Chapter 6

Alex walked out of the bathroom a short time later and changed into her pajamas. She knew that she needed to tell Jamie before he heard about it from someone else. She sighed as she walked back into the living room and sat down next to JJ. Garcia was talking Jamie's ear off about flowers and wedding colors, and Alex could tell that he was trying to listen and be a good sport.

"Hey baby, can we talk?" Alex asked when she could tell that Jamie had had enough.

"Sure, what's going on?" Jamie asked.

"Maybe we should talk in our room." Alex started before Jamie's phone went off.

"It's Eddie. She pushed my buttons today. She can wait." Jamie said when he saw her questioning look.

The phone rang several more times before Eddie left a message. Jamie listened to it and realized that she sounded drunk.

"She's really trashed. Maybe I should go see that she gets home ok?" Jamie asked when he looked at Alex.

"I guess. Just hurry home please? We need to talk." Alex told him.

"Am I in trouble?" Jamie asked, worried.

"No baby. I just need to discuss some stuff with you." Alex leaned up and kissed him.

"Ok. I'll be back." Jamie gave her one last peck and left.

Alex turned around and saw the three girls on the couch looking at her. "What?"

"Need to tell us anything?" JJ asked.

Alex smiles softly. "What brand of diapers are best?"

The girls squealed in delight before giving her a bunch of hugs.

Jamie arrived at the bar, annoyed. He wanted to be in bed with his future wife, not an Uber for a woman that has no respect for his love. Jamie spotted her immediately. She was sitting in a booth sipping a bottle of water. He walked up to her and she smiled innocently at him.

"Let's go." He commanded her.

"Jammie! Hey!" She slurred. "Thank you for coming."

"Let's go Eddie. I want to go home."

He helped her up and walked out of the bar.

"Are you really done with me?" She asked him.

"Just get in the car so I can get you home."

"Jamie!" She cried out. "Please just answer me."

"Get in the car!" He yelled to her.

She nodded and got into the car. He drove her to her house. Once he arrived, he helped her out of the car. She tripped and landed in his arms. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Let's Get you inside."

"Are you done with me Jamie?" She asked again. Jamie pulled her off of him

"You criticize my fiance. You judge my life. You judge everyone else's life to make yourself feel better Edit. You have no respect for anyone's feelings but your own." He told her.

"I love you Jamie. I always have."

"I care about you as a partner and friend Eddie. That is all. I am happy with Alex."

Eddie grabbed him by the head and kissed him. Jamie immediately pushed her away and shook his head.

"Now I'm done. Goodbye Eddie." He walked away.

"You will regret this Jamie!" She yelled.

Jamie just shook his head and got in his car.

Jamie walked into the apartment a few moments later and noticed that Charlie was sound asleep on the couch. He figured that Alex had went to bed as well. He went to the kitchen for some water and noticed that the light was still on in the guest room. He figured that he could use some advice on how to deal with Eddie and maybe see if Dave knew what Alex wanted to talk to him about. He knocked and waited for Dave to reply before he entered.

"Hey Jamie, is everything alright?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I just had to take a friend home because she got really drunk." he said.

"I know, Alex told me. She started feeling tired after Garcia and JJ left so she decided to go ahead and get some sleep." Dave said.

"Do you know what she needed to talk to me about before I left?" Jamie wondered.

"No idea, but if I know my daughter, she will tell you when she's ready." Dave said.

"Eddie kissed me after I brought her back to her place tonight. Do you think I need to tell Alex?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, be honest with her about what happened. You two will figure things out." Dave said.

"I hope you're right about that Dave. I love Alex and I don't want to lose her." he replied.

"You won't as long as you are honest with her. Now go get some sleep." Dave said as he clamped his soon to be son-in-law on the shoulder.

"I will, thanks Dave."

"Anytime Jamie."

Jamie walked into his and Alex's room as smiled as he watched Alex. She was asleep and he didn't want to wake her. He took off his jacket and crawled into bed beside her. He kissed her on the forehead before turning off the light and falling into a deep sleep.

"Kid, you do realize that you will have a heart attack with that much caffeine. I mean it's 7 am and your third cup." Morgan told Reid.

Reid turned to him and glared. He stared at Morgan as he sipped his coffee. Morgan rolled his eyes and turned back to the file. Reid groaned before sitting down and placing his head in his hands.

"What's up kid?"

"Stop calling me kid." Reid mumbled.

"What's wrong Reid?" Morgan asked him.

"It's nothing that you need to worry about. Let's just work on the case."

Reid went to grab the file but Morgan stopped him. Reid sighed before speaking.

"I think Charlie is mad at me." He whispered. Morgan raised an eyebrow.

"Louder Pretty Boy."

"I think Charlie is mad at me."

"What did you do?" Morgan leaned back and listened.

"I don't know. She went to get coffee and run to Alex's. When she came back she dropped off the coffee and ran off. She hasn't spoken to me since then. She won't reply to my messages or calls."

"Well, when she came back, what were you doing?"

"Talking to my cousin on the phone and studying the map."

Morgan nodded and smirked.

"What?" Reid asked.

"What did you say on the phone?"

"She was talking about lunch with me. I told her I'll be home soon and we hung up."

"Did you exchange I love yous?"

"Yeah, She's my cousin. Why?" Reid asked, confused. Morgan groaned and smacked his own forehead.

