Chapter Seven: The Quest Begins

As soon as I turned my head for a minute, I heard an icy cry echo throughout the habitats. I turned my head and found Mr. Kowalski walking towards the ice habitat where a small but black mass was suspended in midair. It was an Obscurus. Something that daddy had found long before he found me. My heart started to pound in my chest as I saw Mr. Kowalski getting closer to it and was reaching out to touch it.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I yelled in fright. Mr. Kowalski couldn't touch it or it was going to kill him.

I saw Daddy run into the habitat and grabbed Mr. Kowalski's arm, which snapped him out of his trance. "Step back."

"What's the matter with this?" Mr. Kowalski asked in fright.

"I said step back." Daddy said as he and Mr. Kowalski exited the icy habitat. I looked back and frowned sadly at the Obscurus. Daddy told me the story of where he found it and it wasn't a pretty tale. In fact, the first time he told me the story, he cried into my shoulder for a good five minutes.

"Emma." Daddy shook my shoulder gently and snapped me out of my thoughts, "We need to get going now. Before they get hurt. Let's get you dressed."

"Okay." I nodded and held up my arms for him to pick me up. Daddy smiled and kneeled down, picking me up and putting me in his arms as we walked into the Savannah habitat.

"Wait, before they get hurt?" Mr. Kowalski asked.

"Yes, Mr. Kowalski. They're currently in alien terrain surrounded by millions of the most dangerous creatures on the planet." Daddy explained.

I looked back to see Mr. Kowalski was confused. "Humans." I cleared up.

Daddy and I looked around at the Savannah habitat to find it empty. Of course she escaped.. "Tell me, where would you say a medium-sized creature that likes broad opens plains, trees, water holes, that kind of thing, where might she go?"

"In New York City?" Mr. Kowalski asked awkwardly.


"Plains? Um... Central Park."

"And where is that?" I asked.

"Where's Central Park?" Mr. Kowalski sighed softly, "Look, I would come and show you two, but don't you think it's kind of a double cross? The girls take us in, they make us cocoa-"

"You do realize that when they see you've stopped sweating, they'll Obliviate you in a heartbeat?" Daddy asked.

"What's Obliviate mean?"

"It's like when you wake up and all memory of magic, the case, and all of us will be forgotten." I explained.

"I won't remember any of this? I won't remember you guys?" Daddy and I shook our heads as Mr. Kowalski took a breath, "Alright, yeah, I'm fine."

"Good. Let's get ready to leave." Daddy said with a small smile as he ran off to get me dressed. Well, it looked like I wasn't going to be sleeping just yet, but that was okay. Our adventure had finally began to find all the creatures!

An hour or two had passed and Daddy, Mr. Kowalski, and I were walking down a deserted street on our way to Central Park. Well, daddy and Mr. Kowalski were walking, I was being carried in one of daddy's arms while the other arm was being holding the case. I was now wearing a long sleeved light purple dress, my long white coat, and my white flats. I also had my backpack along with me, which contained things that I might need on this trip. For example: My stuffed owl that I named Harry.

"Does your backpack work the same as your dad's case, Emma?" Mr. Kowalski asked me.

I blinked and shook my head. "Not really. My backpack is just full of things like a ton of clothes, books, toys, a lot of crayons and notebooks, and my stuffed animals. I don't have a whole habitat like my daddy does. I hope to though, one day."

"And you will have it, my dear. When you're older." Daddy said and kissed my forehead, "You know, Mr. Kowalski, I was watching you at dinner. People like you, don't they?"

"Yeah, well, I'm sure people like you too."

"No, not really. People prefer Emma over me. Besides, I annoy people." Daddy replied.

"Hey, you don't annoy me!" I commented to daddy with a large pout.

"Well, that's good that I don't annoy you, but I most likely probably annoy other people that aren't my children." Daddy replied.

"I don't think so, daddy." I argued and crossed my arms at him.

"You may think what you want to, my dear." Daddy then looked back at Mr. Kowalski, "So, why did you decide to become a baker?"

