Chapter 6

She held it in.

She held it in for 48 hours before she just couldn't take it anymore.

Jimmy didn't need to go back to the stadium during the two days that had passed so he was looking at different apartments, which Isabelle had sent him a list of because come on, she out of everyone in this world knew him the best.

They texted throughout the two days, not much, but still more than before. They were pretty basic conversation and thank yous.

But she knew that if she didn't let her emotions out, she'd fall apart.

So, there she was, 11 at night, knocking on the door, wearing her pajamas. The door opened and as soon as he looked at her, the look on his face went from confusion to utter sympathy.

"She's in the bedroom." Is all George had to say before Isabelle barely nodded at him and walked passed him into the room to find Claire half laying on the bed.

Claire's eyes shot up at her best friend and her heart could have broken right then and there. "Oh, babe, come here." She said, opening her arms. Isabelle climbed into bed as Claire hugged her, the tears flowing instantly as she just cried and let it out. "Come on, let it out. Just let it all out." Claire whispered to her as she caressed her hair.

George looked at them as he stood, leaning on the doorframe of the bedroom before sighing. "Fuck it." He said before he also climbed into bed and joined in on the consoling.

And she continued to cry as did every time she would see jimmy after not seeing him for a while. It's not that she didn't want his presence here because that wasn't the case. But it's like every time months would pass by and she would finally see him, her feelings for him would resurface and just take over her body no matter how hard she tried to bury them.

She loved him and she wasn't going to deny it but that didn't mean that it didn't still hurt. Knowing what could've been if she didn't chicken out three years ago. Knowing that they would've most likely been engaged because Jimmy always used to talk about them getting married.

She missed the feeling of his lips on hers, his body against hers and just the way his heart, along with hers, would race when she would lay her head on his chest. She missed his amazing hugs and the little compliments he would say to her whenever they were together. He never ceased to amaze her.

He would always tell her how beautiful she was, regardless of what she was wearing or what condition she was in. He would always take care of her, no matter how sick she was and he didn't care that he would be catching whatever she has.

The way his eyes would speak a thousand unspoken words when they would lock with hers or how they had their own little routine before any of his games. It didn't matter if they were fighting; she was always there, on the sidelines, a few minutes before his games. And before she would go back to her seat and him back to his teammates, it was always:

"Hey Jimmy G." Isabelle would call out.

He would look back, a smile playing on his lips, taking his helmet back off. "Yeah, Shanahan?"

And she would let out a small laugh, never getting old no matter how many times it would be done. "You got this." She would tell him as she pointed her finger at him.

He would smile, point back at her and wink, before putting the helmet back on and leaving.

And as those memories were replaying in her mind, she cried even harder.

As much as she beat herself up for ending things three years ago, she knew that no matter how hard it would be to work with him, things couldn't change. She couldn't go past the friend stage because it would be detrimental for his career.

She knew that she was selfish for ending things in the first place but right now, she was being completely self-less. It was going to be a bitch seeing him interacting with women or going on dates or anything relating to that. But she would rather feel the pain on her own than having the media come at his throat for getting back together with the coach's daughter. Because if that were happen, he would be hurt and she didn't know if she could handle that.

And a song played in her head, explaining her feelings as if it were written about them.

In another life,

I would be your girl.

We keep all our promises,

Be us against the world.

In another life,

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were the one that got away.


"Are you going to be able to handle work from now on?" Claire asked Isabelle the following morning as they sat in the living room, coffee mugs in their hands.

"I don't have a choice." Isabelle replied.

"Has he implied anything about his feelings?"

Isabelle shook her head. "Not really, not that it would matter anyways."

"What?" She asked her, confused. "You're both finally in the same place and working together!"

Isabelle sighed as she placed the mug on the table and looked at Claire. "Imagine the things that everyone would say about him if we ever got back together. 'Jimmy Garoppolo was traded to the 49ers because Shanahan has a soft spot for his daughter's boyfriend.'"

"Even if that were to happen, Jimmy can handle a bit of talk that will go away when he shows them how good he is."

"And what if it doesn't? What if it becomes too much? He'll start to hate me. I'm done thinking of myself and I'm thinking of him. He's sacrificed so much to be where he is today. He's going to get enough shit for being Brady's ex-backup."

Claire's eyes filled with sympathy as she really took in her best friend's situation. "Gosh, Izzy. I just...God, I don't even know what to say." She breathed out as she wrapped her arms around Isabelle. "All I know is that you're not going to go through this by yourself. I'm here with you every step of the way."

"Yeah, exactly why I bought a kind-sized bed." George interjected, as he walked out of the kitchen and sat with the two women.

That made Isabelle laugh. "And I appreciate that."

