Chapter 7

The BAU team and Reagan family, minus Frank, Alex and Jamie, sat around the dinner table talking. They spoke about anything but the team. Frank walked in and sat down.

"When is the kid getting here?"

"Alex said that Jamie went to the store. He hasn't come back yet." Frank said, worried.

"Well he probably ended up buying extra or stopped to talk to someone." Erin suggested.

Danny's phone started ringing. "Here He is now." He said as He looked at his phone. "Hello?" Danny answered.

Danny listened as he heard scuffling. The team watched as Danny's face went from smiling, to neutral to worried.

"Hel-" He heard Jamie scream out.

"Jamie?! Kid!" Danny got up and started yelling. The phone disconnected and Danny looked at everyone. "He screamed for help and we got disconnected.

"Garcia! Track Jamie's phone now!" Hotch commanded. "Everyone head to the cars. We will head the direction of his house."

Garcia ran over to her bag and grabbed her laptop out of her bag. Frank grabbed his gun and ran after Danny and they went to their cars

Alex looked down and checked her phone. Jamie had left for the store over an hour ago, and he should have been back.

She groaned as she heard a knock on the door and was surprised when she saw the BAU team on the other side.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"Have you heard from Jamie? He called Danny's cell while we were eating and the call got disconnected." Morgan explained when he saw the look on her face.

"No! He went to get ice cream and he.. He should have been back by now."she replied as JJ placed a hand on her arm.

"What store did he go to?" she asked.

"The market a couple of blocks from here, he knows that they have the ice cream that I like." Alex answered as she tried not to cry.

Once the teams arrived at the store, Hotch told them to split up. They went into groups to look around.

"His car is over here!" Danny yelled once he spotted the black mustang.

Charlie, Reid, Danny and Beaz ran toward the car. Charlie skidded to a stop when she spotted a bouquet of roses near the alley. She leaned down to pick them up. Her eyes spotted a bag next in the alley. She walked toward the bag. Her last clue was a foot behind the dumpster. She ran over to the body and found him.

"I FOUND HIM!" She screamed.

She knelt down next to him. Her hands got shaky when she leaned to check his pulse. She thanked god when she found a slow one. Everyone ran over to her. Danny fell down next to him. Maria was Calling a bus right away.

"Kid, what happened?" Danny whispered, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Oh god Jamie." Frank kneeled down next to him.

Alex was pacing the floor. Her phone started buzzing and she immediately answered it.


"Hey Alex." Charlie's voice echoed through the phone. "Honey, I need you to sit down."

Alex sobbed as she sat down. She knew bad news was coming. "Is he alive Char?"

"Yes. He's on his way to St. Victors. It looks like he was jumped." She broke the news. "Reid and I are on our way to get you. We will be there in five. Please don't stress too much honey. Think of the baby. He will be ok."

"Okay." She sobbed. "I'll be ready."

Alex was out the door and in the car as soon as Reid pulled up. She got in and hugged Charlie.

"He's going to be okay. I know it." Charlie said as she rubbed her best friend's back.

"I hope you're right Char, he went to the store because I begged him to. It's my fault that he was there in the first place." Alex said.

"Honey don't think like that! He was there because he wanted to make you happy and you wanted ice cream." Charlie reassured her.

""I know you're right, Char, but I just want to know that he's going to be okay. I love him so much." Alex sobbed.

"I know you do Honey. Reid, can we go a little faster?" Charlie asked as she glanced at Reid in the mirror.

Reid sped up and before they knew it they were at the hospital. Alex rushed in and was met with Jamie's family.

"How bad is it?" she asked Henry.

"He has two broken ribs, a broken arm, a black eye, and a severe concussion." he answered as he hugged her.

It was two hours later that they were allowed to go in a see him. Alex sat next to him in the chair as the Reagan family sat in other chairs. The BAU team left to give the family time. An hour later Nicky took the boys home allowing the adults to stay with him.

"I remember his first word." Henry spoke up, breaking the silence.

"What was it?" Alex asked. Danny chuckled as Erin grinned.