"Ah, well, because I'm dying-"

"What?!" I yelled in shock, but daddy and Mr. Kowalski shushed me. I covered my mouth before whispering, "Are you really dying?!"

"No, no, it's a figure of speech. I mean I'm dying in that canning factory." Mr. Kowalski explained, "Everyone in there is dying. It crushes the life out of you. You two like canned food?"

"No." Daddy replied.

"I think it's kind of boring." I added.

"Me neither. That's why I want to make pastries. It makes people happy."

"Well, I think that you're gonna be a great baker." I said happily, "Did you get your loan, by the way?"

"Umm... No. I ain't got no collateral. Stayed in the army for too long, apparently. I don't know."

"You fought in a war?" I asked surprised. The Muggles had a war and we didn't know about it? Who would've guessed? I wonder what it was about.

"Of course I fought in a war. Everyone fought in a war. You didn't fight in a war, Newt?"

"I worked mostly with dragons, Ukrainian Ironbellies. Eastern Front." Daddy replied.

"And I'm too little to remember any war." I replied before daddy suddenly stopped walking. "Daddy?"

We looked over and soon saw a bunch of diamonds scattered all across the pavement in front of us that lead towards a window of a jewelry store. "The Niffler's close." I commented.

Daddy nodded before he followed the trail and then stopped again. "What now?" I asked before he back up to a window of the jewelry stores and we then soon spotted the Niffler, who was in the window with his arm stretched out and had two diamond bracelets resting on his outstretched arm. The three of us then made eye contact at the Niffler and I shook my head. "Really?" I asked aloud.

The Niffler must have heard me because it then grabbed the bracelets and scurried deeper into the shop. Daddy put me and the case down and got out his wand and quickly said: "Finestra!" And with that, the glass of the window broke and daddy leaped inside and scurried everywhere to find the Niffler.

Mr. Kowalski ran over to me as we both watched daddy trying to catch the Niffler in the jewelry store. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched the scene. "Does this happen often?" Mr. Kowalski asked.

"Never in a jewelry store." I replied, continuing to laugh before seeing the the two had climbed onto a jewelry case, which couldn't hold their weight and fell against one of the still remaining shop windows.

Daddy and I made eye contact and I could see him mouth: 'Move back.' I nodded, grabbing the case, and made Mr. Kowalski and I go way back until the glass window finally burst open while both the Niffler and daddy crashes into the ground.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed and helped him up while the Niffler ran off down the street.

"He's getting away!" Mr. Kowalski exclaimed.

"Oh no he's not!" Daddy then ran off after the Niffler, drawing his wand again as Mr. Kowalski ran after him. "ACCIO!" Daddy yelled, casting a spell which caused the Niffler to float back over to his but as he did, all the contents from his pouch started to spill out. Tons of necklaces, bracelets, rings, and even earrings were flying at us and we did our best to dodge them all.

Daddy the casted a spell on another window and turned it into sticky jelly when the Niffler fell against it. It was now stuck and had nowhere to go now. "We did it!" I exclaimed, unaware that all three of us were now covered in jewelry.

"Yes we did. One down, two to go." Daddy said as he pulled the Niffler off of the sticky window.

Suddenly, we saw a bunch of police cars park up to us as a bunch of policemen exited their cars and had their guns aimed at us, which was rather frightening. Mr. Kowalski raised his hands in surrender.

"They went that way, officer!" Mr. Kowalski squeaked out and pointed to a random direction.

"Hands up!" The first policeman ordered at us.

"What the hell is that?" The second policeman asked, staring down at the Niffler that was in daddy's hands.

"Lion!" Mr. Kowalski said in pure terror as he pointed to the other side of the street, where a large lion was stalking towards us. If I was completely terrified, I would've been excited to see an actual lion for the first time.

"You know, New York is considerably more interesting than I expected." Daddy commented.

"I will agree with you on that." I said with a grin as I picked up the case from the ground. Daddy then took a hold of Mr. Kowalski and I and we Disapparated away from the police and the lion.

Now, it was time to find the next creature: The Erumpent.
