My life

Hi, my name is Oakheart Necromancy. I am 16 years old. I have two siblings named Wolfheart, who is 16, and Elkheart, who is 26. I have to wear a prosthetic leg because of an accident that happened a few years back. I was going to be riding my alicorn named Riptide, but he was sick, so my friend said I could ride her alicorn named Frostbite I had never met Frostbite before, so a lot of bad scenarios were going through my head. What if I fell off? What if I get stabbed by his horn? And that was what happened. I got bucked up and stabbed by the horn. I was scared of losing my leg. My worst fear came true I lost my leg.

I couldn't cope with it that well, so I fell into a deep depression and tried to end my life two times over two years and went to a mental hospital for five months. When I got home, I was scared of being an outcast at school. But I have to be strong for my family and myself. I hear gunshots from outside in our outdoor shooting range. My brother uses the range when he is upset. He came out to Elkheart and me as gay a while ago but is afraid to tell our parents. I love my brother, but he can be so dense sometimes. Our parents supported me when I came out to them as bisexual.