"Let me tell you the story first." Danny started. "I didn't want to watch him. Erin was at a sleepover, Joe was out with friends, Mom and Grandma went to the store and dad and Pops were at work. I got stuck on baby duty. I was doing homework when he came in. Now remember, Jamie was born premature as a miracle baby. He was a little slow on stuff and had health issues. He walked late and now he was three at this time and not taking yet. They didn't see any issues."

"He would talk when he was ready." Frank spoke up.

"That's what he kept saying but mom took him to specialists and stuff. So anyways, Jamie was outside playing in the sand box. I was outside doing homework. I heard dad pull up and I went inside. I left him alone for one minute, which was a mistake."

"Definitely." Erin mumbled.

"Jamie decided he wanted to go swimming. He fell in the pool. I ran outside when I heard the splash. I screamed before jumping in after him. Mom, Gram, dad and Gramps come running out with Joe in hand. I gave Jamie to dad and got out. Jamie decided at that moment to start laughing before jumping in my arms." Danny smiled. "He yelled out 'Danny!'"

"It was beautiful." Henry smiled at the memory.

"He wouldn't stop talking after that. Never shut up." Danny concluded his story.

Jamie groaned from the bed, all eyes turned to him. Danny shut off the light as Erin closed the blinds. Alex took a moment to look him over as he tried to wake up. The left side of his face was black and blue. His eye was swollen and his lip was cut. His left arm was in a cast. Under the sheet he was shirtless, his chest covered in bruises and wrapped. She knew he was in agony. Frank stepped out to get the doctor.

"Hey baby." Alex whispered. "I'm here. We're all here with you."

Jamie groaned as he tried to open his one good eye. Every inch of his body was in pain and he was amazed that he was still alive. The last thing he remembered was buying ice cream and roses for Alex, then nothing. He didn't know why everything after that was a blank.

"Hey babe." he whispered as she gripped his hand.

At that moment the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Reagan, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"Like the deer after the 18 wheeler ran over it." he answered softly.

"That's a common answer considering what you went through. You have two broken ribs, a broken arm, and a concussion. All things considered, you were very lucky. We found some marks around your neck and it looked like someone tried to choke you. You might have some vision issues and some problems concentrating but it doesn't appear to have caused any long term damage. I want to keep you here a couple of days to be sure though." she said with a smile.

"Thank you. What happened?" He asked the doctor.

"You don't remember?" Danny asked him.

"I went to the store to buy ice cream and roses. After that it's blank." He told them, voice getting scratchy. "Can I get some water?" He asked Alex.

"Of course baby." She got up to grab some water and give it to him. She placed a straw in it and he sipped it slowly.

"It's common with injuries like this. You have a severe concussion and the trauma of it will trigger it too. Don't push yourself Jamie, the memories will come back. Anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask okay?" The doctor told him. He nodded and she stepped out of the room.

"Son," Frank started and walked up to the bed. "You called Danny, yelling for help. You never made it home. Charlie found you behind a dumpster in the alley by the store. It looks like you were attacked by someone."

"Was I robbed?" Jamie asked, confused.

"No kid. Your wallet was still in your pocket." Danny answered.

"Jamie, don't push the memories okay? We're just glad your safe." Erin told him. "I'll be by before work tomorrow. I love you." She told him before kissing his cheek and leaving.

"Hey, call me if you need anything." Danny told him. "I'm going to let you rest."

"We all are okay? I love you son." Frank said standing up.

"Hang tight kiddo." Henry told him. "I love you."

"I love you guys." He replied back to them. Once they left, Jamie turned to Alex. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you the ice cream."

"I will only accept the 'getting beat up' excuse once Jamie." He let out a small laugh before kissing her hand. "I'm just glad you're ok."

"I know that you were really craving it though." Jamie mentioned.

"It's honestly ok baby. I'd rather have you than ice cream."

"Well when I can, I'm going to get you more. I know the baby wants it."

"How... how did you know?" Alex asked softly.