"Did she know you were on the phone with your cousin?" Reid shook his head no. "Jesus Reid do I need to spell it out for you? She heard a one way conversation. All she heard was 'I'll be home soon and I love you.'' She thinks you were talking to a girlfriend."

"I don't get why she's mad." Reid replied.

"I'm about to smack you Reid. She's in love with you. She wants to be your girlfriend. Now she thinks she will never have a chance with you. She's not mad, she's hurt."

Reid sat in silence comprehending everything Morgan just said. The team walked in one by one. Reid's eyes landed on Charlie. He quickly looked down and Morgan smirked at him.

"What's up?" Morgan asked as Danny and Beaz walked in behind them. They all gathered around the table and sat down.

"We got another note." Hotch told Morgan and Reid.

"What did it say?"

Garcia pulled up a photocopy.

'He thinks he so powerful but he's just like the rest of them. Now Reagan shall die.'

"Reagan? As in your family?" Morgan asked Danny.

"It's about my dad." Danny told them.

"Are we sure that it's about the current PC? I mean your grandfather was PC before him, could the note be about him?" Charlie asked remembering what Alex had told her about the family.

"It could be, I mean he was the PC for a while too. I'll call them both before I call the others." Danny nodded as he pulled out his phone.

"Pop, you home?" Frank called as he walked into the house.

"In the kitchen Francis. What's going on?" Henry asked in return as his son entered the kitchen.

"Danny called, apparently there was another letter left for the FBI, they think that one of us is the target for this Son of a Bitch." Frank said as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"One of us? Why?" Henry asked.

"The note said that Reagan shall die, so Danny wants us to stay together. He's going to call Jamie and Erin to fill them in on what's going on." Frank said.

"Where is Jamie anyways?" Henry wondered.

"He called in, Alex was sick yesterday and wasn't feeling any better this morning, he wanted to make sure she's okay."

"Alright well I guess we are under house arrest now?" Henry asked Frank.

"Yes we are. We have a car out front." Frank told him as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Jamie!" Alex called out for Jamie.

"Yes?" Jamie's head popped into the kitchen.

"We're out of ice cream." She deadpanned.

"I can get some tomorrow." He told her as he walked back into the living room.

"Jamie please. I need some." She begged.

"Baby were under ho-" he stopped when he saw the tears in her eyes. "Ok I'll run to the store." She smiled immediately.

He grabbed his wallet and keys and gave her a kiss. He walked out.

"Why don't you invite everyone for dinner tonight? I know it's not Sunday but I'll order enough pizza for everyone and we can just relax, no case talk." Henry suggested.

"That sounds good pop. You call Danny, I'll call Jamie."

Jamie grabbed a couple of cartons of chocolate and salted caramel ice cream that he knew Alex liked and placed them in the basket. He shook his head at his fiancee's behavior about the ice cream. He knew something was going on with her, but he had no idea what. She had been throwing up when he woke up that morning and when he asked her about it, she just shrugged him off. He glanced down when he heard his phone ring.

"Hey Dad, how's house arrest?" he asked as he stopped by the flower shop.

"Not too bad. Pop wanted to have everyone over for dinner so that we can all relax and not talk about the case. Are you and Alex able to come? Is she feeling any better?" Frank wondered.

"She was feeling okay enough to ask me to go to the store to get her ice cream and almost started tearing up." Jamie answered.

"Well, do you think she'd be up for some pizza?" Frank asked.

"I'll ask her when I get back, I'll call you a little later dad and let you know." Jamie said as he looked at the roses.

He remembered that Alex loved roses and thought that some of them would make her feel better. He picked out some red ones and headed towards the register.

After paying for his items, Jamie walked outside and headed back to his apartment. He hummed along the way excited to go back to his wife. She needed this ice cream. Jamie's mind went back to Linda's pregnancy. How she always craved pickles with chocolate ice cream. How she would cry-


Jamie stopped mid step as he looked down at the ice cream. "She's pregnant." He whispered.

Suddenly Jamie's right arm was grabbed as he was pulled into an alley. The roses and ice cream fell out of his arms as he was thrown into a wall. He slid down the wall as a boot collided with his ribs.

The figure lifted him back up and placed a hand around his throat, squeezing tight. Jamie's hands lifted to his hands to the hand, scratching it repeatedly to release. Jamie lifted his knee, landing in the man's groin.

The man released him, in pain. Jamie took that opportunity to suckerpunch him in the face. Jamie pulled out his phone as he ran. He managed to get a call through to Danny.


"He-" He screamed but was cut off when the man jumped him from behind. Jamie landed on his stomach, scratching his knees up.

His phone went flying across the alley. The man slammed his head into the ground, stunning Jamie. Jamie felt the blood trickling down the side of his face.

Jamie was turned around roughly into his back. The man straddled Jamie. Jamie felt a rush of fear, what did this man want?

"Stop!" Jamie yelled.

"You hurt her." The man told him.

"What? Who did I hurt?" Jamie cried out.

"You will die for hurting her. You should have kissed her back. You should have loved her!" He screamed.

"Eddie?" Jamie asked.

"Don't ever say her name again."

He punched Jamie in the face repeatedly, over and over again. Jamie tried to fight back but his body felt weaker and weaker. Out of the corner of his good eye, he watched as the man pulled out a knife. He knew he should have fought for his life. He was about to be a dad. He was suppose to get married.

But his body gave up. His hand fell to the side of his body. His head went limp. He heard the faint sounds of sirens before his world went black.
