Chapter Nine: Interrogation

"Scamander?" Was the first voice I heard that finally spoke amongst the crowd. I knew that voice; It was the British Minister of Magic.

"Oh, hello, Minister." My daddy replied awkwardly.

"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Another man asked. Wait, they knew Uncle Theseus? I didn't know that Uncle Theseus fought in a war? Did he fight in the war Jacob was talking about?

"No, this is his little brother. And what in the name of Merlin are you doing in New York? And where is your daughter?" The minister asked.

"Emma and I came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir. She's at our hotel right now, asleep." Daddy lied.

"Right. What are you really doing here? And where is Emma, really?" The minister asked again, growing suspicious of daddy.

I couldn't take this. I hated waiting down here. I instantly climbed up the stairs, not caring at all if I was in nothing but my sleep nightgown and my socks, and came right out of the case. "I'm right here, Mr. Minister!" I exclaimed.

I heard a ton of people gasp upon seeing me as I looked around to see all eyes were glued on me. I now realized that we were in a large grey room with two rows of different people on each side of the room and President Picquery in the middle. I even spotted that Mr. Graves man from earlier. And then I turned and spotted Miss Goldstein, who looked at me with fear in her eyes and was shaking violently. What did she do?

"Emma, I told you to stay down there." Daddy whispered to me. I could see in his eyes that he was now truly scared, but why?

"I'm sorry, daddy, I couldn't leave you up here." I replied, holding his hand tightly.

"Goldstein, who is this?" President Picquery asked, motioning to Jacob and ignoring both daddy and I. I swear, it's like she was blind.

"This is Mr. Kowalski, Madam President. He's the No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures." Miss Goldstein blurted out to her.

I turned my head and looked at her in shock. Why was she doing this? Was she trying to get us in trouble. "Miss Goldstein?" I tried to whisper to her, but she pretended to ignore me as I heard furious whispers from everyone in the room about Jacob being a No-Maj.

"Merlin's bread." Daddy whispered in shock.

"What?" I asked and looked up at where daddy was looking. I gasped at see a hologram image of a dead man's body, which floated above our heads. All long his face were strange scratch marks.

"And do you know which of your creatures was responsible for this, Mr. Scamander?" A woman asked.

"No creature did this... Don't pretend. You must know what it was. Look at the marks.." Daddy replied, trying to think of what could've killed this man.

I blinked and tried to think as well. It couldn't have been a Swooping Evil and it definitely couldn't have been a Niffler. Not a Erumpent, an Occamy, or Frank... There was only one thing it could've been.

"It was an Obscurus." I blurted out.

As soon as I said that one sentence, everyone erupted in mass whispers and mummers. I could tell that none of them believed me. But I couldn't help but see that Mr. Graves' face looks rather shocked...

"Yes. It was no doubt an Obscurus." Daddy agreed, holding my hand tighter when he heard all the whispering around us.

"You and your daughter go too far, Mr. Scamander. There is no Obscurial in America!" President Picquery yelled at us angrily, "Impound that case, Graves!"

"Wait what?"

Before I could even blink, Graves summoned the case into his hand and caught it. Daddy let go of my hand and began to draw for his wand. "No, give that b-"

"Arrest them!" Order President Picquery as a bunch of spells hit daddy, Jacob, and Miss Goldstein who were then slammed onto the ground on their knees while daddy's wand flew out of his hand and was caught by Mr. Graves. Though I wondered why they didn't arrest them.

"Daddy!" I ran to daddy and tried to get his arms apart from the spell, but I just couldn't, "Let them go! Let go of the case!"

"Don't hurt those creatures. Please, you don't understand! Nothing in there is dangerous, nothing!" Daddy begged, looking up at the president with pleading eyes.

"We'll be the judges of that." President Picquery replied to daddy.

I looked up at President Picquery and for the first time in my whole life, I felt nothing but anger for this women. She couldn't take away the creatures and she couldn't arrest daddy or Jacob! I let go of my daddy's arms and ran up to where she stood, unaware of the guards that walked to daddy, Jacob, and Miss Goldstein. "You can't do this! How do you know there's not an Obscurus in America?! You can't blame this on him, he didn't do anything wrong! None of our creatures killed that man! My father and our creatures are innocent! But you're just too scared of being found out by Muggles that you'll make my daddy a scapegoat to make it easy for you! You're just a coward, that's what you are!" I screamed at her, feeling no other emotions besides anger in my body while tears streamed down my face.

The whole room stayed quiet as soon as I got done screaming. I had instantly realized what I had just done; I, a small six year old girl, had just screamed at the President of MACUSA and called her a coward. I looked up to see the President glaring at me in silence. She then turned to two guards and said to the guards: "Take her."