"I remembered while I was at the store that Linda craved pickles and chocolate ice cream when she was pregnant. I also thought about you being sick the other day." he replied.

"I was going to tell you, but then things went crazy with the case. Then the stuff with Eddie...I just didn't know what to say." she sighed.

"I understand Alex, I'm just happy that you weren't with me when it happened. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you or our child." he said kissing her hand.

"You're happy? I mean about the baby. I know we talked about kids, but it always seemed so far off..." she started.

"I am nervous and scared but I have never been more happy because it's going to be with you. Imagine a little girl that looks just like you running around. Hearing her say I love you. I can't wait Alex." He told her.

"I'm so happy too Jamie." She stood up and kissed him.

The machine beeped as more morphine entered his body.

"I love you." He told her. "Don't ever worry about anyone else. It's only you." He whispered as he fell into a drug induced sleep.

"I love you too." She whispered back to him.

Alex stood up and walked over to the recliner. She sat in it and pushed it out so it made a small uncomfortable bed. She grabbed the blanket that was on the top and laid it over her before falling asleep herself.

Three days later, Jamie was told that he could go home. Alex was happy that his injuries were not going to cause any long-term damage and she was more than ready to sleep in their bed again.

"You ready to get out of here Sargent?" she asked after he was dressed.

"More than ready babe. Do you want to stop by the station and tell the others our news?" he asked.

"I would love that, but don't you want to wait until your dad, Henry, Erin and Linda can be there?" Alex asked in return.

"We can call them later, you know they will be thrilled about this." Jamie smiled.

"I know, I can't wait to see the look on my dad's and everyone else's faces when we tell them." Alex smiled back as she grabbed her purse.

When the two of them walked into the station a short time later, they found Danny, Baez, and the team in the conference room looking over case notes. Garcia was the first to race over to them.

"Hi Sweeties, I see they let Jamie out of the hospital. How are you both feeling?" she asked looking at Alex.

"All three of us are fine." Alex whispered as she gave her a hug.

Three?" Danny overheard. "Wait, three?"

"Yes nosy. Three." Jamie told him as he sat down with the help of Alex. Jamie pulled Alex close to him and rested a hand on her stomach.

"My kid brother is having a kid?" Danny stated in shock. "Holy crap kid! Congratulations!" Danny walked over and hugged Alex.

Everyone cheered and gave their congratulations to the happy couple.

Outside the office, a hurt woman walked away from the door where she overheard everything. She walked into the locker room before pulling out her phone and sobbing.

"Hey Kyle."

"Eddie? What's wrong?" Eddie Janko's older brother answered.

"I just overheard Jamie telling everyone that his bitch fiancé is pregnant. This is so hard. I should just move, I heard New Jersey is hiring?"

"Eddie don't move. Things will work out for you."

"I'm in over my head. He's happy and that's all that matters."

"I have to go sis but I love you. Keep your head up."

"I love you too."

Jamie laid in bed later that night. Alex was in the kitchen making dinner. He wanted to help but she refused to let him. He was watching tv when a knock interrupted him. He looked up and saw his dad standing there. He tried to sit up more but couldn't. Frank walked over and helped him.

"Thank you. Not that I don't like seeing you but what are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you. I'm your dad, I can't help it son." Frank stated sitting on the bed with Jamie.

"You're always welcome here. I was going to see you soon but I'm glad you're here. I have some good news." Jamie told him.

"What is it?" Frank asked.

"I'm going to be a dad." Jamie told him. Frank's eyes widened before a smile plastered his face.

"You're having a baby?" Jamie nodded and smiled. "Congratulations Jamie. I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you." Jaime told him. "Hey, do you think I'll be a good dad?" Jamie asked him in a serious tone.

"I think you will be a wonderful dad Jamie."

"You're right. I have you as a dad. I love you."

"I love you too Jamie."

Frank gave his son a hug before they started talking about other things. Alex smiled as she silently walked back to the kitchen to finish dinner. She gave her stomach a small rub.

"You're going to have a huge family baby Reagan." 
