Chapter 15

(July 2012):

Jimmy chuckled as Isabelle plopped down on his bed; face first, a groan leaving her lips. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Life." She simply answered.

"Care to elaborate?"

"I was shadowing this orthopedic surgeon today and he was an ass."

"How so?" Jimmy asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"He saw that I'm going into sports medicine and made it seem like I won't make it. Something about the masculinity of the sport."

"He said that?!"

"He then proceeded to question my knowledge of sports and obviously I proved him wrong, but it's still annoying that the fact that I have breasts makes it seem like I cant be a sports medicine doctor."

Jimmy sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body to his, "You know that's not true, baby. Don't listen to what that asshole says."

"But do you know how many people he knows? How many doctors are like him?"

"So? Fuck him and fuck whoever else thinks that way."

"But, just—what if he's right? What if I don't make it? Maybe sports medicine isn't for me. I'll just do—"

"Don't you even dare finish that sentence." Jimmy says, his voice low, as he narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend. "You're a fucking genius. You got your damn bachelors degree at fucking 19 years of age! What more do you need to see that you're made to do this? Baby, don't let an egotistical man make you feel like you aren't ready for this. He's just scared that you'll be amazing and get idiots like him out of his job. You've been around this for your whole life, hell, you probably already know how to diagnose a damn ACL by just watching someone injure it."

He didn't bat an eyelash as he spoke those words to her, trying to show her just how much she's made for this. He hated seeing her doubt herself and he was beyond furious that someone was making her feel like she wasn't good enough. His eyes pleaded with hers to understand.

Isabelle was quick to wrap her arms around his neck as they were in a seated position. She tightened her grip around him as he brought her onto his lap.

"I love you, so damn much." She whispered to him, "thank you for always believing in me."

"I love you too, mio amore. And I'll always believe in you. I've got you now and I'll always have you, always be there for you, no matter the circumstances."

She kissed his cheek. "Let me get out of these scrubs and take a quick shower."

"I'll get the pasta ready, then." He mumbled as his lips brushed hers.

"I love your pasta." She giggled as his lips were now on her neck.

"What would you have done then if I had listened to you and not taken a summer class? I would've been back in Arlington heights and you wouldn't have gotten any pasta."

She sighed as she looked at him. "You could've been back with your family."

"Baby, you are my family. Besides, I have my brother here still and my parents are barely a three-hour drive away. I wasn't going to leave you here all alone, especially since Ally didn't take any summer courses."

"How'd I get so lucky?" She asked as she smiled at him.

"I think I'm the lucky one." He lightly pinched her cheek as she let out a small laugh. "Now go take your shower so I can get dinner ready."


Isabelle stepped out of the shower in biker shorts and one of Jimmy's shirts as her hair was tied up in a bun. Padding barefoot through the hall, she was met my Jimmy's back as he was finishing up in the kitchen while music played. She was about to say some sarcastic remark when the next song that played made her smile.

"I thought you hated this song?"

"Holy fu—babe, you scared the shit outta me." He said, hand on his chest as she giggled.

"This is in your playlist. Why?" She asked him.

He smiled as he blushed, which she thought was just adorable. "You love this song and it grew on me."

"Dancing in the moonlight is an underrated song. Such a shame people don't recognize pure bliss and happiness in songs."

But if he was being honest, he only caught on to half of what she said because he was just mesmerized by her. He loved the fact that she was in his shirt, hair wet because she got out of his shower, in his home, and he knew that he was set for the rest of his life. At that moment, he knew that this scenery right here is all he would ever need. He felt like they were a domesticated couple and loved every bit of it. He loved cooking Italian dishes for her. He loved her wearing his clothes and using his things. He loved her staying with him, which unfortunately was only for the summer term. He loved how comfortable they were.

"Dance with me." He spoke, holding his hand out.

"What?" She giggled.

"Come on, dance with me."

"Like this?" She asked him as she ushered to herself.

"Exactly like this. God, do I love you like this. A natural beauty."

Isabelle felt her heart grow ten times its size as she took in the depth of his words. "You never cease to amaze me with your words, Jimmy."

He smiled as she took his hand, immediately being twirled by him.

"Dancing in the moon light

Every body's feeling warm and bright

It's such a fine and natural sight

Everybody's dancing in the moonlight"

He had his arms wrapped around her waist as they danced to the upbeat rhythm, singing along with the song. He twirled her a few more times throughout the song, sometimes pulling her close to his body as they swayed and other times moving to the beat of the music.

And that's how 'Dancing in the Moonlight' became their song. They never let a day pass without playing it and dancing to it. It became their secret phrase used whenever either of them were upset and couldn't voice out their concerns. It became their emergency phrase used whenever they got into an argument or fight, halting it before hurtful things are said. And dancing to the song would be the first thing they would do after making up.

And it was the song that neither Jimmy nor Isabelle have heard for a little bit over three years. So, for that song to come up in the charades game, Jimmy knew it meant something. It gave him hope, because, well frankly,

Fate has a funny way of working.



It's short, I'm sorry. I'll make it up with the next chapter, just didn't want to keep you guys waiting. Besides, this needed to be a stand-alone chapter because it was a bit of the sappy side, not really able to pair it with any of the following chapters.

Getready for a crazy ride!
