You remember me....Right?

(Maria POV)

I tune out Tall guy and Brit's conversation as I grab the picture from my back pocket. I smile a bit, back when times were simpler. Letty walks over to me and I stand up very quickly. We hug for a long time. " 7 years and you still haven't changed Letty." I say with a smile on my face. She grins at me. " Neither have you except your age." She says as she laughs. I hand her the picture as she looks over it with a smile on her face. " Leon, Vince, and Jesse." She says as there are tears forming in her eyes. " I miss them." I say with a slight whisper. She wraps her arm around my shoulder. "I do too." She says. " Letty remember the Charger model I was building?" She nods then smiles. " You finished it?!" She says with excitement. I nod, I go and grab my duffel bag. I open it and pull out the model. Letty smiles and she picks it up and admires it.  " It's beautiful Chica." She says as she pulls me into her side. Our conversation is interrupted as we hear Ramsey and Tej. " But this one's not going away." She says as she points to a point on the map. I look at Letty. " We may have found him I say with excitement. " This is interesting." Mr. Nobody says and I look at him confused. " Why?" I ask him. " Because that's here." He says and my eyes widen. There is a sudden explosion and I am thrown through a glass pane, I feel a few glass pieces pierce through my skin. " Ow." I say as I lay on the ground. " Did you all enjoy that? Next generation concussion grenade. It scrambles your senses. Don't worry, It'll wear off in an hour. Probably." The lady I recognize as Cipher walks through. " Hello, Deckard.Nice to see you again. Look at this, bodies not even cold Dom. Your family's already replacing you.

You chose the loosing team. I guess your brother is smarter than you. Smart move embedding God's eye into the mainframe. Irritating to make me have to come all the way down here to get it, but. Let's go." Cipher says at she gets God's Eye. " Dom!" Letty exclaims. " You really gonna turn your back on family just like that even Maria is here for you!" Letty continues pointing at me. I turn over to Dom. ' You promised.' I mouthed to him. His face drops even more than how it was before. " Ah Maria Toretto." Cipher says walking over to me. " Left her family at the age of 8, left her whole family." She says as she picks up the Charger model. My eyes widen as she has it in her hand. "Don't touch that." I say but it sounds like a whisper. She drops the model on the ground and it breaks. My eyes widen as it shatters across the floor. Cipher goes over to Dom and she kisses him, I turn to Letty and I see her face fall.

(Time Skip)

I sit next to Letty. " You okay?" Tall guy says to us. " That wasn't him. I don't know what she's got on him. But that wasn't Dom." Letty says and I nod agreeing with what she was saying. " Imma go get the first aid kit." I walk to get the first aid kit but someone else goes to grab it. " Oh sorry you take it." I say and I turn around to see Deckard. " No it's alright you have more injuries than I do so." He motions to it and I grab it. " Thanks Deckard. He looks confused. " How do you know my name?" He asks. I laugh. " That blonde braided bitch said it so I figured." I say with a shrug. He laughs with me. " I should start heading back now, nice to officially meet you." I say with a smile, he smiles back. " Same with you." Deckard knew he would become good friends with the 15 year old. I walk back to where Letty was and I sit next to her. I start to fix up my scratches but I see one is too deep. " Letty." I say with caution. " Yeah Chica?" She asks. " Uhm well you see... One of the cuts is too deep so I may need stitches." I say while fiddling with my fingers. Letty chuckles. " You still afraid of needles Chiquita?" She asks me. I nod with a fearful look on my face, she laughs again. " Hobbs!" She calls and Tall guy walks over. " Yeah Letty?" He asks. ' huh so that is his name.' I think to myself.  " Well little Maria here is afraid of needles and she has to get stitches. How do you get your kid to calm down if she gets a shot or somethin'? Letty asks. " Well I just tell her to be strong and that it'll be over soon." He says while shrugging. Letty nods and she turns to me. " Okay Chica imagine us in LA making food and Dom complaining the chicken is dry." Letty says and I close my eyes imagining it. I slightly smile, I could still feel the pinch of the needle going through my skin but I was okay. " And done!" Letty says. I open my eyes and I smile and hug her. " Thanks Letty." " No problem Chica."

