Come down, grab that hair and want to pick it off.

For this reason, the man had to free up a hand to clasp her bad thing's wrist, but he didn't want to lick her clitoris and become bald.

The girl got a vacant leg, and quickly clamped it on the man's head.

She wanted to push him off, she didn't like the horror of the man licking her clit with his tongue.

But when the soles of the feet just touched the man's thick shoulders, the man suddenly sucked at the clitoris with his mouth, and the girl screamed like crying, her legs trembled and softened suddenly, and the small hole under the clitoris Spray out the juice.

A burst of crispness spread across the limbs, and the reaction that was supposed to be resistance was to straighten her buttocks and try to get her vagina up, just for him to continue licking and sucking. She still wanted the comfort of sprinting her brain just now...

She tasted it, and the man sucked and sucked viciously. A woman can orgasm simply by continuously stimulating the clitoris. This little nutmeg comes even faster than the pleasure obtained by inserting it directly into the vagina.

But the tongue alone is not enough to make her orgasm in the shortest time. It needs to be pressed and rubbed with the fingers. When rubbing it until it becomes red, red and swollen, rub it hard again, and the custody girl will make a sob-like cry from the ecstasy red mouth.

After imagination comes action, whatever you think in your mind, you can toss this girl in reality.

As soon as she pressed and rubbed the nutty bean sprouts with her slightly rough fingers, the girl couldn't bear the irritation and refused with her legs between her legs.

The man clasped the girl's hand tightly with one hand, and pulled the other leg at the waist. The naughty fingers pressed and even ejected the nutmeg with terrifying force, which made the girl unable to pinch her legs or move, sobbing and shaking her head. The whole body is arched, and the muscles of the whole body are tense.

The girl frowned uncomfortably and screamed louder and louder, "Don't—don't—go pee—pee—"

As the man rubbed his fingertips in a circular motion, the constant stimulation of the clitoris was like stimulating the urge to urinate, and it was so sour that he just wanted to avoid it. But the man like a mountain bear is hateful, he gradually exerted gravity mercilessly, until the clitoris continuously emitted the desire to excrete. So the girl's screams became louder and louder, accompanied by crying.

"Yeah, yeah—"

When the scream reached a peak, the whole body was stretched into a beautiful bow, the slender neck was raised high, and a large amount of lewd fluid was ejected from the vagina——

In the next moment, the girl limply lay on the bed like a deflated ball, her limbs twitching feebly.

The teardrops in the corners of the girl's eyes could be faintly seen rolling down into the short hair.

He vented twice in a row.

The girl squinted her eyes slightly, with teardrops on her eyelashes, and stared blankly at the man on her body.

She was as soft as a puddle of water, and at this moment, she could be tossed by the man no matter what she wanted.

And the man held up the girl's tender buttocks, held them up high and pulled them towards his eyes, lowered his head, brought the overflowing flesh holes to his mouth, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue into the gap between the flesh until it reached the flesh hole Inside, and sucked up the whole mouth, tightly blocked the opening of the hole and shrunk the mouth, so that the full honey flowed into his mouth.

He sucked in big mouthfuls, and the girl's pussy was still contracting intermittently. Even when the tongue pokes in, you can still feel the residual sucking force.

The girl was already so comfortable that her soul flew into the sky, but this tongue made her vagina feel empty again.

The buttocks held by the man's hands were rubbed like dough by the man's giant palms, which intensified the feeling of emptiness in the depths of the pussy.

So he twisted his buttocks and greedily put it into the man's mouth, begging him to suck it quickly.

But when the man sucked as he wished, the girl felt that the caressing force of that tongue was not enough.

It's not thick enough, hard enough, long enough. It only kept licking within an inch of the hole. There was a long stretch of her vagina that hadn't been caressed and filled.

She wants something better, not this tongue!

So the girl started to sob, and started yelling indiscriminately: "Don't want this—— woo...don't want this..."

What exactly she wanted, she couldn't remember for a moment in her confused mind.

The man withdrew his tongue, guided the girl to grab a hand and stretched it to her crotch, "You want this?" His voice was suppressed to the limit and hoarse.

When the girl grabbed the huge dick, feeling its hardness, roughness and hotness in the palm of her hand, she couldn't help crying and urging with joy: "I want this—give me this—"

Can't wait.

The man was very satisfied, put her buttocks, pulled her one leg over, let the flower bud at the root of the thigh touch the glans ball as thick as a fist, until it reached the eye of the glans As soon as he touched the girl's wet and muddy hole, he couldn't control his rationality anymore and straightened his waist to squeeze the glans into the flower bud——

"Ha, ah-ah--"

The girl let out a short and painful scream, and suddenly clamped her legs around the man's tiger waist, and the penis, which was soaked by the love juice, was already wet enough for the glans to be inserted relatively smoothly. But after all, the penis is slightly bigger, and the incision of her penis is too small, so it is not so easy to penetrate. And the man couldn't control his force so he stabbed violently, the whole big glans was forced in, and the flesh wrinkle at the opening of the meat hole was directly collapsed into thin pieces.

It is obvious that the elasticity of the vagina is fully opened and swallowed the huge glans head forcibly!

Fortunately, the little tender pussy that had ejaculated twice was completely wet enough. The man penetrated in an instant and at the same time was wrapped and lubricated with cum, so that after the ridge of the glans, which was thicker than the flesh, penetrated, the remaining fleshy roots penetrated easily. . The wet, warm and smooth vagina tightly wraps the big dick, and the man, against the wet liquid, rushes all the way from the ridge of the glans under the strong pressure, until the penis head and horse eye are sent to the point where it can no longer be After entering the cervix, it stopped!

But at this time, the big meat stick that Xiaonen was holding tightly to her mouth still had more than half of her body and could not be pushed in. This is the limit of a girl's vagina.

Of course, only temporarily.

The man's intention was to make her horny little pussy eat all of his big cock, and he was waiting for those two huge balls to collide with her charming ass balls. You have to hit it so loudly that the girl's buttocks are red and swollen before you stop!

He had to continue to train her pussy to expand to the point where she could completely wrap his proud flesh.

The liquid in the girl's vagina, which was blocked by the big dick, was pushed directly to the cervix, and Meng Lang slammed into the tightly closed fleshy wall of the cervix. The impact of the meat stick instantly turned into an indescribable strange pleasure, sweeping her limbs.

She was so sore that she shivered and screamed.

The glans head, as thick as a child's arm and a fist, just hit it once, then retreated an inch, and hit it hard again! As the huge meat organ was pulled back, it rushed forward again, the meat stick tightly squeezed and pulled the meat wall in all directions in the vagina, until the meat wall was sour, numb, itchy and astringent! Stimulate the girl sharp
