There is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone in a more closed prison, everyone knows about the warden's involvement with female prisoners.

One year is enough time for her to know more about Shen Tuquan's personality.

Those so-called hobbies that he likes to flirt with women and love SM are just the nonsense of female prisoners. To be precise, it is not that Shentu Quan likes to flirt with female prisoners, but that he really knows how to flirt with women, but none of those women are female prisoners.

The women spread rumors, and finally evolved into the prison warden who loves to mess with female prisoners.

A man who is extremely self-disciplined in his thinking and behavior, and who tries not to fall into the trap of others in his life style and work, such a man at this age and at this point is definitely not because of impotence, but more of tolerance.

"Is it me who gave you this feeling?" The man didn't know whether he should feel sorry for his behavior of chasing a girl. The girl's accusation made him feel that if he said "you are my girlfriend" , maybe this girl will even ride on his head to do her best.

She was bold enough already.

The girl nodded, so it was a matter of course: "Of course."

The man was speechless, and grabbed the little girl, "I should teach you a lesson, so that you don't make your own claims. I should be glad that you are a prisoner." If she was outside, she might have gone to Vietnam as soon as he got off work.


Compared with the cold torture chamber, Shen Tuquan's private bedroom has more sexual tools.

There were even thick, soft blankets on the polished floor.

He let the girl take off her clothes and kneel with her back facing him. The sound of the whip whipping in the air made the girl somewhat recall the pain from being whipped by him, so she trembled faintly.

But even though she was afraid in her heart, she was still stubborn.

A girl with a big temper.

When the whip was thrown on the clean floor that was not covered with carpet, the man said in a cold and heartless voice: "Renew your loyalty to me."

"No!" The girl refused with backbone.

The man swung the soft whip in his hand, and the girl subconsciously closed her eyes and hugged her thin arms tightly.

As in the memory, the pain did not come as expected, accompanied by the man's mocking voice: "You are very afraid of pain."

The girl instantly felt that she was underestimated, and she couldn't help but hold her head high, but this posture has lost the courage to treat death like home at first.

"Do you think I only have this whip in my hand to make women submit?" A man never conquers a woman by force.

He wrapped the whip around his hand a few times before releasing it, and walked slowly to the front of the woman, the straight-dressed police officer, and the naked young girl.

"These two little tits don't like bells, does the little mouth below like bells? I won't give you anesthesia."

The girl turned pale, subconsciously clamped her legs, glared at the man and asked, "What do you want?!" Where would he want to put the bell under her? !

The man just hooked the corner of his mouth, threw the whip aside, and then drew a ribbon to tie the girl's hands, and then passed the ribbon through the delicate copper hole hanging from the ceiling, and hung the girl's hands upright.

Changing from a kneeling position to a standing position, the girl shook her head from side to side nervously, and twisted her body slightly. This shows that she is uneasy, and it also shows that although she is uneasy, she is willing to expose that nervousness to the man in front of her.

It goes a step further to explain the girl's deep dependence on him.

He likes the girl's dependent psychology. After getting along for a year, the stubborn girl subconsciously opened her heart to him, the only one who has ever had physical contact and intimacy.

The man took out an oval black object from his sleeve, with a textured metallic luster on its surface. The ellipse is connected by a thread of the same color, which ends in a smaller ellipse.

"Do you know what this is?"

"have no idea."

"It's called a vibrating egg. A masturbation device for women." He moved close to the girl's body, and then moved the hand holding the vibrating egg under her sparse triangular hair, and pressed the cold texture of the vibrating egg to the girl's labia above.

Then when the switch was pressed, a buzzing sound like a bee overflowed, and the vibrating egg vibrated extremely quickly in the man's hand, and slowly squeezed in against the girl's labia.

After being shocked by the sound and vibration of the vibrating egg, the girl found that it did no harm to the human body, and the vibrated labia did not feel strange until the man separated her labia majora and slipped the vibrating egg into the labia minora, the girl hummed hum.

"This little thing will take you to heaven."

"I, don't like heaven..." When the vibrating egg was pressed by the man on the small clitoris, the girl made a sound, bowed her waist and shrunk her buttocks.

The man slapped the girl's round and plump buttocks with a palm, and with irresistible force, the vibrating egg was pressed tightly against the clitoris, and the girl's clitoris was stimulated by the strong vibration of the vibrating egg.

"No, don't—I don't like this feeling—" the girl screamed in a low voice, the weird feeling of being strongly stimulated on the clitoris made her want to escape, it was uncomfortable and terrible, but after the strong stimulation, it was a A sour tingling sensation.

Feels like urinary incontinence!

But it is more uncomfortable and indescribable than urinary incontinence!

The girl dodged and twisted her buttocks, her frowns came together, and her voice changed, "No, don't—take this away—woo—"

The man was extremely cruel, and the girl's writhing pain was more intense than ever before, "Will you be obedient?"

"Don't—" the girl's mouth was hard.

The whole little face was flushed, and the rosy little mouth had already adapted to the sense of pleasure brought about by this strangeness. The clitoris pleasure that is completely different from the man's big cock makes her small mouth overflow with thick gasps...

Seeing that it took only a few tens of seconds for her to go from resisting to enjoying, the man turned off the vibrating egg while the girl's buttocks were getting thicker and even no longer retracted.

Things that make girls happy also disappear.

The pretty little girl looked obviously confused and dissatisfied.

She blinked, staring at him with hunger in her eyes.

The man lightly touched the inside of the girl's labia with his fingers, and his fingertips were full of moisture, and he heard him say: "Little slut, the vibrating eggs are all wet by your lewd water."

The girl blushed and glanced wildly, because she was shy.

She even tucked her legs together.

But when you close your legs, you can feel the wetness in the underworld more clearly.

"I should make your slutty pussy secrete more cum and wet this expensive rug on the floor, and then you'll have to wash it tomorrow."

"You...give it to me?" The girl boldly glanced at the slightly sticky vibrating egg in the man's hand. It opened her up to pleasures stronger than fingers.

"No." He turned to switch to a tiny dildo. "Spread your legs."

She spreads her legs and he stuffs the dildo in and fucks with his pussy dildo