At that moment, the doorbell rang and as realization sank in, George's eyes widened. "Oh, fuck."

"What?" Claire asked her boyfriend. "What did you do now, Kittle?"

"I...may have forgot that Jimmy was going to come over so we could train in our gym." George mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper, but they heard him.

"George!" Claire said, her eyes widening at him.

"It's fine." Isabelle said. "Guys, if I'm going to get passed this, we have to just be ourselves." And that was one of the many hidden talents that she possessed. Speaking and looking calm when she was freaking the fuck out on the inside.

"I'm sorry." George apologized, sheepishly, as he got up and walked to the door, opening it. "Jimbo!" He yelled out, smiling. Because as sorry as he was, Jimmy was also his best friend and he couldn't be happier that they were going to be on the same team.

"Dude, do you know how outrageous you are?" Jimmy asked him, laughing.

"Like you didn't miss it."

"Can't argue there."

"Come on in, man." George said as Jimmy stepped in, closing the door behind him.

It didn't take long before his eyes met hers. ", did I interrupt something?"

"Nah, you know women." George replied, smirking.

Claire looked at him as she smiled a bit. "It's nice to see you again, Jimmy. It's going to be nice having the squad back together."

Jimmy smiled at her. "It's nice to see you too." But his eyes went back directly to Isabelle's as she smiled softly at him. And that was the thing about them. They didn't need words to understand how the other was feeling or to sense that something was off. And Jimmy knew that something was off because Isabelle barely had bags under her eyes but today, she did. That, and the fact that her eyes would usually turn a shade greener after she would cry for a while, something that of course only he would notice. "Can we talk for a second?" He asked her.

Her eyes widened a bit before going back to normal. "Something wrong?"

He shook his head. "Just wanted to talk."

She nodded as she got up and they both walked out, oblivious to the hopeful stares coming from the couple in the room.

"What's up?" She asked him as they stood outside the door.

"You've been crying."

"W-what?" She said, almost choking on her words.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern written all over his features.

"Nothing." She replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Isabelle." He spoke. "I asked you what's wrong?"

Her heart fluttered at his sincerity. Hell, all her insides fluttered at the thought that he still knows her. He still cares. "Really—"

"Don't' lie. You were crying. Your eyes are greener than usual. That only happens when you cry."

"Y-You...still remember?"

He tilted his head to the side, confused. "Why would I forget?"

"I just thought—"

"Hey." He said, grabbing one of her hands, her heart beating uncontrollably at the gesture. "Just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean that I don't care or that I forgot anything."

He was making things so much harder for her. A thousand things were swirling in her mind right now, as she tried to comprehend everything.

He remembered the smallest detail. No one but her parents and Claire noticed this small detail about her, other than Jimmy of course. But the fact that he still noticed it, after all these years, had her feeling a sense of joy and relief.

She broke eye contact with him before she got completely lost in them because it was easy for her to. She looked down at her hand in his, and felt a wave of familiarity wash over her at the sight. God, she missed the feeling of just any physical contact between them.

"I'm good." She finally answered, removing her hand from his softly, not wanting him to feel dejected. "I wasn't crying. I've been having problems with my contact lenses so they've been irritating my eyes."


"Really." She said, looking up at him and faking a smile. "Now, don't keep George waiting."

He sighed. "Okay." He raised his hands up in surrender. "But while we're mom asked about you."

Isabelle's eyes lit up at the mention of Denise. "Really? She must hate me for not checking in on her yet."

"Nah, you know my mom can never hate you. It's kind of hard to, y'know."

She smiled at him. "I need to see her before you guys go back to Boston."

"Actually, she wanted me to see if you would want to come to dinner with us tomorrow night?"

"Oh." She didn't know what to say. What the hell can she say? Was this part of trying to be only friends with him? It is with his family, not only him, so there's that. She could say she's busy but she loves his parents too much to do that.

"You don't have to, if it'll make you feel uncomfortable." He interjected, feeling somewhat rejected.

"Is it Italian?" She asked, looking up at him and smiling.

He was shocked at first but quickly recovered as he smiled. "Non avrebbe nient'altro, bellissimo." (Wouldn't have anything else, beautiful).

Her heart fluttered at the change in language and at the nickname at the end. Because Jimmy speaking in Italian to her never ceased to be a turn on. "Just text me when and where."

And as she was determined to keep it in a friendship boundary, he swore to himself that he'll win her over again. Because she's all he's ever wanted. No one else compares and no one else can ever compare. She's it for him. No matter the distance or the time apart, Isabelle Shanahan was it for him.

As she was determined to put his happiness before hers, he was determined to put her happiness before his.

And well,

Fate has a funny way of working.
