run away from bullshit.

Usually when someone knocks on the door Karkat ignores it thinking it's Dave who lost the extra key and as punishment he can find a new, innovative way to enter the home. Dave would usually give up after five minutes of sitting on the welcome mat, rapping about the ridiculousness of a black president, but the current knocking stayed for at least ten minutes before Karkat decided to stand up. As he walked through the home he could hear yelling.
"9PEN THE D99R!"
It was him.
Karkat sighed and slowly opened the red door and Kankri fell onto the light, wooden floors.
"D9 Y9U KN9W H9W L9NG I WAITED?!" Kankri jumped up and began more deafening shrieking. Karkat turned around and groaned, he swayed his arms and accidentally touched Kankri. His eyes widened as a sharp pain hit Karkat in the back sending him onto the ground on his hands and knees.
"D9NT T9UCH ME!" Kankri's pale, white eyes seemed glow, before Karkat could stand up, Kankri had already begun wandering the house. Karkat stood and rubbed his back.
"Welcome, ass-cruncher." Karkat entered his room to see Kankri sitting on the bed, crossing his arms. He gazed around the room, Karkat couldn't decide if he looked more disgusted or triggered.
"What happened in here?" Kankri commented.
"Shut up, douchewagon, I get a lot of sleep."
The room had pillows sprawled across the ground along with a broken lamp and his blankets were close to joining the rest of the mess. Kankri shook his head.
"H9w's Dave turning 9ut? If y9u d9n't mind me asking, of c9urse. I w9uldn't want t9 9ffend y9u, I am accepting 9f everything, I h9pe y9u remem6er that. I care f9r y9u with all my heart, I will defend y9u untill y9u die. I w9uld never purp9sely hurt y9u if y9u are ever triggered at any moment please inf9rm me, tell me everything that makes y9u upset, I w9n't judge. I will respect y9ur preferences. I am the s9cial justice warri9r that y9u need in y9ur life. I will love and support you."
Karkat looked downwards. Even at the mention of his relationship made him lightheaded. He lifted his head and smiled.
"He's great, actually... So, why are you here?"
"Y9u ever get that feeling, t9day seems g99d t9 9verthr9w the g9vernment? Millennials like y9u curse a l9t these days, at s9me p9int it'll really 9ffend s9me9ne. I want t9 put a st9p t9 this madness! The w9rld is messed up. S9 many triggers that have yet t9 be ceased! I th9ught y9u might care t9 assist me in killing all the evil in the w9rld, so I t99k a quick det9ur to visit y9u." Kankri grinned and stood up to put his arm around Karkat. "Y9u wanna c9me with? We can bring Dave! This is the plan, we h9p in the car..."
Karkat began to zone out as Kankri began another rambling. Karkat wanted to confront Dave at this point and having Kankri with him wouldn't help.
"... Hey y9u're still using the internet right? Y9u sh9uld f9ll9w me 9n Tum6lr."
"No fucking way."
"St9p cursing s9 much! This is what I'm fighting f9r! 9ne day y9u're g9ing to seri9usly trigger an innocent individual!"
"Shut the fuck up about triggers."
This guy.
The two got in small arguments, mostly consisting of Kankri telling Karkat to not do certain things to avoid upsetting people. What a hero. Throughout the conversations Karkat couldn't focus. Dave would come. Dave would come back. While Karkat still had the spunk and bravery to be honest with Dave, he should take his opportunity asap! It had been a hour before Karkat bolted up and grabbed Kankri by the gayass, red sweater.
"Kankri! If you want to do any any of that go now! Don't waste time, live in the present!" Karkat spun Kankri and shoved him out the door. "Go! Go! Go!"
"What a69ut-" Kankri stammered and Karkat slammed the door shut before Kankri could scream about being touched and social justice shit. Karkat put his back to the door and slowly slid down, he put his head in his hands and stayed there. Minutes? Hours? He stayed motionless until his managed to drift asleep and fall onto the cold flooring.
