How he asks you out


At first when he asked you out. You didn't even know he was asking you out. But you weren't complaining.
After he helped fix your car, he asked the question. Or rather said the words, other than asking.

He said, "Let's go for a little ride."


Straight up. No shyness.

"But you aint no cop no more, Brian. You got my number, what, you gonna arrest me for that?"

"I can still put you in cuffs. So you might as well just accept my once in a lifetime offer." Brian smirked, running a hand through his blonde hair.


Just like Brian. He asked you out the minute he met you. At first you didn't accept. Making him wait for a couple more days until you gave in.


He sent you a text over messaging.

Tej: Sup babe? You come with me tonight for a date and I'll gut you chocolates. You're favorite 😎😘

You: wut? You will gut me? 👀

Tej: shit. My bad. Stupid autocorrect. I'll GET you chocolates

Over sparring on the mat.

"Tell you what, woman." Hobbs grunted as you tried to take the large man down.
He was strong. You were fast. "You are one kind of a female."

You huffed and slipped out of his reach. "Thanks. I try."

He grinned at you, standing up from a sparring stance.
You relaxed a bit, standing straight up. But unfortunately, he used this advantage to take you down. He flipped you onto your back on the mat. You expected to hit hard, but he caught you, lowering you onto the mat.

"But... you let your guard down." He hovered his frame above yours.

"Shallow move there. Gotta give you credit for that." Your voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Thanks. I try." He smirked, his eyes looking into yours. A flash of emotion in them. "You and me woman. Tommorow night at 8."


He wasn't shy about it. But he wasn't upfront about it either. He didn't really ask you.
You just won a race in the race wars.

"Damn, baby. Didn't know a little thing like you could drive." Said the guy you just won against as he walked up to you.
You looked at the guy.

"Thanks." You turn to walk away. Only to be smacked on the ass by him.
You immediately whipped around, ready to go off on the asshole. Only to find the guy on the ground with a bloody nose.
Then you saw Vince. By your side. Glaring down at the man. He looked like he was about to go after him but you quickly got in front of Vince.
Putting your hands on his biceps, holding him back.

A crowd gathered around you. Vince didn't look at you. Instead he got pure anger in his eye.

"Vince!" You say, as he tried to go past you.
You saw Dom pushing his way through the crowd, surely to help you hold back Vince.
You didn't know what to do. You saw Vince angry before.
Not knowing what to do, you placed a kiss upon Vince's cheek.
And he froze. Slowly focusing his eyes on you.

"You're lucky!" He snarled at the guy who was just getting up from the ground. He turned to you and placed his arm over you. "My girl."

A smile formed on your lips. You didn't oblige to his words.