" Damn it!" Deckard exclaims. We look over at him " She wiped it off. Took God's eye. That was the one thing we use to find him. We lost everything." Deckard continues wiping is face with his hand.  " Yeah, princess?" Hobbs says trying to piss Deckard off.  " Find it to rail. But I've got couple of minutes to spare. If you want me to send you to the hospital again." Deckard says already pissed off. " Yo Rules!" Hobbs yells at the other guy with Mr. Nobody. "First off, that's not my name." He states looking mad. "Little nobody." Roman says and I laugh. "Don't call me that." He says. " Oh that's definitely sticking." I say while laughing.  "Great do me a favor, and tell your majesty over there, that if we're gonna find Toretto. We find as a team." Hobbs says while motioning to Deckard. " When this is all over, you have me to slap that whickest biscuit right off his face." He continues. " Wait a minute, guys. I think Deckard's onto something." Ramsey says while looking over at the map. I stand up and look over at it. "  How do you think Dom and Cipher got into the country without us knowing?" Ramsey continues. " Ghost flights." Mr. Nobody and I say at the same time. " I thought that untraceable aircraft was all internet conspiracy stuff." Ramsey says looking at us confused. " It's not." Mr. Nobody says. " Satellites and grids...All across the globe shift. Like an ocean. And they've got

channels that open and close. And theoretically, if you know the right person who...Know the right patterns. You can fly right through the blind's box... can't be intercepted." I say still looking  at the screen. Everyone turns to me. " What I know this shit don't judge me." I say while shrugging again. Ramsey turns to Deckard again. " So you know where Dom is headed?" She asks looking at him. Deckard shuts off the screen and stands up. "Yeah, New York." He says while walking off. I walk off to Letty.  " I'm starting to miss Samoa now." I say while laughing. She turns to me shock on her face. " That's where you were?!" She says while laughing, I laugh with her and nod. " Perra as asada" She tells me while shoving my shoulder. " Sólo necesitaba salir de la red" I tell her while shrugging, she laughs and we just sit like that for a while.

(Time Skip)

We were sitting in a truck for hours upon hours, Letty was telling me about what I missed and how Brian and Mia have a little boy and a little girl on the way. After a while we stopped, Little Nobody stood up and opened the door that led to a fish market. " I know we need to stay off the grid but seriously man this is not cool." I say while plugging my nose. "Before I throw up in my mouth...Let me ask you what are we doing here?" He asks while plugging his nose as well. "That's a good question, Roman. Let me show you." He says as we all hop out of the truck. He opens a door and it's amazing, there are cars everywhere and my mouth gapes. " Holy shit!" I exclaim. "Welcome to our new base of operations." Little Nobody says. "Now seriously, what is this place?" Tej says. " This....Is Heaven." Roman says with a smile. "The agency garage. We call it the toy shop." Hobbs says. I tune everything out as I walk towards a bike. It was a beautiful black 1990 Harley Davidson. " Wow." I gape while looking at it. " Nice bike." I hear from behind me. I turn and see Deckard. " It truly is." I say. He turns back to me. " So how do you know Toretto huh?" He questions me. I laugh. " Well you are looking at one of his 2 younger sisters, I'm Maria." I say. He nods. " It was nice talking to you Maria." I nod. " Same with you Deckard." 

(Time Skip)

I put my hair up and I started to fix my bike. " Ugh shit." I say as I get oil on my face. As soon as I finish I go to Letty. " Beautiful machine you got there." I say looking at your car. " Well you must have gotten one since well y'know." She says motioning to her face. I roll my eyes playfully. " Yep I found a 1990 Harley Davidson and she is a beaut." I say while looking back at my bike. She looks over at it and wolf whistles. " Desde cuándo montas motocicletas?" She asks me. "Desde que tenía 10 años y necesitaba una forma de moverme por la ciudad." I say whule shrugging and she nods. " Can you pass me that wrench?" She asks me, I nod and pass it to her. I stay helping her out for a while. I miss helping out in the garage so this makes it feel like old times again.


Desde que tenía 10 años y necesitaba una forma de moverme por la ciudad- Since I was 10 and I needed a way to get around town.

Desde cuándo montas motocicletas?- Since when do you ride motorcycles?

Perra as asada- Sly bitch

Sólo necesitaba salir de la red- I just needed to get off the grid.