"What?!" Daddy yelled in shock.

My eyes widened before I saw two guards walking towards me with their wands out. I instantly ran away, but they had casted a spell on me which made me float back to them and grabbed my arms rather tightly. I thrashed against them, tears now increasing. "Let go! Let go of me!" I yelled.

"No, no! You let go of her! Let go of her right now! She's innocent!" Daddy screamed. I looked over and saw him thrashing against the guards violently with tears streaming down his face, "Let my daughter go!"

"Take them to the cells! Now!" President Picquery ordered as the guards that held back daddy, Jacob, and Miss Goldstein started to walk away. Meanwhile, I continued to thrash violently against the guards that held me back!

"No, no, no! You listen to me! You let her go! Let her go now!" Daddy continued to yell and sob as he was dragged out of the room. "Emma! Emma! EMMA!!!"

"DADDY!!!" I yelled in return, both of us sobbing at the same time before I heard the screaming from my daddy turn into complete silence from the guards fully dragging him out of the room. But the only thing that was making noise in that empty grey room was me and my sobs for my daddy to come back.

Some time had passed and I was now in a small white cell. It wasn't even a cell, actually. It was more of a cell room with an uncomfortable bed and padded white walls. It was actually very boring to be in there. I didn't know how long I was in that room, but the only thing I could do to pass the time was cry, listen at the outside world behind the non-soundproof door, poke at the walls, think of what daddy, Jacob, and Miss Goldstein were going through, and wonder what those cruel MACUSA people were doing to my animal siblings..

Just then, I heard someone begin to unlock the many locks that were outside my cell. I looked up and thought that it was daddy. He had broken out and was coming to bust me out to find the Obscurus and the final creature!

To my dismay, it was only Mr. Graves that opened the door. He was dressed in all grey and black and held out a bunch of papers. He entered my room and closed the door behind me, not breaking his gaze from me. "Miss Emma Rose Scamander."

"I go by simply Emma." I replied to him, my voice cracking from how much sobbing I had done.

"Emma. You have quite a big history for being six years old." He said, looking at the papers, "Parents killed by dark wizards, then you kidnapped by wizard traffickers, and then rescued by wizards who had stopped an accusation that you were going to be sold at. And then adopted by Newt Scamander, who managed to save you from going to an orphanage." He then looked at me, "How do you still have your sanity in tact after what you went though at just two years old?"

I shrugged softly. "I don't really know.. Are any of us really truly sane in the head?"

"Clever girl." Mr. Graves said with a small hidden smirk before he started to pace in my cell. "Your father is a very interesting man, Emma. Almost as interesting as you. Did you know he was thrown out of Hogwarts for endangering a human life with a beast?"

"He said that was an accident." I replied angrily. I knew perfectly well about daddy's past at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He always talked about how wonderful it was there and what he was taught... And what happened when he got thrown out. He even talked about his favorite teacher: Professor Albus Dumbledore.

"So, since your father has had a history of knowing dangerous creatures, did he set the creatures off as an accident too?"

"Of course it was." I argued, "My daddy is a good man, Mr. Graves. He's not evil like Grindelwald, who wants nothing more than chaos in the Wizarding World." Grindelwald was an evil wizard I had heard about from the papers and on the radio. Him and his followers were the reason for what was happening in the world. And him and his followers were the reason my real parents were dead. But him and his followers were also the reason I was now the child of Newt Scamander...

I saw Mr. Graves' face change from serious to curious in one look. He knew something about Grindelwald, I just knew it. Something didn't seem right about this man...

"I think you're lying in order to protect your father." He then said after a short while.

"I'm not lying." I argued, "He's not an evil man and he never will be! You're just as much as a coward as President Picquery is. You're trying to blame all of this on my daddy because you all can't just admit that this is your fault!"

Mr. Graves glared at him before he cracked his neck. "You're quite a little brat, aren't you?"

"I have a list of people who would disagree with you on that, Mr. Graves." I commented with salt in my voice.

Mr. Graves gave a small huff and exited my cell, slamming the door behind him and locking each lock. I glared at the door as I heard Mr. Graves say, "Guard this door like your life depends on it. And don't fall for any of the brat's tricks no matter what."

I growled and kicked the door hard. It looked like I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, but I had to think of a plan to get out of here. I wasn't going to wait around for daddy or Queenie to come rescue me. This was something I had to do on my own and if they hadn't already escaped, rescue them and my animal siblings from certain death.

Hang on daddy, Jacob, Miss Goldstein, and everyone else. I'm coming to save you all. Just wait for me.
