When you meet again

"Excuse me!" You exclaimed for the fifth time.
This dude was in your way. He wouldn't let you go by him. You were trying to get back to your apartment after your car had broke down and you had went and just bought the parts to fix it.

"C'mon, babe. Lemme walk you back." The dude said, trying to grope you.

"No. Now back the fuck up before I kick your kids." You glare, hoisting your purse up on your shoulder.

The dude looked at you for a moment. "What? Nevermind, just..." He reached out to inappropriately touch you.

But you shot out your foot and kicked him in the balls.
The guy cried out, falling over.

"This guy giving you trouble?"
You looked behind you to see the big ass muscled guy. Dom.

"Was." You say and walk around the guy in pain and continued onward.

Dom chuckled lightly and followed you and he glanced inside your plastic. "Those are car parts. People buy them for later use or a vehicle has broke down."

You glanced at this attractive male. "Yeah, my car broke down."

"You want me to give you a ride? There's men around here exactly like that guy back there."

You stopped walking. "Yeah, sure."
So Dom has given you a ride back to your place and helped fix your car.

He actually planned to meet you again. After you were tricked into giving the blonde your phone number, he's been hitting you up ever since.
He even told you he wasn't a cop anymore.

"Ever raced before?" He asked, the both of you in his garage.

"In GTA and Need for Speed." You say, smiling teasingly at him.

"Those games are fun." He agreed. "But ever try in person?"

"Yeah, I did." You answer.

"Wanna race?"

"Let's do this, blondie."


After repeatingly hitting on you. He wouldn't leave you alone.
So you two saw each other a few hours after you left the club.

"Hey, babygirl." Roman flashed you a smile at the empty street as he pulled his car up to yours at the stoplight.

"You again." You say with slight distaste.
Then again. He's actually pretty attractive. For a guy his type.
He followed you around the city for a couple blocks before he gave up temporarily.
But he gave up a happy guy. After getting your number.


You found him snooping around a building.

"What are you doing?" You asked the man when you were on your lunch break.
He looked up at you. Sending a slight smile when he saw you.

"Using wifi so I could download songs." He answered, looking back down to his phone.


"Naw, I'm paying for the songs, what kind of person do you think I- yeah. Illegally." He ducked his head but was still on his phone. "What? Who hasn't?"

You met the big guy again. It was after your shift for the day and you walked in on him hitting the iron in the room of the building that they personally owned.
You saw him on a bench. Sweat on visible on his grey muscle shirt.

He put the weights down. Sitting up and flexing his arms around. His wiped sweat off his forehead and looked up at you. "You wanna try?"

"No." You chuckle and head for the treadmill. "I can't lift those 100 pounds easily like you."

He smiled at you. His lips revealing white teeth as he stood up. "Sure you can."

You set the treadmill to a slow pace. Wanting to warm up your muscles a bit before you started running on the machine. "Yeah, after like 20 years."


The party at Dom's place.
Vince was there, glaring at the new guy. Brian.
Letty actually invited you, after you two met at the race. She was on the floor, laughing away. You were in the corner, sipping Corona from the cold bottle.
Until Vince was advancing on Brian. You thought they were going to fight, in which they probably did before, no doubt.
Until Mia intervened, breaking the two apart.

"Pretty, blonde boy." Vince hissed, snatching a drink from the table you were leaning on. He took a full on swig and looked to you.
You glanced at the big man. He looked to you, his eyes losing his hardness just a bit. "Hey, sweetheart. Nice to see you here."

"Hey, Vince." You tried him for a smile. He returned it.
