry carried her from her waist and dragged her all the way back. Kerrin shot a final look at Bendy, he must be bluffing, he wouldn't hurt us, he wouldn't-

"5.....6.... Don't look back or take a peek,"

At that instant, Bendy's eyes glittered to this short eye-contact. He made a small gap for one of his eyes to peek at Kerrin. His grin widened for her, yet it was filled with sinister, sending a shivering sensation to her spine, freezing her cold, her heartbeat racing, nearly exploding. His eyes, his eyes were reflecting bad things, threatful and dreadful. The sight bored into her brain.

At that moment, she saw him as a real monster.

"7......8..... He is filled with great hate,"

Henry and Kerrin vanished from his sight. He was all alone, keeping his word until the last count before the hide and seek game begins.

"9.....10.....he'll get you by then,"

Bendy removed his hands and took a long look all around before he yells.

"Ready or not! Here I come!"
