Welcome to Russia

(Maria POV)

"Russian submarines, nuclear football, it sounds like everything we do our legs gonna to be bombed off." Roman says looking shocked and scared. "Sounds like you're still number 11 on the list." Tej says being a smart-ass. "It sounds like you've changed since you look punk ass. Facial and camen." Roman says looking at Tej and boy if looks could kill. I stand up and walk out of the room for a bit. ' Dom you are breaking this family apart, I already lost Jesse, Leon, and Vince. I can't loose you too.' I think to myself as a tear falls down my face. "Hey Nobody said for me to come get you so..." I hear Hobbs say from behind me, I quickly dry my tears. "Okay let's go then." I say walking past him. Letty comes up to me. "So if you know how to ride a bike can you drive?" I smirk at her. "I already am number 2 on the world's most wanted list, what's driving without a liscence gonna do to me?" I ask with a shrug, she smirks at me. "There's that spunk I knew you had in you. I walk around the toy shop for a while, I find a grey Dodge Charger which is practically identical to Dom's just not the same color. I shrug and I get in, I nod and I grin. "Are you planning on driving that yourself?" I hear someone ask, I turn my head and I see Little Nobody. "I am number 2 on the world's most wanted list. You think I'm worried about illegal driving?" I question looking annoyed, he nods and steps away. Russia has no idea what's coming.

(Time Skip)

"It's freezing man this ain't for me, I come from a different kind of lifestyle brah. Ladies know me, they know where I'm at. I try to take a piss, I ain't even recognize myself. I grimace. "Now that's entirely too much information." Tej says and I can tell he is grimacing as well. "I'm just saying." Roman says. "Well, one thing is for sure. Dom's gotta be working with them or making a train cause no one will be this insane to hit this without a damn army." Little Nobody says over the transmission. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Hobbs says. I look out my window and I see Dom's charger. "Speak of the devil." I say. "Alright let's haul ass team." Hobbs says, I nod and we get out of all our cars. "Double time, double time." Hobbs says and we all hurry up. " Letty let's roll!" I say and Letty rushes up next to me. Ramsey tries to gain control of the subs and when the missiles launch. "She's regaining control!" Ramsey exclaims looking scared. "Shit!" I say and I notice men well henchmen coming towards us. "Letty we got a problem." I say motioning to the men. "She's locked me out." Ramsey says. I look to her. "Now we've got a bigger problem." I say. The henchmen come in and start to attack everything in their path and by everything I mean Letty and I. Letty and I land a few punches but unfortunately they were a bit stronger than us. I landed a punch on his jaw, but he landed a punch in my gut. I backed away trying to catch my breath, the same guy landed a punch right by my eye. I eventually go tired of it and I punched him in the throat. The guy fell over and I hit him in the back of the neck, he passes out and I walk over to where Letty was, she was looking down at the broken ice and I caught a glimpse of blood. Letty leads me away from there and Ramsey comes over. "Tej has the chip, let's get out of here." Se says we nod and head outside to our cars, Tej holds up the chip and we nod. We all get into our cars and start driving. "That wasn't half bad." I say with a giggle. "Chica you got punched in the gut and close by the eye what do you mean wasn't half bad." Letty says. I shrug but keep driving. 

"Guys we got company." Tej says then he pauses. "A lot of company." He continues. I look through my rear-view mirror and see a bunch of people on snow bikes. "Oh shit this just got lot more interesting." We all keep driving in some sort of formation as we try to get away from the bikes. "Alright team, here is the plan. There is a Sea lock at the opening of the bay, We get there first, and close it, we can stop the submarine from going into open water. And disappearing forever." Hobbs says. I take the time to process this and I nod. "Okay anyone got the location on the sea lock?" I question. "I've got the location, 10 miles South West." Tej says. "10 miles? Like I'll make it 10 seconds. " Roman says and I laugh realizing. "What's the matter Roman forgot your snow tires?" Tej says while laughing. "Loving that Lambo now?" Letty asks. We hear gunshots go off and soon I hear Roman over the transmission again. "Why are they shooting at me?" He asks. "I think off of you being in that orange Lamborghini. I don't know." Tej says being his smart-ass self. "Shut up Tej!" Roman exclaims. " Roman get in front of me." Tej says since he well...He has a tank." Roman tries but fails badly. Tej then starts shooting the bikes with the tank but also causes a hole in the ice while Roman falls in to. "Roman you good?" I ask. "Does it look like I'm good?! Oh shit Tej!"Roman exclaims frightfully. I can't hear their conversation but next thing you know Roman is holding onto his door while Tej drags him from his tank. 

I notice a biker getting closer to Roman while Roman punches it and gets on the bike. Roman gets into Hobbs jeep tank thing, and I let out a breath I didn't know I had held in. Someone sends a missile our way and that is when I get scared. 'Aw shit we are in trouble now.' I think to myself. . I zone out and focus on driving and nothing else for a while, that's until I hear Roman exclaim. "I need to switch cars right now!" "Roman here comes the bad part." Hobbs says. "We're almost through the lock." Tej says. "Easy for you to say when your ass ain't on fire!" Roman says. I laugh then keep on driving. "They're locking on sorry guys, I have no more tricks up my sleeve." Hobbs says, I get really worried. We are so close we can't quit now. "What do we do now?" Little Nobody says. "We start praying." I say. Suddenly Dom's charger takes some of them out. "Hell yeah!" Roman and I exclaim. "Now that's Dom." Letty says. "This guy on our side now?" Little Nobody says. "Good to be riding with you again man." Hobbs says.  I notice a few bomb shaped things coming closer towards us. "Guys we got a torpedo flanking us, Hobbs it's closer to you." I say. After a few moments I see Hobbs hanging off the side of his car, he grabs the torpedo and slams it into more bikers. "Woo!" I exclaim in happiness and relief. After a few moments the sub comes out of the ice. "Oh shit!" I exclaim. Since I was behind with Letty the sub was catching up to us pretty damn quick. "This bitch is crazy." Letty says. "I agree." I say. The sub was getting closer and I looked to Letty and she nods back in agreement, we pushed the button and levers came out from the bottom of both of our cars and we got out of the subs way and got away from the path. I sighed with relief and I laughed. "That's a goddamned heat seeker." Hobbs says.

"This is not good!" I exclaimed with pure fear. I saw Dom put his NOS and I knew what that meant. "Guys....Dom is gonna use himself as the heat seekers target." I say. I look and soon see his car crash over the sub which makes the heat seeker go into the sub, which obviously causes an explosion. We all drive over and use our cars as a shield for Dom. 'I didn't know Russia can get so hot within seconds.' I think to myself. Soon the smoke clears up and we all get out of our cars. "Holy shit!" I exclaim as I laugh. I look over and I see Letty hugging Dom and I smile. Letty turns around and she motions for me to come over. I do and I see Dom and he smiles. I am pulled into a hug and I hug him back. "7 years and I missed teaching you how to drive." He says while he laughs. "I am self taught." I say, he looks at me. "Okay, okay, it's pure Toretto blood." I say as I laugh. Letty, Dom, and I all hug each other. "Ok. So we good then. Lemme go and get my young selfie levels up." Roman says while posing with his phone aimed towards the sub accident. "You realize this is classified right?" Little Nobody says. "Not today." Roman says while taking the picture. I giggle. "We have to get up out of here man, I'm freezing." Roman says and we all laugh and agree. We do just that.
